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Messages - Gabby

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The Coffee Shop / Re: We need some heavy duty prayers
« on: February 11, 2014, 04:17:13 am »
Lydia you are in Gods care, AMEN.

The Coffee Shop / Re: In response to IDIOTS don't mess with the ocean
« on: February 04, 2014, 10:25:42 pm »
This is another idiot video in respone to the other, a tip leave the ocean alone, this one a wave comes in and washes a woman away lucky she didn't get shoved into the seawall and get killed.

What got me is her friend strolled out of the way then turned an stood there watching as she was washed away.
She was fortunate there was an open beach where the wave finally dumped her.

The Coffee Shop / Re: I have a question
« on: February 04, 2014, 09:54:18 pm »
Dan wins this round !!!!!    ;D ;D ;D ;D

I'll drink to that!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Cheerleader
« on: February 04, 2014, 09:47:06 pm »
The shot doesn't count, she didn't dribble the ball first.   LOLOLOL

The Coffee Shop / Re: which of you guys is this??
« on: February 04, 2014, 09:37:07 pm »
:D I darn near wet  myself laughing........Maybe you have to have been a cop to really enjoy this... :D

Judy I've almost been both persons, but mostly the one with the badge. LOL
You see some funny things when  dealing with the public.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Take THAT, you Ladies
« on: February 02, 2014, 02:23:14 am »
I'll drink to htat.. :D :D

I'll drink to Ainsley to heck with the study she's my secret heart throb!
She doesn't even have to climb on a pool table either!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Who's next...
« on: February 02, 2014, 02:09:48 am »
Time to start doing metal work instead of scrolling!
Copper, no lead solder, etc.
Then just add heat and drink the results!!!!


Get someone to weld it up with stainless steel then you won't have to worry about corrosion or lead poisoning either one!

Beer is a basic need?

Sorry, but that is a very silly way to spin this story.

If you are thirsty it sure IS a basic need!   ;D ;D ;D ;D
What else would you call it?

The Coffee Shop / Re: OK...any "Pool Sharks" among us?????????
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:47:35 am »
I don't know Gabby, he kept poking his balls in her direction. ;D

Man you are confused Clyde. LOLOLOL
I'm saying he is unaffected by that luscious
babe and can make all those shots. So girls must not be his thing!
Think about it, could YOU concentrate with her in front of you
posed like she was?
I couldn't and I'm old!   :'( ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Prayers are So, So Requested....
« on: January 29, 2014, 04:03:41 am »
It's good she's home Danny Give her a big hug and kiss from all of us, here on the forum.
A year ago last Christmas my wife started feeling strange and fluttery sort of like jello sloshing around and butterfly wings beating in her chest. NO PAIN or real discomfort, She and her son were watching TV in the afternoon around 3 or so, and she described what she was feeling to him and he said Ma it sounds like you are having a heart attack. They called our DR's office and the receptionist said to get to the hospital. They drove in and they were immediatly sent to Medford which has one of the top cardio staff in the country. By 8pm she called me and said Hi honey I'm fine, they had placed a stent in her heart and they told her what she had was VERY  serious if they hadn't gotten to her right away she would have died. They were both she and her son chewed out royally for DRIVING to the hospital. If you suspect your wife is having a heart attack (or husband for that matter) CALL 911 do not drive her or him yourself. If they go into cardiac arrest you will not be able to help them and chances are they will die not to mention you are a hazard on the road as well, ambulance crews are trained and equipped to handle emergencies like that you aren't.
As it turned out she went in on a Thrusday and came home on Saturday and made dinner when she got home! Tough old broad!! So I have to say anytime you have a heart attack it is SERIOUS!

The Coffee Shop / Re: OK...any "Pool Sharks" among us?????????
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:38:13 am »
I don't think he likes girls!
Think about it.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Reverend Homer
« on: January 29, 2014, 03:30:25 am »
A question for you Gabby. Is the horse's gait natural or does it take a lot of training to get him/her to run like that?. Much the same as the trotting horses.
I would assume they are trained???.
Rob Roy.

I know for a fact the Paso Fino babies will gate from the start and I suspect those running walkers like Homer do as well they do take some training to make them really reach out and fly but so do any race horse Gallop, Trot or Pace. Look up the Icelandic horses they share the gate and are even smaller than the Pasos and they call the gate the Tolt, and they can fly too.
It is an extended four beat gate actually the same thing as a horses walk pushed to its limit, the Tennessee Walker
is included in this group as are a few others not as famous.
The main thing about it is the smoothness as felt by the rider if you watch Homer again watch the shoulders and top of the riders head. It travels without hardly any up and down movement and the smoother the better. I've ridden my horse Canto all day and we were both fresh at the end of the day since we aren't jarring or being jarred which is what takes its toll on horse and rider!  The Spanish brought a now extinct breed called the Jennet (Skip to America), which was developed as a pleasure mount for ladies and later used by their cavalry because they would ride all day while wearing their armor and this was much more comfortable than riding a trot with all that hardware bouncing around and wearing holes in your hide.Talk about torture! To America to breed with the other animals they had brought along for riding and packing, they evolved into the Paso Fino and the Peruvian Paso which is normally coarser and larger and has a winging action (paddling) in front which I don't approve of due to the fact their shoulders and elbows can break down and are suseceptable to arthritis and other problems. The name Paso Fino means fine walk or fine step as in Spanish they turn things around when they say it. The language teachers on here can supply the name for that.
A simple search will bring you hours of entertainment including videos and instruction while looking at some really beautiful animals, so have at it, I'm through being the know it all for today.
Enjoy folks,
Heh, you might jump to the conclusion old Gabby likes horses, yessireee Bob!

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Tight turn tip from Terry
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:50:04 am »
There are lots of tricks to making turns, one that Dan posted a while back is to back up and use the corner/side of the blade to widen the the cut going into the corner it may take a few passes to get it to the point where you can stop the saw and spin the work piece around and back the blade into the corner and continue making your cut going the direction you want to go, this works especially well if you have cut into a sharp V corner and don't want a crude corner but rather a sharp crisp corner. The best thing to do is use up a lot of scrap pieces practicing those cuts you are having difficulty with. Don 't give up it WILL come to you.

I can almost predict when a blade is going to break "almost"  ;D  it inevitably happens when I get in a hurry and get heavy handed trying to make one of these spin cuts, it happens most often when I'm cutting thick wood and bind the blade up in the corner not giving the blade time to catch up and open up enough room to spin around. What I mean by catch up is the blade will actually be bending some from the pressure we're using to feed the wood through the blade, especially as the blade gets duller and we push harder without realizing it. If you stop pushing the blade will continue to cut until it straightens out that is when you can start to spin your work not before because that is when you put the blade in a bind and then "BANG" AND YOU JUMP 3 FEET!
Right? LOL Scares the crap out of me every time.
Hope I have confused you some more, now go make some sawdust, what the heck are you doing in here in front of yer pooter listening to this old crack pot?

The Coffee Shop / Space the final frontier.
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:16:46 am »
Save till you have 25 mins. to watch.

Copy and save the URL so you can share it with your friends and family It is truly educational and fun to watch. Astronauts can't be claustrophobic!

I had no idea what the Space Station looks like, inside.
Now I do and it is very impressive.
This is something worthwhile to watch. . Enjoy
Click here:
Departing Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory

The Coffee Shop / Re: Reverend Homer
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:45:54 am »
Since he ran and hid he must have been referring to me scardy cat!
I would love to steal him but I don't know if I could even get a leg over the saddle anymore.
Sure would be fun to try though, You can ride a horse like that all day and never get sore.
They have clocked the fastest ones at around 30 mph I don't remember the exact number.

The horse I'm sitting on in my mugshot photo is a Paso Fino and they share the same gait
and they have some that could probably give Homer a run for his money Look up "Andadura" with google
or whatever search engine you prefer. Most of what you will find are run in Puerto Rico and believe it or not they run them flat shod on pavement, without a saddle and no safety gear! Man they fly!
The Paso's are small horses most of them under 1000# and less than 14 hands tall. (A hand is 4 inches)
Homer is around 15 1/2 to 16 hands to give you some perspective. Often the riders in P.R. weigh around 200#.
On a trail the Paso's can carry a full grown man all day and return fresh, mine could!

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