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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51 ... 112
Brag Forum / Re: Sleeping Baby....:+}
« on: June 14, 2013, 10:33:00 am »
Thanks again my Friends....  Didn't make this pattern for anyone special.  Just
thought it would be a good seller at my craft show. 

Rich last year I bought a piece of 10" wide by 8' long and pulled out the table saw
and router table.  Ripped 1.5" into as many pieces as I could get.  Then each went
thru the router.  Fancied both sides.  Then back to the table saw for the rabbit.
Then many hours SANDING.  Then to the Chop saw.  Think I got close to 2 dozen
frames made of various sizes. Its about time to do all this again.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Alcanc?a: Hello Kitty.
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:35:01 am »
Looking Good Frank....  You always come up with Great looking crafts.  And I know
from previous post that your Wonderful Wife is the Artist.  Think my G-Grand daughters
would just LOVE to have one.  Think I will....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Sleeping Baby....:+}
« on: June 12, 2013, 06:31:30 am »
And a .... BIG THANKS .... to all for your Kind comments....  Makes me feel Happy.

And Thanks for reminding me Where I got this pattern.  Thanks Grampa....Danny :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Sleeping Baby....:+}
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:15:59 am »
Hey Pete.... Check your email....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Sleeping Baby....:+}
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:35:52 am »
Looked at this pattern for some time before deciding to do it.  Was a lot of very
skinny lines, but as I got into it I started to get confidence and as you can see I
feel it came out OK.  Of course comments are always welcome.  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: Slump
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:15:14 pm »
Hey Marge....I am glad you started this post.  I have not stopped scrolling or doing
some other wood working, but back yonder I was always excited every day to get
another project started and finished.  Now a days things have slowed down some.
Got tired of cutting portraits.  (I must have 2 full paper boxes full of them)  Think
my hang up now is I look n look for patterns, but hardly any bring that excitement
to mind.  Anyway I think we all get into some type of slump here n there.  Danny :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New Shop Coming! (Progress So Far)
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:04:07 pm »
Hey Smitty....Sure liked the Pool.  Question:  I have a simular location next to my
existing shop which is only 10X16 and have had thoughts about building an addition.
Are you going to tear off the garage roof and build another for both areas?
                                                  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: "Stormy Weather".....
« on: June 01, 2013, 10:39:02 am »
Thought about you when I heard Tornado's in Missouri.  And especially when I
heard that The Cardinal game was cancelled.  Happy to hear your OK.... 

Just Curious....Why do families stay in Tornado Alley areas?  We have a similar
area here where Tornadoes have came thru the same area a few times, but its always rebuilding their homes.  Anyway....  Danny  :+}

Computer questions / Re: BOTHERSOME POP UPS....:+(
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:46:18 pm »
Hi Dave....Well went to the Uninstall program and I did Uninstall 4 different things
I just NEVER, EVER even heard of.  And....  Been off n on for a couple hours just
going from here to there where I knew these bothersome pop ups were and they
ALL SEEM TO OF JUST.... Not there anymore.  Thanks for leading me on..Danny :+}

Computer questions / BOTHERSOME POP UPS....:+(
« on: May 21, 2013, 12:22:54 pm »
Just about EVERY site I go to will have this window with advertisement.  Also other
type of pop ups.  Is there something I can do to stop this?  Danny  :+(

Brag Forum / Re: Fan
« on: May 21, 2013, 11:04:51 am »
      Really like the Fan project and the results.  Great....
And Yes I would LOVE to cut this pattern.  Can't wait....LOL        Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Spiral Blade Troubles
« on: May 20, 2013, 02:50:30 pm »
Don't do the spirals, but do know that FD Mike has FLAT END SPIRALS.  Danny :+}

Brag Forum / Re: The Lords prayer
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:21:23 pm »
You did a Great Job of all cutting.  I Love the design of your frame.  Original....:+}

Brag Forum / Some of my Recent Completions....:+}
« on: May 18, 2013, 12:33:04 pm »
Well Haven't posted any projects in a while.  Am Proud of Steves Mini-Grandfather clock.  Was a lot of FUN to construct.  Made 2....So wat u think?  

This cross design is I think from Sue May....  Made 3.  One I sent to my Good
friend in England to give to his Ill wife....

The Butterflys were my FIRST attempt with Polymer Clay.  Got carried away
on a couple.  Not as Great as I thought.  A Artist would do Super....  Danny  :+}
     Oh yea the designer is Sheila Landry.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Some I.D.'s have to be checked!
« on: May 16, 2013, 06:45:49 am »
That is a Great Picture.  Funny for sure....Meow....   Danny  :+}

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