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Messages - Gabby

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The Coffee Shop / Reverend Homer
« on: January 08, 2014, 11:05:16 pm »

Just so everyone gets to see him!

The Coffee Shop / Re: The Flying French Man
« on: January 08, 2014, 11:03:40 pm »
I knew you were a kindred spirit Danny, along with that old Hoss thief in Scotland, and our girl Coffee Pot, out in AZ, there is nothing like the connection with a good horse!
I've enjoyed this video many times. I've got one I will try to post here, for the rest of us horse lovers.

Be sure and go full screen and turn up your sound so you can hear the power!
I'll bet you watch it more than once!

The Coffee Shop / Re: happy new year to all my friends around the world
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:45:47 pm »
As I said already Bill, I would send you plenty whisky. But your Mr OBAMA wont allow it. Speak nicely to him, you never know. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;).
Rob Roy.
P S, a bit bruised around the nether regions this morning. Fell off MA HOSS New Years day and landed on my A**. So I just rode home on my Ass.  ::) ::) ::) ::)

If you had been riding one of those nice short little long ears you wouldn't have bruised your a$$
they are too close to the ground to hurt.
That's what you get for drinking my share all at once!

Many years ago I was married to a German girl, and her mother would send us "care" packages of clothes for her and the kids and would smuggle spiritous presents in as well. I experienced my first Gold Wasser, Celler Schwartsa Kats, and Bear und Jaeger, and other delicious goodies. Pardon my spelling it may be phonic rather than accurate.
Now I wonder if I could get a "care" package from Scotland?
Who knows they probably x-ray everything nowadays because of all the terrorist crap. Ah well just a dream!

Still sniveling,

The Coffee Shop / Re: IDIOTS
« on: January 08, 2014, 10:24:20 pm »

I think our modern lifestyle is partly to blame.
Many folks live a fairly sheltered life and aren't aware
of how powerful mother nature really is.
In addition they aren't accustomed to thinking
what the results of their actions may entail,
which produces photos such as this.

We've all seen the stupidity of our young people
riding skateboards down handrails and the expected results,
of such folly.
Darwin's theory at work! Survival of the smartest rather than the fittest!
You puts your life on the line and takes your chances, and you will get what you deserve!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Y'all come for coffee
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:56:38 pm »
Wow Gabby that kiss woke me right up  :D Thanks.
What are you doing up at that time of day but then here I am answering at this time of day.
I guess sleep is for sissies ;)

Sorry it couldn't be the real thing girl, but you know I'm pulling for you!
As most of the guys know I'm a total Knight owl with a "K" riding all over the internet,
helping the damsels in distress, at all hours of the day and night!
Get well soon.

The Coffee Shop / Sheila's knee surgery
« on: January 08, 2014, 09:43:03 pm »
Here is a copy of her e mail to me.
This one's for you Keefie.

My surgery went well but I'm on my phone for a while. They only had to replace 1 ligament instead of 2. I'm home resting. Thanks for the prayers. Let keefie know I'm ok please.

So there you have it folks.
Good news is always welcom!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Y'all come for coffee
« on: January 02, 2014, 04:48:04 am »
Every one of you are invited to my house for coffee and a gab fest.
I really don't know what I would do without this great group of friends,
I am so grateful for all of you.
Christmas and All Year blessing for all of you!!

Hey Darlin' I'm with you in spirit, and blowing you a big KISS,
Get well soon!

The Coffee Shop / Re: happy new year to all my friends around the world
« on: January 02, 2014, 04:33:14 am »
Hope Gabby doesn't see this guys. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Rob Roy.

AH there you are you rogue pony snatcher, you've come down from being a real Horse Thief, now I've caught you sneaking snorts of ALL those lovely spirits and not a drop for me you dog. Just wait till I tell your Marge, what you've been up to. Ah to heck with it I'll just sit here and cry in my beer, no Scotch for me! Snivel, snivel.
You are forgiven RR I still love ya man! I'm not going to tack on those exes and ohs lik you do though. LOL

Well I'll just have to add my salutation to all our friends here on the forum, no matter where in the world you are.

From your old friend,
Still sniveling  :'(

Intarsia / Re: Purple Heart
« on: December 29, 2013, 07:56:50 am »
I made this for a friend but didnt realize it was made out of bronze. Should I paint it, leave it alone or redo?

My question is what would you do differently? Do you think it would have improved it?
If so make another one just for you to see how it came out, and if you think it is better
show and tell. We'll all learn from that.
Meantime I really like it!

Intarsia / Re: Dunny man
« on: December 29, 2013, 07:44:49 am »
Hi here's the dunny man the pattern is from fantastic woodworking I changed the pattern slightly on the right should of been bushes but I changed them for a dog house and dog thanks for looking

LOL that's me except for the pipe I don't use one anymore.
Great job!  ;D ;D ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: A Christmas funny hope it doesn't offend anyone
« on: December 23, 2013, 03:11:40 am »
Know the feeling well Newfie, unfortunately. If I'm lucky, I might get a bit of TINSEL. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.
Rob Roy.

Good luck getting anyone to do the decorating, you old PERVERT   LOL
Private joke folks. There RR that will eat them up with curiosity wondering what we're talking about. LOL
Merry Christmas everyone, it's getting closer just 2 days to wait.

Remember when you were a kid about 5 to 11 and the days just crawled  and the suspense was killing you? Some of us even got pretty good at finding the hiding places and sneaking a peak. Moi non. LOL I have some ocean front property in AZ for sale cheap!
Drive sober and carefully folks. Even in Scotchland.  ;D

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: A different way to sand small parts.
« on: December 23, 2013, 02:59:00 am »
I also do not remove all the fine saw dust before applying blue painter tape.   That way the tape has a reduced holding/grain raising affect when I remove the tape/pattern.

I will have to try that, I thought the dust wouldn't let the tape stick.

It will if you leave it all on there,  he said he didn't remove ALL of it and left just enough to reduce the adhesion some.

The Coffee Shop / Re: 2ND GO ROUND
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:57:54 am »
Had my second go round of Chemo.  So far so good....thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

No I am not bald yet............. :D Just can't touch cold.

With or without hair you are still a "BABE" HUGS DARLIN'
Get well soon.

« on: December 13, 2013, 01:30:20 am »
I didn't even know about ant banning..... Must have all been in the timing.
Steve you are truly a GOOD man :D

Yep and his name might be Badman but his actions would give lie to that.
What a champ! There was never any doubt!!!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Does God have a sense of humor?
« on: December 13, 2013, 01:16:24 am »
He has to have a sense of humor look at all us silly old men he made, Like GB and RR and Keefie and horrors me even. And that doesn't even start to count the women.
Hardy har har.
Ducks behind the couch for cover!

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