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Messages - BilltheDiver

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I use shellac all the time Danny.  Zinzer Bullseye is good stuff, partially because it is "de-waxed".  If you get a shellac that is not dewaxed you cannot put a different topcoat on as the wax will prevent it from adhering.  One of the nice things about shellac is that the solvent is denatured alcohol so you can use shellac and the next coat will partially dissolve the first helping solve any defects, then if you want you can put a topcoat of urethane on it without affecting the shellac.

The Coffee Shop / Re: My apologies
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:33:30 am »
Who could be a better person for selling scroll saws than you Dan?  Have fun!

Swap Shop / rbi hawk
« on: October 18, 2012, 12:02:33 am »

This is a steal for $100 if it runs well.  Doesn't give the size or whether it is variable speed.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Help Save The Wildlife
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:58:30 pm »
Old quote; "There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potatoes."

The Coffee Shop / Re: Finally start my new job
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:56:56 pm »
Congrats Chief!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Life can be cruel
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:56:13 pm »
Sheila-  I feel for you.  Truly.  My motorcycle wreck was 4 years ago now.  Shattered right knee cap, 3 bones in left foot, broken nose and thumb.  Then it was followed by a MRSA infection picked up in the hospital and surgery on the knee.  The most painful part was giving up riding, but it was a necessary choice I made for my loved ones.  She will get through it, and so will you.  You are both in my thoughts.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Its the Doorway
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:19:51 pm »
I'm betting the researchers were old folks like us.  You can find an explanation for anything as long as you don't look too hard at the explanation.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Which Glue for Puzzles
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:16:43 pm »
I have done several puzzles including from photographic prints and always used a good quality spray adhesive.  Follow the can directions but most will tell you to spray both the wood and the paper, allow to partially dry, and then press together.  You can use a roller to help eliminate any bubbles, but I never found them to be a problem.  One tip, like when applying laminate plastic to a countertop, arrange some small sticks or dowels on top of the wood and lay the picture on them, then remove the centermost ones first and proceed out from the middle.  It helps to prevent unwanted positioning and creases.  Once you have glue on both surfaces, if they touch you are done!

Since you have a bandsaw, and you want to use the wood for scrolling, you could go ahead and cut the wood into planks of a handle-able size and then stack them with stickers in between to speed the drying.  With outside storage drying takes roughly a year per inch of thickness.  If stored indoors where temps are regulated and humidity reduced, the drying will proceed faster.  As Bud said, paint the ends to reduce splitting.  You will still need to joint and plane the boards when dry before using them.  If the boards are relatively small, they can be planed and jointed with the correct setup on a router.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Cats
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:26:33 am »
I'm with you Ed!  Brought in a kitten during a storm once and feline lukemia cost us a Siamese of 9 years and the kitten.

Denatured.  Rubbing (isopropyl) leaves a residue on some surfaces.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Halloween! - 2
« on: October 09, 2012, 11:34:13 pm »
Be careful GB!  Don't get things mixed up and offer the candy to the women who dress slutty.

I made a bunch of Steve's gum machines for the Grandkids a few years ago and colored them using a food dye from Michaels intended for use in coloring cake icing.  I thinned it in alcohol to avoid raising the grain and dipped the pieces in it.  It added color and the color was good at least a year later.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Sale on Incra measuring tools from Peachtree
« on: October 09, 2012, 11:29:03 pm »
if you want to see the ad for Peachtree's sale on some really precise and convenient measuring tools from Incra.

I found 3 I couldn't resist!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Double Sided Tape
« on: October 06, 2012, 05:00:47 pm »
For me carpet tape is too strong.  The woodcraft tape from our local store is turners tape and thicker than I like.  I bought several rolls from Peachtree and use it for stack cutting and pattern routing on the router table.  Very handy!

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