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Messages - trailfndr

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Intarsia / Re: Team Calf Ropers
« on: September 21, 2013, 06:47:28 pm »
That is one Awesome piece of work.  I can only hope that I can one day, get my work up to the level that you are at.  Fantastic design and implementation.

Intarsia / Flowers
« on: September 21, 2013, 06:44:30 pm »
Decided to try some patterns that were printed in the June 2013 issue of Creative Woodworks and Crafts magazine. Figured I had better since the Wife liked the way they looked and asked me to make them. Patterns are from Bruce Worthington

Rose is made with Poplar, Aromatic Cedar and a Birch plywood backing

Wildflowers made with Poplar, Maple, and Birch Ply.

Tiger Lily made with Poplar, Mahogany, and Birch Ply.

These were really easy and I would easily recommend them for anyone that wants to try Intarsia for a first project.

Intarsia / Re: Mallard Duck
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:10:25 pm »
Looks very nice, the colors are perfect and the sanding does look good. Do you use a sanding mop on a drill or do you need a special sander for one?

I use a drill press for my mop.

Intarsia / Wolf
« on: September 03, 2013, 07:39:06 pm »
Labor day was a shop day as we had no plans.  I began this project in the early morn, and by bedtime, I had put the first two coats of finish on it.  Very busy day, but I learned several things doing this one.  Its the first time I have added texture, which I did with a Dremel and grinding wheel attachment. Its also the first one I have re33ally used raising shims to get the 3D effect.  All in all, This was a fun one to make.

Made with Poplar, Aspen and Walnut.

Intarsia / Two new Intarsia Projects
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:00:00 pm »
Been a busy week, First up is a Kathy Wise Sailboat Pattern.  Made with Poplar, Walnut, Bloodwood, Mahogany, Aspen, Maple, Oak, and Birch.  36 Pieces

Another Katy Wise pattern,  The Lovebirds.  While a small project at 11" x 11",  it was loaded with 65 pieces.  Used Poplar, Walnut, Aspen, Mahogany, and Aromatic Cedar

Intarsia / Mallard Duck
« on: August 24, 2013, 03:47:23 pm »
This one is a Kathy Wise pattern.  I used Poplar, Mahogany, Walnut, Aspen, Yellow Heart, and Maple.

Just bought my first Sanding Mop and used it on this one for the first time. I should have gotten one long takes the place of long hours of hand sanding.

Intarsia / Lighthouse
« on: August 19, 2013, 06:38:59 pm »
Another Judy Gale Roberts Design.  I used Poplar, Walnut, Mahogany, Aspen, and Maple. The frame is 5/4 Cedar

This was a fun one, and ended up having the tightest fits of any project I have done to date.  Very well pleased with is and especially with the wood choices for the sky and water. (Both are Poplar)

Intarsia / Re: Covered Bridge
« on: August 12, 2013, 06:32:48 pm »
That came out great. What is the size?
Thank you.  Size is about 16x16

Intarsia / Covered Bridge
« on: August 11, 2013, 08:41:51 pm »
Pattern is from Judy Gale Roberts, slightly modified.  Used Oak, Poplar (different shades), Aspen, and Cherry

Brag Forum / Re: Buck Head Intarsia
« on: July 21, 2013, 02:44:19 am »
Nice job. Did you use any dye on this piece

The only thing I added color to is the black of the eyeball.

Thanks everyone

Brag Forum / Buck Head Intarsia
« on: July 20, 2013, 08:32:38 am »
Pattern is from Cherry Tree Toys  Used Walnut, Maple, Poplar, Cedar, and Oak

Intarsia / Re: 2 day Intarsia
« on: July 08, 2013, 03:25:57 am »
that's a beauty.

For pricing, I was told that Intarsia works usually sell for $3-5 per piece in the work. Don't know if that makes sense in your case.

So with 53 pieces of wood,  I would be looking at $159-$265  Wow...that's a wide range.  I suppose a lot would depend on the wood used.  Many of the exotic hardwoods are very expensive.

Intarsia / 2 day Intarsia
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:40:51 pm »
I spent a good part of Saturday and Sunday working on this Judy Gale Roberts pattern.  I used Aromatic Cedar, Oak, Walnut, Poplar, Bloodwood, Western Cedar, Mahogany, and Pau Amarillo.  Size is 20 x 14 inches.  Now all I need to do is come up with a fair price for it.

I currently have about 5 more patterns of Judy's so now I have to decide which one to do next.

Intarsia / Re: Janette Square's Seascape
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:36:08 pm »
Very nice job.  Looks great.

Brag Forum / Re: Something a bit different for me.
« on: July 07, 2013, 02:22:05 am »
Both items look great!!!   Go Red Wings.   Are you a Wing Nut?

Been a wing nut since the Olympia stadium days...

Thanks everyone, for the nice comments.

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