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Messages - Rodney

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Thick Pieces
« on: May 05, 2021, 02:16:35 pm »
As with any hobby/craft, you start with the basics until you see how well you like it. Then you're looking for bigger and better. Since I've found Scrolling to be very relaxing and something I enjoy, I've looked at improving my saw. The JET 22 is the one that appeals to me most. But as with most individuals, I have to seek approval from the boss (wife). On the plus side, I've involved her in my projects, letting her finish them after I've cut, sanded and glued. She has a better eye for decorative ideas than me and seems to like this as well. I also ask her opinion (again, keeping her involved) on different projects.

Clipping the tip of the blade to help feed it through holes gave me a "duh" moment. Like, why didn't I think of that. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the tips and advice.

Brag Forum / Re: some stuff
« on: May 04, 2021, 02:37:43 pm »
Happy wife, happy life!!! ;D

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Thick Pieces
« on: May 04, 2021, 02:35:12 pm »
Thanks for the advice. I actually tried a #5 Polar blade because I heard it cuts cooler. I would have tried a larger blade but some of the fret work on this piece was quite small. Guess I could have cut those with the smaller blade and then switched to a larger blade for the larger inside cuts. Another issue is I'm cutting with an inexpensive WEN saw and feeding the blades through the frets on that thick of a piece was a chore in itself since the arm doesn't raise. Needless to say I had to bend the blades to feed through the holes. Please note that I'm not knocking the WEN saw. So far it has been great and since I've built a table and mounted it, I believe it could actually pass the nickle test.

I do have plenty of 1 1/2 material lying around. In fact, I have more 1 1/2 than the more desirable thicknesses. And with the cost of wood right now... well, enough said.

Brag Forum / Re: some stuff
« on: May 03, 2021, 02:55:56 pm »
Nice work. I'm new at this also and haven't tried stacking yet. Been to busy doing projects the wife just couldn't live without.

Scroll on!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Thick Pieces
« on: May 03, 2021, 02:51:55 pm »
Hello everyone. I had surgery Friday and while I was limited with what I could do over the weekend I was able to sit in front of the scroll saw for a while. I was trying to cut one of Steve's designs in 1 1/2 material which I thought was oak but later determined it to be pine after running the blade through a knot. I have found I like the Flying Dutchman #5 Ultra reverse blades. When cutting the design I found I was able to control my cuts much better on this thicker piece. I knew I had to cut slow so the blade would straighten from any bend I created while pushing the material through the cuts. All was going well and I finished the interior cuts with no problems. When I started the outside cuts, I found the blade was bending much more than I anticipated, not from front to back, but from side to side. The tension on the blade was good but I still had considerable variance between the top of the material where I was following the pattern and the bottom cutting edge of the blade.

My question is, would a heavier blade prevented, or at least reduced, the amount of variance between the line I was cutting on the top of the material and where the blade tracked at the bottom of the material.

Unfortunately the piece broke after I finished the last outer cut but with some glue and patience I believe it can be salvaged. If it can be saved, I'll post a pic once it is completed.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Green Scroller
« on: April 18, 2021, 12:00:56 am »
Thanks for the welcome greetings!

Judy, I retired in Sept. 2000. I worked with several different agencies since my retirement and finally let all my certifications go about four years ago. Most of my career was spent as a training officer. Firearms, defensive driving, pursuit driving, defensive tactics, batons, pepper sprays, etc. I did some travel training for other agencies up and down the east coast. I planned to keep my certifications to help small agencies that didn't have training officers but with the hate towards the blue these days, I decided to give it up. Loved it when I was in it but don't miss it at all.

I still work. My title is security but I'm more of a dispatcher checking trucks in and out of a manufacturing company. Fortunately the company distributes world wide and is indirectly related to the food industry. We had a slight reduction when the pandemic hit but things are picking up to the point we're working six days a week. Only problem with that is that it takes away from my scrolling time. Anyway, two more years and I'm totally retiring and calling it "ME" time.

Happy Scrolling!


Introduce Yourself. / Green Scroller
« on: April 16, 2021, 01:17:23 am »
Hello everyone,

I've been doing rough carpentry work for many years. Although I'm retired from law enforcement and continue to work in a second career, I and trying to set myself up for more delicate and artistic woodwork when I fully retire. I recently picked up a WEN Scrollsaw and believe the bug bit me pretty hard. It seems I can't wait to get in front of the saw.

I look forward to gaining knowledge from the many experienced scrollers on the forum. I've attached on of my first projects from Steve's patterns.

I'm in SE North Carolina, 63, married to a great woman, have 2 dogs, 2 cats, a gold fish pond with over 50 coy, and let a friend keep his cattle in my pasture (I already mow 6+ acres). All my horses have passed away and I've never replaced them. Doctors have told me I shouldn't be riding anyway with my back issues. I've got 20 acres total and my land abuts 4300 acres of pulpwood land. Needless to say with my career as a law enforcement officer I wanted to get away from urban environment.

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