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Messages - iggygiles

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Wonder What Happens with 500 posts???? LOL
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:25:34 pm »
Well done Danny, I note you have 0.74 posts per day since Apr 19 2010
while Russ has                            8.6  posts per day since Apr 19 2010
and G B has                                7.7  posts per day since Apr 19 2010
I think we all have a bit of catching up to do. Well done the big guns for looking after the site so well and making it what it is.      (God bless gabby and make him well)

The Coffee Shop / Re: GREAT NEWS RE: GABBY
« on: February 21, 2012, 01:56:26 am »
Thank you Marion for the update, sorry about my posting re Gabby, but having no news of his progress is torture. In the few months that I have been writing to him, he has become the best friend that I never met. Now, all I can say is, Bill, you fell of your horse and got back on now let him take you back to the stable. You gave us all a bit of a scare there for a while you old goat, now take it easy and listen to Laurie, while we do the praying! Well it has worked so far. Ian. PS. I hope this incident does not stop you from running for President. Lol  ;D

The Coffee Shop / Gabby.
« on: February 20, 2012, 06:00:45 pm »
News on Gabby's progress seems to have dried up. Hope he is still making progress. Iggy

Brag Forum / Re: Grandpa's F16 Fighting Falcon
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:57:05 pm »
Awsome cut, well done, I dont think it needs any more doing to it, but it looks like dark red Meranty to me though.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Different kind of plywood
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:05:59 am »
If you do use it , I would urge you to test sand a piece of scrap before hitting your work with the sandpaper as the veneers on some of the better plywood?s can be very thin. Iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: Dissapointed
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:38:32 pm »
You joined on April 20th 2010 that is just about 22 months, in that time, you have clocked up 5,000 posts, spent 48 days on line which equates to just over 7% of your time, and with an average of over 7 posts per day. Mostly in the interests of others. well done Dan  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D 

The Coffee Shop / Re: Survey
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:25:21 am »
    45 years on 29th March, we have been married, 50 years ago tomorrow 19th March we met, and she does not believe that I bought a new EX21 just to make her a nice memento for our 45th. I guess I will never understand women. Iggy  (God bless Gabby and make him well)

Introduce Yourself. / Re: new old guy from San Diego
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:21:45 pm »
Hi seasaw. From iggygiles South Wales Uk. The sawdust never settles here.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hello! i?m a new member from Portugal
« on: February 17, 2012, 04:17:09 pm »
Welcome Miguel, you will find all that you need here just ask.    Iggy Giles from South Wales UK.

The Coffee Shop / Re: gabby update #4
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:25:34 am »
Well done gabby, nice n' easy does it, we can wait a little longer for your jokes!!! lol Iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: Womens voices for the earth
« on: February 16, 2012, 05:07:21 am »
Dirts, I like you could gabble on forever about the ways in which we are consuming the Planet, trouble is, you only preach to the converted, the rest only read about 4 or 5 lines, get bored and move on.  Iggy :(  :(

The Coffee Shop / Re: Womens voices for the earth
« on: February 16, 2012, 04:00:25 am »
Marg. Read your own saying. How true that is of many of us, and women in particular.

Dirts. Ever since man discovered he had an extra brain cell, he has been inventing ways to improve his lot and so artificially improve his life and combat nature. But nature is an equalisation force that tries to preserve a balance. For instance, we find that all the chemicals we put together to kill the bugs that kill us also have an effect on our wellbeing and the bugs themselves are immune to them. In other words, we are the victims of our own success. Here is a good example. There is a guy who lives near me who worked across town, about 5 miles away. Every morning, he put on his track suit and trainers and ran to work to keep fit he showered and changed into his work clothes and in the evening he would run back home again. His rout took him right along the main commuter route into town and he bragged that he could actually beat the early morning traffic and stay fit doing it. He now has a ventilator, (one of those little puffer things) and hardly goes anywhere. The running caused deep breathing but it wasn?t fresh air but car exhaust emissions he was taking in.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Gabby update #3
« on: February 16, 2012, 02:29:24 am »
There we go, you just fell off your horse, didn't you, you old rascal, now do what Daddy told you all those years ago, get right back on there and carry on riding. Lol Iggy

How much do you want for the wife, now that you have a new Delta, she will be redundant. Lol Iggy

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Baltic Birch
« on: February 15, 2012, 02:47:24 pm »
3 ply is generally used in normal construction, it consists of thin upper and lower veneers with a thick core not really the proper thing for delicate S/S work. BB has many layers of veneer, depending on the thickness, all of the same high quality, and therefore stronger and less likely to fall apart on fine cuts. Most people use it because it is made of beech or birch and is white in colour making it easy to stain to anything you want. Having said that, you can use any good quality ply such as marine ply as they are built to the same high specs but are generally darker and therefore less easy to stain. Hope this helps. Iggy   

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