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Messages - wombatie

Pages: 1 ... 256 257 [258] 259 260 ... 371
Introduce Yourself. / Hi
« on: September 09, 2012, 02:52:09 am »
Hi to everyone that has joined in the last 14 weeks. I am Marg and I'm from Australia, I have been away on a very long holiday but I will catch up with you all eventually I'm sure.


The Coffee Shop / Home Soon
« on: August 26, 2012, 03:23:05 pm »
Hi Guys. Well we are coming to the end, we fly out on Friday night and arrive back in Oz on Sunday at 5.30am. Can't wait to be back I've missed my daughters and Grandchildren something terrible, can't wait to give them all a big hug.
It will take me a couple of weeks to go throught all the posts here and catch up with everything but I'm looking forward to it. Plus I have some orders to fill when I get back (hope I haven't lost the nack), but I'm sure it won't take me long to get it back.
Till next week take care.

Marg  (((HUGS)))

The Coffee Shop / Next Holiday update
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:40:11 pm »
Ok I'll tell you about Paris. First we were picked up at the train station by a taxi that charged us 95euros later found out should only be 25euro. Went to Disneyland by underground, on the way back we got stuck on the underground for almost 3 hours because there had been a suicide on the track further up the line.  All anounments were in French but thankfully I found a couple of people that spoke English to tell us what was happening plus a lovely frenchman that could not speak English but did the best he could to help. Got to the next station and our tickets had expired and the ticket person would not help us because we did not speak french. Thankfully there was a nice person around to help us.
Next day we went on a on/off tour bus of Paris, had to get off it because the door stopped working, had to wait for another one.
On our last day we had a skip the line tour of the Eiffel Tower and about 10mins before the end of the tour half of the 2nd level was being taped off, people were still coming up but a suspicous package had been found and the lifts had been cancelled & if you wanted to get off you had to walk, well we had to walk because we had a train to catch so over 700 steps and 20mins later we got to the bottom. That was our 4 days in Paris was very glad when we got to London. LOL
Well we are now in Scotland now, & we had a great week in Ireland last week and so far the weathers been fine in Scotland. We are going to the Edinburgh Tattoo at the end of next week, I'm really looking forward to that.
Ok take care and I'll check in again soon.


The Coffee Shop / Holiday update
« on: July 14, 2012, 11:19:08 am »
Hi everyone sorry its been quite a while since I checked in with you but we have done a lot of travelling and looking around.  Since my last check in we have been to Norfolk, Paris, London, Portsmouth, Clevedon near Bristol and now I am in Cearleon with Iggygiles.  We have spent a beautiful couple of days with Iggy and his wife Fran, he gave me the guided tour of his workshop and the village that he lives in its been marvelous.  The worst part of the holiday so far as been Paris but that is a very long story so I will leave that untill my next up date.  Hope you are all keeping well and staying out of trouble.  Next up date should be in 2 or 3 weeks so keep the saw dust flying.

Marg :) :-*

The Coffee Shop / Re: Checking In
« on: June 15, 2012, 02:52:16 pm »
Home town is West Bromwich which is outside Birmingham in the Midlands.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: thanks
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:53:40 pm »
Well done Thumb, took my husband a lot longer than you to get back into the shed after he lost the end of his finger because the nerves where very close to the stump end, he kept hitting it, ouch.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: nice to talk
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:48:12 pm »
Hi Brummie, I'm Marg from Australia, but at the moment I'm in West Bromwich where I was born.  I'm only here for another couple of weeks so do you think you could order some good weather for us, we have only had one really sunny/warm day since we arrived.  LOL  Take care our kid.


The Coffee Shop / Checking In
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:36:17 pm »
Hi everyone, thought I would take 5 and check in.  We are in our old home town and boy what a shock to the system.  Basicly they have knocked everything down that we remember and rebuilt it.  The house where I was born is still standing in fact that as not changed at all but that is it.  Even the locals are having problems with getting around the town at the moment with a lot of the roads being changed.  Still we are having fun and that is the main thing.  We are here for another couple of weeks so I may get chance to check in again.

Miss you all.  ((((HUGS)))) to everyone.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy Birthday DGman!
« on: June 12, 2012, 03:26:10 pm »
Belated, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dan, hope you had a good one.  (((HUGS)))


The Coffee Shop / Re: Bye for now
« on: June 02, 2012, 09:04:42 pm »
Thanks guys. I did forget to tell you where I was going.  We are going to England, Ireland, Scotland, Sth. Wales and Paris.  I will try to come by every now
and again if I get chance.  Take care everyone.


The Coffee Shop / Bye for now
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:49:09 am »
Ok guys, we leave tomorrow on our long awaited holiday, so I'll say bye for now and I'll see you in September.


Brag Forum / Re: Scott's Eagle in an Eagle
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:45:20 am »
Excellent job Dan


Brag Forum / Re: NYC Transit Police Lieutentant
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:44:10 am »
Very nice.  Well done


Brag Forum / Re: Lion
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:42:02 am »
Very majestic.  Extremely well done.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy Birthday GrayBeard
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:37:05 am »
Happy Birthday GB.  Glad you had a fantastic birthday surprise.  Hope you have a great day.  ((((HUGS))))


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