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Messages - DWSudekum

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 246
Brag Forum / Re: St. Bernard Whirligig... I made it myself! =^..^=
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:47:54 am »
Things like that take practice.  I know several folks well on their way to being not able to do this kind of crafting any more that have been doing this for 30 years or more and some of the learning tales that they tell are quite eye opening.  Basically keep at it you will get better, just like most things in life keep practicing and you will get better and better.


Brag Forum / Re: St. Bernard Whirligig... I made it myself! =^..^=
« on: October 04, 2015, 12:28:06 am »
Very nicely done Lorace.  Mechanical things like this always take a bit of tweaking to get them running smoothly.  A friend cut a wooden clock complete with gears the whole 9 yards.  It took him 2 months to cut and another 5 to get it to where it would work decently.  Looking forward to your next one.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


Brag Forum / Re: pattern titled horse head sculpture
« on: October 03, 2015, 02:57:00 pm »
Donald welcome.  There is a way to avoid file size restrictions.  I use a 3rd party to host my pictures and use the links that they give to post pictures to all the sites I visit.  The site is  There are 2 versions, a free one ( ad supported ) and the premium $12 a year.  Looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Computer questions / Re: new windows 10 privacy must read
« on: September 30, 2015, 05:01:19 am »
As someone that has worked in the IT Field since 1984 I personally am not a very trusting person when it comes to what Microsoft says that they are collecting.  In my experience they are much like a politician they play right at the very edge of being legal.  While you upon installation can turn off SOME of the data being collected you can not get it all and even here you have to be on your toes a bit as they will try to slide it past you if you use the mode where they have made all the choices and you let them set up data surveillance on your computer.  Now it is not all bad there are good points to WIN10 but personally I am waiting a bit until they get more of the bugs worked out.  We have just under a year ( 10 Months ) left to do that upgrade and get it free.


Brag Forum / Family Sign and a Mahogany and Lauan Ply bowl
« on: September 25, 2015, 03:03:33 pm »
The backer for the sign is 3/4 pine.  The sign itself is 1/4 Cherry.  This is not for anyone specific, I cut it to be a display model for my shows.  It will allow me to show what it might look like and to give them some idea of any changes that they would like to make when ordering.

This bowl was cut from my scrap pile.  I had a section of 1/4 inch mahogany and a section of 1/2 lauan plywood.  After gluing the mahogany to the top and bottom of the lauan plywood I cut this bow.  It is 4 1/4 in diameter.  Sealed with tung oil and shellaced.


Brag Forum / Commissioned Cottage Sign
« on: September 24, 2015, 11:08:49 pm »
I was commissioned to make a Cottage sign for a Snowbird Couple ( Winter in the south and Summer in the North ).  Cut from pine and then sealed and weatherproofed with spar varnish.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Steve and Russ and the guys talk Scrollsaws
« on: September 22, 2015, 09:42:03 pm »
The feedback issue is something every chat program with multiple.  On real bad feedback it sounds a bit like sonar.  With a bit of tweaking on both sides generally you can find a happy medium. I like the way y'all are arranged across the bottom of the screen, you don't normally see that.  Good show btw.  Thanks.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Angle tool
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:50:59 pm »
Karl here is the link to that


Ask Steve a question. / Re: planche de pin lamell? coll
« on: September 17, 2015, 04:04:44 am »
Please pardon my assumptions if they are wrong.  Are you asking the question can a piece of laminated pine be cut to make a collapsible basket?  If so the answer is yes.  Just about any wood or manufactured wood can be made into a collapsible basket.  Here is a link to one of Steve's patterns for making one of the collapsible baskets. Hope my assuptions were correct.

I used Google Translate for this.

S'il vous pla?t pardonnez mes hypoth?ses si elles sont mauvaises. Vous posez la question peut un morceau de pin lamin? ?tre coup? pour faire un panier pliable? Si donc la r?ponse est oui. Juste au sujet de tout bois ou bois manufactur? peuvent ?tre faites dans un panier pliable. Voici un lien vers l'un des motifs de Steve pour la fabrication de l'un des paniers pliables. que mon assuptions ?taient correctes.

Je ai utilis? Google Translate pour cela.

Brag Forum / Re: New books
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:20:52 pm »
Very nicely done Rob.  Thanks for sharing these with us.


Intarsia / Re: Mahi Mahi
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:06:58 am »
Very nicely done Crusty.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


Brag Forum / Re: Recognition award
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:55:47 pm »
Great job on that.  Thanks for sharing this with us.


I downloaded it to a 64gig flash drive.  While I have it available I will not be installing it anytime soon.  My system has an issue with being "locked" so that it can not be upgraded with the free version.  I am NOT going to pay $119.95 to upgrade this machine, other than the "lock" my systems qualifies and exceeds the requirements for the free upgrade.  I have a year to decide what to do.


Brag Forum / Re: been awhile
« on: September 07, 2015, 11:43:53 am »
Very nicely done.  Thanks for sharing these with us.


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