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Messages - jscott2

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 08, 2012, 10:52:46 am »
Bill, good point on the finish on the faces.  Don't have a bandsaw so I expect I'll become very adept at using a cabinet scraper by the time I get the finish off, perhaps some very coarse sandpaper in my 1/2 sheet sander will do the job.  Maybe I can get SWMBO to agree to getting a belt sander as well as the planer.

Even after gluing up the assembly, I think I'll make some full length runners to glue on.  It will not be too hard to make tongue and groove on the table saw.

Thanks to everyone who commented.  I've decided to go for the DW734 on sale at Busy Bee for $439 (Canadian), plus a whole bunch of tax.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 07, 2012, 08:53:36 pm »
Judy, from what I hear, HF doesn't shop to Canada, at least not at a reasonable price.

I think I have worked out how to use a planer for the flooring.  A friend reminded me the boards are all tongue and groove so if I join two pieces side by side but with the joints staggered.  A bit of glue will make the pieces into one large board and the table saw will take care of separating the pieces - can't use the tongue or groove area anyway.

Can anyone see a flaw in this idea?  Am I going totally in the wrong direction or is it a good solution?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:51:26 am »
dgman, in a way, I'm trying to talk myself out of a planer.  Cash is relatively tight so I only want to buy one if it will plane the flooring safely.  Of course, once purchased, there will be other uses for it but this is my concern right now.

I could probably handle the end to end feeding but what happens with the last piece, is there only snipe or would I need to feed another, longer piece of scrap to clear the machine?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:30:15 pm »
dgman, I've got between 50 and 100 boards to do so gluing runners on one at at time would be safe, but very slow.

Some suggest feeding short boards butend to butend would be OK.  Anyone have experience with that?

It's odd that it seems nobody on the forum has tried a sled to handle short boards.  I've found lots of internet comments of people using sleds to flatten and straighten longer boards but not many references to planing short boards on a sled.

On a related note, the recommendations are to take a cuts on alternating sides of the board.  With 1/8" deep grooves on the bottom of the board, ideally I'd only take the 1/8" off the bottom and nothing off the top.  Would I be asking for trouble with warping if I could use a planer, or with a belt sander as GB suggested?

Thanks again to everyone.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 06, 2012, 04:52:27 pm »
Bobby, have you tried running short boards through the planer on some kind of sled - like the one in the first link in my OP?  Some say it works but I'd like confirmation before springing for a planer.

PS, which planer do you have?

Computer questions / Re: Low Battery
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:56:08 am »
Don't have a laptop but what comes to mind is that there might be a setting somewhere to turn off the low battery warning, possibly under power management.

Best of luck with it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 06, 2012, 09:53:25 am »
I agree the pieces are too short to pass through a planer but I was wondering if a sled would work.  This tip from Woodsmith looks like a great idea.  It seems to say one could run really short pieces (a couple of inches long?) through.

Has anyone used these and are they safe to use? 

I do have a router and could build a jig like this

Don't have a belt sander but GB's idea of using a belt sander is a good one, as is Bill's with the drill press.  Could get a belt sander but I also found a new DW734 planer for $440 (Can.).  Trying to make up my mind.  The planer is quite a bargain, for Canadian prices.

Thanks for all the comments, I always get good advice here.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Scored some wood, but . . .
« on: May 05, 2012, 09:43:47 am »
Went to a flooring store yesterday and walked out with a couple of cubic feet of sample boards, all 3/4" thick - oak, teak, and Santa Maria.  Sounds like heaven but the back of the boards are all grooved (typical wood flooring) and some are finished on the surface.  All the pieces are 9 to 10" long and from a couple of inches to 6" wide.

I need a something to remove the finish from the top and the grooves from the bottom.  I don't have a band saw or a planer.  I'd share the boards with anyone who can fix the wood for me.  I'm on the West Island area of Montreal in Quebec.

On another note, how would you folk make these pieces suitable for the scroll saw?

Thanks for your help,

Corrected the thickness of the wood - 3/4" thick.  Sorry.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Easy Lift System...
« on: May 05, 2012, 09:34:45 am »
Bobby, I'm glad you're happy with the lift and the shipping.  I just downloaded the order from from Jim Dandy and shipping is now 5.95.  You got a deal.   :D 

I think I'll order by phone.  (As an aside, I have a great long distance plan - $.01/minute 24/7 in North America)

Thanks for the update.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Rounding corners
« on: May 03, 2012, 12:12:21 pm »
Tony, I was thinking of a template but attaching it might be a problem.  The bases as not very large and I wonder if two sided tape would safely hold the template in place.  How do you attach the template to the workpiece?

I've tried cutting the corners with the scroll saw and then finishing the curve on a sanding disk in my table saw but don't seem to be able to exactly follow the curve.

I was hoping for a simple, quick way to do it.  Perhaps I can come up with a way to place the base on top of a template and use a router bit with a lower guide bearing.  Again, holding the workpiece is my concern.

Thanks for your comments.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Rounding corners
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:58:14 pm »
I have cut some of Steve's patterns - The Dog Lady is one, and my problem is making the rounded corners of the base.  It's hard to get all 4 corners symmetric.

Somewhere I read of a way to make the 4 corners the same, perhaps using a pattern.  I do remember I thought it was a slick trick but can't remember where I saw it or how it was done.  (Senior's moment?)

If anyone has any ideas, suggestions, or links, I'd appreciate it.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Safety Third
« on: April 30, 2012, 11:11:40 pm »
Bill, thanks for the link.  He is saying what I always said - I'm the only one who cares that I finish the day in one piece.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Opening a 40-690
« on: April 28, 2012, 02:21:25 pm »
Well, I opened the saw up and nothing fell out or off.  Quite easy, actually.  All the nuts were tight, at least they didn't turn easily when I put a driver on them.  I didn't want to over-torque anything.  The metallic knocking at the rear seems to be fixed although I don't know what I did.

The lower of the two bolts that holds the bottom left arm cover (#81) to the left housing (#1) had obviously been run in or out with a power tool as the shaft was scored and some threads had been damaged.  It was still usable but I suspect it was damaged at the repair centre - not good quality work.

I found a video on Rick's scrollsaw site that went through opening the saw.  It can be reached from the left menu where it says "Free Scrollsaw Videos". It's a good resource that I hadn't found until now.

I'm still working on the knocking, and at the same time trying to reduce the vibration, but will first have to check the alignment - I have pulled and pushed the bottom rocker mount to reduce the back and forth movement of the blade.  I want to get that right before I start adjusting the tension rod as one may affect the other. Rick also has a video on fixing the knocking.

Thanks for the comments,

The Coffee Shop / Re: New Yankee On-line
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:53:44 am »
I'm using Firefox as my browser.  Bill's comment made me open IE.  The result is the same as I get with Firefox - I can see the video file is downloading but all there is the on the screen is the rotating circle. 

At least I know it isn't only my computer.

Intarsia, I think the hat rack is the current video and on April 30 it will be the greenhouse.

I'm wondering if it is an operating system or browser issue.  Russ, what operating system and browser are you using?

Thanks for your comments.

The Coffee Shop / New Yankee On-line
« on: April 25, 2012, 06:12:52 pm »
Can anyone else view the current video?   When I click the link, it goes to the video page but nothing plays.  The "circle" goes round and round but that is all.  It appears the video downloads but will not play.

I'm using Windows XP and both the operating system and Flash are up to date.

Any ideas?


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