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Messages - iggygiles

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Gabby update #2
« on: February 15, 2012, 07:00:05 am »
Thanks Marion for the prompt update, great news, Go on Gabby you can do it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What thickness of wood
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:26:58 pm »
It depends on what the piece is, if you need the strength because it has a working function then go for it but bear in mind that increasing the thickness of a cut out can sometimes take away its looks, in other words, if it has a lot of delicate framework or swirls and curves, making it to thick removes its delicate nature, making it look to chunky. Strength is often determined by the direction of the grain. For instance if you cut a length of wood ?? sq x 6? long and the grain is running across the width, it is easily broken but if the grain is running along the length it is infinitely stronger. If it is just for a delicate cut out to hang on a wall, then make it even thinner than ?? but take your time cutting and you will be rewarded with a stunning look. Hope this helps Iggy.   

Brag Forum / Re: First work on new saw.
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:30:24 pm »
Awsome   Iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: Prayers for Gabby
« on: February 13, 2012, 03:19:31 pm »
Gabby, Gabby, Gabby,
         What have you done now, stop this foolin around, you are the best friend I never met. Both on the SSW and in private e-mails, There, I?ve said it now get out of that bed and get back to Sun Up Ranch. Laurie, the kids, and the dogs need you there, and your one line wit is also missed here. Evan some of your Magambo jokes are passable so get your ass into gear and get moving. LOL   iggy

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: VIBRATION ?
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:31:48 pm »
Update, Rang Axminster this morning and they will pick up the saw tomorrow afternoon. so we will see what they can do. Iggy  :(  :(

Brag Forum / Re: Fire Fighter Plaques
« on: February 13, 2012, 12:05:39 pm »
well done woodyd, nice clean cut. Iggy

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Howdy from Arkansas
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:41:11 am »
 Yes Rob. Gabby has been missing for a few days, maybe his puter is kicking off again will have to drop him an e.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Ordered my Bees
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:30:43 am »
You are lucky to have the wildlife Dirts. The U k has lost about ? its bird population in the last ten year or so and it is becoming a real worry. Bees are also in decline, it is said that whatever is happening to the kill off the wildlife may also be affecting us humans but taking longer. When I visited my Mum and Sister in Australia a few years ago, it was always a source of joy to me to listen to the dawn chorus. You mention the African influence in your bee hives, well when I was a lad, living in Rhodesia I was once caught up in a swarm of angry bees and had over 1,000 yes 1,000 stings and somehow survived.    Iggy        

The Coffee Shop / Re: Forks over Knives
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:06:54 am »
We also have a fat problem in the UK, the governments answer is to take away all our jobs and put up the price of food simple. Oh sorry except for the Bankers that is. Iggy

General Scroll Saw Talk / Spray Mount
« on: February 13, 2012, 01:46:09 am »
                                 When I first started Scrolling, about a year ago, I experimented with various types of spray mount for affixing patterns to wood. I found them very messy, the nozzles often got clogged up, and I was inhaling the gasses and some of the glue. It was also pretty difficult to get the pattern off the project once the cutting was finished and the surrounding area also got sprayed and inevitably, some of the spray managed to find its way onto the face of the pattern which smudged the ink while sticking it to the wood to be cut. Furthermore, I was using about twice as much as I needed to, in order to get the spray right up to the edges as half of it would land on the surrounding area.
      I have now taken to using craft glue sticks, (Prit Sticks we call them in the UK). They don?t get airborne, they don?t clog up, they cover just the area you want, no need to turn the can upside down and spray to clean the spout, they don?t contaminate the wrong side of the pattern, can be used a couple of minutes after the pattern has been applied to the wood, don?t lift up while cutting and come off easily with a damp cloth when done. I apply the glue to both the paper and the wood, that seems to give me the best bond.      Iggy. 

General Scroll Saw Talk / F D Mike
« on: February 13, 2012, 12:49:09 am »
I think Mike of F D fame, deserves all the praise we can heap on him, I recently had a problem with his department and he kept coming back at my barrage of e-mails until we sorted it out. His service is second to none in any language from any country and in any currency. You can visit any scroll saw community anywhere and there is always a question relating to blades and the answer is always talk to Mike, he will sort you out quickly and efficiently. Considering the personal problems he has had in recent years, the number of customers he has, the fact that he runs it all from home and still finds time to answer posts on this site and others and do a bit of sawing as well, makes him a five star general in my book. Well done Mike.       PS The blades are pretty good to.    Iggy.    8)  8)  8)  8)  8)

    Outside in a padded box is the best, if you put another connection just inside the wall, all you have to do is sweep all dust to that connection and it has gone. Don't forget to empty it, or it gets very messy, oh and you will need some ventilation for the vac to breath or it will run hot and loose suction or burn out.   Lol Iggy

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Howdy from Arkansas
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:47:41 pm »
    Hi S H. welcome. You have arrived in the right place, plenty of world class advice here, just ask as many questions as you like in the genral section, someone will have done it. The scroll saw is addictive, you will soon be making plenty of sawdust like your dad.     Iggy (south Wales UK)  ;D 

The Coffee Shop / Re: Add glue to exterior paint
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:26:38 pm »
    Hi Dirts, please don't talk abuout high twenties, I lived in Africa for 14 years and have been back in the U K for 50 and still miss the sun, especially in Jan ,Feb. Hope your idea works and has very long legs, you may be on to a winner there. Iggy  8)  ;D

Introduce Yourself. / Re: test number 2
« on: February 12, 2012, 09:47:39 am »
             Test. What test. do I get a deploma?  Iggy

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