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Messages - Rapid Roger

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Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Recovered my EX table top
« on: February 20, 2014, 11:03:41 am »
I regret not responding prior to this. When I received my DeWalt I purchased a piece of 3/32" Plexiglas, bored a 1/4" hole for the blade, fitted it to the table, marked it with a fine tip felt and cut it with my Dremel. I used two sided carpet tape to keep it in place.  Once in a while I buff it with some Mother's brand car wax. It's worked well since the end of December. Cheers, Barry.

Be careful using CAR wax on your wood working equipment. Some auto type waxes contain silicone which can cause problems with finishes and glue on wood working projects.
I would recommend you use furniture wax such as Johnson's paste wax or Minwax paste finishing wax. There are other types of finishes to stop rust and keep metal tops slick such as Bioshield, purchased at woodworking stores too.
I will admit that it has never happened to me but, the BIG BOYS warned me before I ever even tried the automotive waxes.  ;D


I thought you got rid of your DeWalt a long time ago and moved on to a "better" saw.
How far do you have to tilt the table to get it square to the blade? If it is 4 or 5 degrees, I would say that is a problem. If you are talking about 2 degrees or less, I would just realign the pointer on the degree indicator and start making sawdust.
It doesn't matter if the table is exactly level, the important part is having the blade 90 degrees to the table for a good cut.
How did you determine that the upper arm is bent one way and the lower arm is bent the other way? Is it so bad that you can see it? If so, I would take it back instantly! There may be an adjustment to realign the arms. Or maybe it was damaged in shipping. 
If I had as much of a problem with  scroll saws as you seem to, I would try knitting for a hobby.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Designer Firewood in picture format
« on: February 19, 2014, 10:44:53 am »
Wonder if this will work for any glue, like wood glue if once you glue it up and dries and discover a mistake before you finish it. I always try to look things over as I am putting it together before glueing up to make sure everything is in its place before I glue to make sure its all correct. I have found myself like this a few times working on something and haveing to tear it down or start over is a pain.

I use Titebond wood glue and in the past, I have found that heat sometimes works to dismantle mistakes in gluing.
If you catch it soon enough (within 6 hours), you can heat the joint with a heat gun (old hair dryer in my case) and the glue will release fairly easy. If it has set longer like overnight, FORGET IT!! The wood will break before the glue lets go.
I've never tried acetone (to be honest, I have never heard of this method before) but, it might be worth a try but, I kinda doubt that it will work.
Any port in a storm though!


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Basic Intarsia Video Series
« on: February 16, 2014, 10:22:51 pm »
GREAT job on the videos!
I thoroughly enjoyed watching every one in succession and liked how you did them and explained what and how to do all of the various steps. 
I doubt that I'll do any intarsia in the near future but, I got a lot out of the videos and if I decide to try it, you can bet your boots I'll watch all of them again as a refresher.
I subscribed to your blog so, I hope you will do more videos in the future. I'll be sure to watch them and maybe hope you do some on other types of scrolling too.  ;)  ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Wooden mugs
« on: February 16, 2014, 06:01:48 pm »
I'm not sure why you want a flat spot on a mug either but, if it is for a handle, I find it easier to sand and/or file a curve in the handle. I wrap sandpaper around a dowel or use a half round file and work it a little at a time until I can get a proper curve in the handle ends. Actually, depending on how tight the curve is in the mug, it doesn't have to be all that close.
That is how I made the handle on this pitcher. (note the the curvature changes from the top to the bottom)


The Coffee Shop / Re: Mother of the Year - U.S.A
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:27:09 pm »
"Somebody needs to know"... that making bad choices in life is not the fault of the rest of society.
Very sorry to hear of your plight but, some of us others have problems too and don't expect to get help from the rest of society because we made bad choices.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Designer Firewood in picture format
« on: February 11, 2014, 10:16:33 pm »
I have a quick suggestion that MIGHT work.
Can you make the hole for the switch higher or lower than the battery holder and then make a large switch cover to go over the outside to cover the first hole as well as making it look like it is suppose to be there?


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Glossary
« on: February 11, 2014, 05:28:08 pm »
I don't know of a glossary as such.  Most of the terms are fairly self explanatory in scrolling.
For example in the case of "bridges", they are usually small sections of wood going from one larger area to another to hold the two in place and together. Sometimes you might have one bridge to hold a pupil of an eye in the proper place and other times you might have two or more bridges holding larger areas together.
A better example is in lettering. A bridge or two is needed to hold the center of a "O" or "P" in place to make it look right instead of just a hole to make an "O"
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say, if so "One term down and a few more to go."  :D :D :D


The Coffee Shop / Re: What old people do for fun....
« on: February 10, 2014, 05:26:54 pm »
When I was a teen, (5 or 6 years ago  ;)) we would be stopped at a red light next to an old person in the other car and slyly put our car in reverse, check for traffic behind us and slowly start creeping backwards. The older person would think they were rolling forward and try to stomp a hole in the floorboard with the brake pedal!  :D :D :D :D When the light turned green we would just drive off like nothing was wrong!
We thought that was the funniest thing in the world! 


The Coffee Shop / Re: Update on the Country Scroller
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:28:34 am »
Well, guess I'm lucky living in SE Texas. Weather gets cold but no real snow. The wife wants to go some where to spend a few days in  the snow. She has never been in a real snow area. Hope summer is coming soon, I'm ready.

Bring your wife on up to Kansas mickey, we have 12" of snow for her to enjoy and it is 17 degrees at 10:30 AM for her to keep cool while playing in it. Unfortunately, we don't have too many hills for skiing however.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Kulula Airline (Africa) new paint scheme
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:53:17 pm »
love it, now you know where everything is  ;D ;D ;D

I thought that all that lettering was to help the pilot and crew learn where everything was.  ;D ;D ;D

Brag Forum / Re: Another ----Playful Moose---- :+}
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:06:44 am »

Very good job!  :D :D :)
I'm glad that you stepped outside your comfort  zone and tried something new!  ;) Keep it up. There are so many things that can be done on a scroll saw once you get started trying new and different things like 3D items.


Pattern Requests. / Re: First pattern with text
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:31:46 am »
You can use almost any font you want to use. You just have to remember to go through with a pencil (maybe a red pencil) and draw in some bridges in appropriate places on the pattern before starting to cut.


Beer is on of the three basic food groups for gosh sake!  :o  Followed closely by pizza and Snickers.  ;D


Hey jcorrea,
"LEVEL" is not a requirement!
Flat and a true 90 degree angle are the important things. So many people think that level and flat are the same things, they are not. I can have a flat surface at a 30 degree angle and it won't be level or I can have a level surface with ridges that won't be flat.
The important thing with your scroll saw is to have the blade and table be a true 90 degree angle from each other In both side to side and front to back. Of course that can change if you are making a bevel cut in which case the table still won't be level when you tilt it.


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