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Messages - DWSudekum

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35 36 ... 246
The Coffee Shop / Re: Steve's new Little Ducky Pan Vent Scroll Saw Pattern.
« on: September 04, 2015, 09:42:29 am »
Great idea on the Corian.  They sell it up to 1/2 inch thick I believe.  Thanks for sharing the idea with us.


Computer questions / Re: hackers hack gmail accounts please read.
« on: September 04, 2015, 07:49:00 am »

There is a real simple solution besides not using Gmai.  Do NOT link your smart phone to your google account.  This is the window that they are using to get at you.  Be smart and realize that a company will not contact you by email do to something unless you authorize it first.  Do not open attachments, etc from people, companies that you did not specifically ask for the attachment from.  Social Engineering is what phishing ( fishing ) is called.  They attempt to trick you into doing their work for them however if you are smart and aware of what is going on you can defend successfully.


The Coffee Shop / Re: I lost my best friend
« on: September 02, 2015, 12:52:54 am »
My condolences Mike.  Sorry to hear of your loss my friend.  Keep the faith my friend as it will keep you strong.


Brag Forum / Re: Christmas gifts
« on: September 01, 2015, 11:44:01 pm »
Nicely done Roger.  They ought to really enjoy those.  Thanks for sharing them with us.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Whirlygig... first one.... problems
« on: August 31, 2015, 03:48:45 am »
Depending upon what you are using for the rod and if you have a vise handy will depend on how easy the rod will be to bend.  You actually do not need a vise, you could use a couple of pair of channellock pliers ( these lock on to the thing you apply them to and then you have something to work against).  Personally if you are using a brass rod it should be soft enough to do the bending with channel locks.


Brag Forum / Re: 2 of my latest boxes
« on: August 30, 2015, 11:06:38 pm »
The mouse sitting on cheese is a Steve Good Pattern.  I modified the pattern to make it a simple box.  Here is the link to the Mouse on Cheese pattern.  Making the box it easy enough.  I put 1/32 in. ply inside the box I made so that the holes would not go into the box cavity and then flocked the inside to finish it.  It really is not difficult to make the cheese into box then it is just a matter putting in holes if you wish, shaping the mouse and then gluing the mouse into position.  A good afternoon project.


Brag Forum / 2 of my latest boxes
« on: August 27, 2015, 11:10:02 pm »
Here are two of my latest boxes.  This first one is a take on a Steve Good pattern.  The mouse was cut from ribbon sapele, the box was cut from pine.  Sealed with tung oil and shellacked.  I lined the inside with 1/32 ply to block the holes and then flocked the inside with a wine colored flocking.

This second one is a simple masculine box approx 3" x 5".  The woods used were Oak and Pine.  The box was finished with lacquer and then flocked on the inside with a wine colored flocking.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Amazon vs Steve
« on: August 27, 2015, 07:09:28 pm »
Hands down the scroller community owes a great deal to Steve over the years.  Thanks Steve.


Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Blades for cutting silhouettes
« on: August 26, 2015, 07:50:44 pm »
For most fine work that is not lettering or part of a huge project I generally use flat blades - a #3 reverse tooth blade will give you a nice clean cut on most woods 2mm to about 18mm although as you get thicker wood you should increase in size to a #5 or #7.  Spirals have their uses however they take a lot of practice to get good results from.  A lot of portrait cutters use spirals however since you are doing a basic silhouette a flat blade should do just fine.


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Golfball in a cage
« on: August 26, 2015, 05:09:42 pm »
I have made several of these type of cages.  Cut your cage then soak the basswood in boiling water for 15 min or there about.  This softens the wood grain enough that you can gently press the golf ball through the middle of the cage you cut.  Once the golf ball has passed into the cage let it dry.  As for your printing problem increase your print size to 107% of the original.  This should get you your 1 3/4". 


The quick and dirty answer to that is no.  However if you know electronics it would be possible but not inexpensive or easy to do. I have found that for most scrolling I do not need to change my speed for my cuts.  Work with what you have its a good saw.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy birthday Mahendra
« on: August 22, 2015, 04:39:17 pm »
Happy Birthday Mahendra.

Wishing you a great and special day my friend.


Brag Forum / Re: St. Bernard, Halloween decoration
« on: August 22, 2015, 01:52:09 pm »
Excellently done.  Glad you got your daughter involved.  Thanks for sharing this with us.  Looks like she is going to be a good scroller. 


So... look at what I wrote please. 
I said it was a good system, but refurbished and that it is manufactured by China. 

Certified refurbished or not does not change the fact that it is a used system and has a significantly shorter warranty period than a new system would have generally only 90 days for a refurbished one ( industry standard ). 

I said that it was a decent system for a laptop if you like laptops, which I do not.  Each to their own however. 

I support all computers from tablets to servers so I have no real problem with working on a laptop except they all  have issues that sooner or later need to be addressed.  I prefer desktops as they are more flexible with hardware changes and generally are more powerful and cheaper than a laptop.

I also said that the price was a decent one as well. 

I was not attacking the Lenovo offer rather offering my experience ( over 40 years supporting computers ) with the pros and cons of a referb unit.



for $329.00

it is a 64bit windows 7 pro 64bit with 8 gb of ran 320gb hard drive and a great display.

enjoy. if you get one post back here and let me know how you like yours.
Lenovo is the brand name that the Chinese came up with when they purchased IBM's computer division.  The laptop is made in China.  Specs might be decent the price might be decent but this is a refurbished unit.  Need to keep that in mind.  Looks like a decent unit if you like laptops.  My doctors use them for their practice.  Might get one. Hmmm...


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