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Messages - sgood

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Computer questions / Re: 1st Computer
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:46:30 am »
Actually your close GB. I have to use power from two different rooms to have everything powered up at one time. The room stays about 10 to 15 degrees warmer than the rest of the house and has to have an extra AC because the central air can't keep up. I have a bit of an addictive personality. :) I have a tendency to take my hobbies to an extreme.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Angels Visited
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:34:42 pm »
Russ those are beautiful words and a wonderful testament to who must have been a very loved lady. 

Computer questions / Re: 1st Computer
« on: August 18, 2011, 01:54:40 am »

I bought a TRS-80 model I in 1981. I had been going to the local Radio Shack and sitting in front of the computer until they ran me out. I actually taught myself to program at Radio Shack. One weekend I went with my father in law to the local horse race track. I won a trifacta of about $900. I knew exactly what that money would buy. I think it was $600 with a monochrome monitor and 4K of ram. It saved programs on a cassette recorder.  I loved that computer and it started a 30 year passion of computers. I lost count of the number of computers I have owned but it's some where 50+

From that to my setup today is quite a step. Multiple computers and several terabytes of storage.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: problems uploading forum
« on: August 18, 2011, 12:31:54 am »
Yes there were problems today with the server. Should be fixed now.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Political Comments
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:40:42 pm »
Hi John, I understand your concern. Today's political environment is certainly lively. We do monitor the forum for inappropriate comments. I do want to keep the Community Forum a family safe place. What I don't want to do is make this place sterile. I have seen that happen on larger forums where the admins ban everything that anyone might consider inappropriate. That is a never ending battle that ends up not making anyone happy.

I'm not going to try to moderate lite political comments. If a thread gets out of hand I'll shut it down. I prefer people keep their off topic comments in the Coffee Shop Forum. In the end I am a dictator when it comes to my forum. If someone won't play nice I'll just give them the boot. With the exception of several spammers I have not had to do that yet.

Your comment is exactly the way I like to see these things handled. You asked politely for other members to use good judgement in their comments. The community moderates itself.

Intarsia / Re: Mr Fixit #3
« on: August 14, 2011, 04:35:06 pm »
I think this is my favorite intarsia series I have ever seen. every time I look at these guys it brings a big smile to my face. Like Ive said before, you sir are a master at your craft.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Greetings from a new scroller.
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:53:48 pm »
Welcome Spectral. There are many fine scrollers in this forum. They are equally fine people. I think you will find it a warm and welcome place to visit and chat about scrolling and just about anything else that interests you. Russ our forum moderator is going to be away for a couple days. If you have any questions feel free to drop me a note and Ill try to help. Enjoy.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Prayer Appreciated
« on: August 14, 2011, 03:48:43 pm »
All your friends here will keep you and your family in our prayers. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Steve's pattern today 08-09
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:30:26 pm »
I think this is great. Has to be one of the dumbest patterns I have ever designed and it gets the most feedback. I bet I have had 50 email about that pattern. My favorite email so far has been from someone in Indiana, it said "That Stinks". Now that's funny to me. 

The Coffee Shop / Re: No Email from Steve
« on: July 14, 2011, 07:39:06 pm »
Hey Judy, the most likely problem is that the email is going to your spam folder. This happens a lot because I send out so many newsletters. Take a look there and if that's where they are just right click on one and select that it's not spam. Let me know if you need any help.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Gallery "next" button
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:02:24 pm »
That's a nice idea. I did not write the gallery feature. It is an add on to the forum. I'll contact the author and see if he is receptive to making an update. Never hurts to ask.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Dewalt 788 Knob Assembly Replacement
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:59:43 pm »
Yes I still have the quick release lever on my DeWalt.

I have used it for quite some time with no problems but do realize it will allow you to tighten the clamp to the point of breaking. Always use caution when you tighten the clamp. It should not take much force to keep the blade in place. If the blade is slipping you do not need to make the clamp tighter. There are other problems if it's slipping.

The quick release clamp also does not have the bearing in the tip that helps the original not hockey stick the blade. If you get the replacement flat and smooth on the tip it will not bend the blade from my experience. Results may vary.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: hardwood
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:53:34 pm »
Hi Blue Ridge, is an excellent choice. They sell scroll saw ready boards as well as lumber in the rough. The company was recently sold and I have not purchased from the new owners but I have not heard any bad reports either. I'll let others put their 2 cents in here also. I have a local source where I purchase my lumber so I have not purchased online recently.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: E-Store
« on: July 02, 2011, 01:43:35 pm »
I discontinued the E-Store some time ago. All the clip art books are available on Amazon.

Hi Susan, welcome to the forum. Always nice to have such a talented crafter to bounce ideas off of. I watched your YouTube video. Very nice. You should do more. Let me know when you do and I'll post them on the blog.

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