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Messages - Rapid Roger

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New clock
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:24:26 am »
That is a KOOL looking clock! Now you've got me thinking again!
Na, I don't think I could handle the frustration again. Mine is in the basement partially dismantled.  :( :-[ >:(


The Coffee Shop / Re: Snow in Ohio
« on: October 23, 2013, 05:43:20 pm »
We had snow last Friday but, the temps were so warm that it didn't last long. We got about 3/8" of moisture with the rain/snow combination. And today it's 65 degrees, can you tell that I live in Kansas?  ;D


I made  a similar tool using a short length (12") of 2 x 4  and tilting my table saw blade to 45 degrees and lowering the blade to 3/4". I set the fence for the appropriate distance and cut a groove down the center by ripping first one way and then the other to form a "V". Works great and I have enough edge space to use a clamp or two on the drill press table if needed.


The Coffee Shop / Re: And so begins their life of marital bliss
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:41:21 pm »
Surely he didn't go back and get her did he?  :o  He is NEVER going to live that down!  :(
He is in a living hell from the very first day!  :o  At least I had two months before doing something that went down in our history that will follow me to my grave and I've only been married 43 years so far. :P


Brag Forum / Re: New fence
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:30:01 pm »
You know the old saying...."Good fences make for good neighbors."  ;)
I personally don't like "privacy" fences either. They just make me wonder what people are doing on the other side of the fence that they don't want me to see.  :o ::) ;D
I'm an open view person myself, I'm not worried about what the neighbors might see me do, they might learn something.  :D :D 
But, I do like my chain link fence just to keep the neighbors dog out of my yard!  8)


The Coffee Shop / Re: The "original Dodge Off-Road" Vehicle!
« on: October 13, 2013, 09:09:27 pm »
Gabby did a good job filming that!  ;)
Way back in the "good old days" ALL vehicles were "off roader's" because there were not any roads. Well, not many anyway, and they were all dirt and mud too.....Well, that is what Gabby told me.  ;D

Rog  :D :D :D :D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Some Financial Advice for all you Nice People
« on: October 12, 2013, 06:33:52 pm »
My wife and I have done the same thing and it makes me happy in two ways.
On the serious side... I'm happy that it will save our children some stress and worry as well as money.
On the lighter side.... Every time I think about the grave site, I'm happy that it is still empty.


The Coffee Shop / Re: People
« on: October 12, 2013, 06:27:06 pm »
Everyone makes me happy! Some when they come and some when they leave.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Bending (short) plywood
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:28:45 am »
I think that Don has a good idea of using heat.
You might try making the outer layers damp by just wiping a bit of water on both surfaces (DO NOT soak or get too wet) and use a heat gun (old hair dryer in my case) on one side only and see if you can make the plywood warp a bit. Of course you need to experiment on some scrap first.
If you lay the face of the wood on the bench wet and heat (dry) the back side of it, it might curl up a bit. I have seen this method work in reverse to flatten solid wood.
The only time plywood will warp is when you don't want it to.  :D :D :D


Pattern Requests. / Re: british cars
« on: October 08, 2013, 07:16:39 pm »
NICE JOB RAY!! And quick too!
You did a good job of explaining how you did it too.
That should get a few people thinking in 3D!
I do have a suggestion for the rear wheels sticking out. Use a forstner drill bit about 1/4"- 3/8" larger than the wheels diameter and drill into the side of the body a short distance. Of course you need to make the rear fenders match but, that is no great trick for a real player.  ;D :D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Bending (short) plywood
« on: October 08, 2013, 06:44:19 pm »
You are dealing with a REAL IFFY PROBLEM here!
If it was solid wood, steaming or soaking in water would be my answer but, do NOT try to steam or use water with plywood as it will delaminate so fast that it would make your head swim.
If I were to try bending this (I am assuming that it is 1/4" or less thick) I would find something round like a can or bottle a bit smaller than what you need for a radius and try wrapping using my hands it around as far as I felt comfortable with, to see if I could at least get it started into a curve without breaking.
(Now that I think about it maybe start with something larger than the final radius and work your way down smaller in steps.)  Then wrap some rubber bands around it and leave it overnight so that it keeps tension on it.  (overnight or longer if necessary.)
The next day unwrap it and see if it will hold a curve. If it is still too loose go to the next smaller size as you will get some spring back for  sure. When you can get it to hold a curve close to what you need I would go ahead and glue it to the base piece and let the glue hold it in place.
I'm NOT at all sure this is going to work (I've never tried it) but, it is the best suggestion that I could come up with on the spur of the moment.


PS It is called "grain" not "vein" of the wood.  Which with plywood is only on the surface layer and every other  layer there after. The other layers are running perpendicular to the first to create strength and that is why it is so hard for you to bend. If you have five ply plywood, the top, middle and bottom layers the grain will run in one direction and layers 2 and 4 run in the other direction.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Taking a cruise, need your ideas
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:22:21 am »
Have you considered just putting the date of the cruise on them? Like "DEC 2013" or "10-17-13" It might not be real fancy but, for the people who have them it would bring back some memories every time they used the book mark.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Hegner Decision And Opinion
« on: October 04, 2013, 09:41:13 am »
Opinions are like noses....Almost everybody has one.
I would like to help but, the only person that can answer your question is you. I realize that cost comes into the issue but, there is much more than that to buying something so personal.
I think the only way to find out what you prefer is to try different saws and check out the features of each one and that is a hard thing to do.. I would read as much as I could about different saws. I know that some magazines have issues that compare various brands of tools but, I can't recall right away any that have done that on scroll saws but, I'm sure there is one.
Try going to a few woodworking stores that handle scroll saws and just look, price and touch them. Even if they won't let you use the saw, you can get a feel for the quality and usefulness and features each one has.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Wounded Warrior Foundation
« on: September 30, 2013, 10:27:43 am »
You've just hit the tip of the iceberg.
Most of those bigger "support" organizations are like that. I found that out years ago about the Red Cross and refuse to donate to them.
And the telemarketers that call about donating to various police organizations are even worse.
I don't mind donating to my local people and church but, it is a shame when you find out just how much the girl scout troop gets out of a $7.00 box of cookies! I have tried to just give a girl scout a $20.00 bill instead of  buying the cookies and her scout leader said that they weren't allowed to accept cash donations!
What can you do when you want to help people who need it but the "middlemen" get in the way?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Mortise Drill Bit
« on: September 25, 2013, 10:11:33 am »
I had a friend that had one of those drill press attachments that he got at a yard sale.
I suppose that it worked OK but, the setup was so time consuming that you almost lost interest in doing the job. If you only had four or so mortises to do it was almost easier and faster to cut them by hand.
If you are going to do a lot of mortises, say 10 or more, I'm sure that it would be worth the setup time.
Also, make sure it will fit your drill press. My friends drill press was too small for the attachment and we had to put it on my drill press to try it out! Neither of us was impressed.  :'( :P ::) >:(


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