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Messages - Barry

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: I am a top feeder!
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:10:59 am »
I am a bottom feeder.  That doesn't really sound right :)  While it is sure easier to find the hole from the top.  I like to look at how I have the blade secured in the holder.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Do you use a magnifier/light combo?
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:05:06 am »
I use a light, it came with my 788.  I don't use a magnifier right now but I can see where it would come in handy.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Which side of blade???
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:02:46 am »
Hey Thumbs -

I tend to cut counter clockwise, but I change up now and again.  It seems more comfortable to me.  I don't think it makes any difference, just a personal preference.

The ultra rev. FD are really good blades.  If I have a lot of straight cuts I will use them or the polar blades.  For most cuttings I use the FD-SR #3 or #5.
All the Flying Dutchman blades are good. ( Personal preference again :))


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: First things you made
« on: May 04, 2010, 10:17:42 pm »
The first thing I made was from a pattern on Steve's website.  It was a feather with a wolf in the center.  It is around here somewhere but I can't put my hand on it right now.  I do know I was hooked right away, though :)


I feel better after my whine session.  Thanks Mike.  I need to remember that a bad day scrolling is better than a good day at work!


Mike I know exactly what you mean.  My block comes when I am trying (unsuccessfully) to complete a project.  It is usually a portrait pattern that is tearing out.  I get aggravated and I don't like to start something else until I finish a project.  I have one now that is frustrating me, I need to just put it aside and do something else.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Language Translator
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:57:27 pm »
Thanks,  I am constantly amazed by technology.  Actually it is a tie between aggravated and amazed  :)


Brag Forum / Re: 3d Onaments
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:30:12 pm »
Paduak does cut well, but that fine red dust goes everywhere.  I used some for the top of a tongue drum.  I made it for my grandsons. It has a neat sound.


Brag Forum / Re: Chess Set
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:23:39 pm »
You have reason to be proud there.  That is a family heirloom.  Thank you for sharing.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: cheep wood
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:20:43 pm »
Good idea.  Thanks.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Does anyone sell their stuff on etsy?
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:19:28 pm »
Janet -

I reread your post and realize you were asking if anyone had experience with etsy.  I have never used it. Sorry.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Does anyone sell their stuff on etsy?
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:16:34 pm »
I don't sell any of my stuff.  Although I did make some Christmas gifts for family that they then gave to others.  They buy the wood and then I supply the cutting.  This past year I made a number of the paper (or plastic) plate holders for an Aunt who gave them as Christmas presents.

The reason I don't like to sell stuff much is that once I do that I feel like it becomes less of a hobby and more of another job.  Maybe when I retire, which might be soon, I won't mind the added "pressure".  :o


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Is this forum costing YOU money?
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:07:43 pm »
I hve never used any wax.  My surface stays smooth and the pieces slide well.  I don't think I would want it any more slippery.

My birthday is coming up and I asked my wife for a mop sander.  I have an old corded drill that should work.  Steve has a good video about his shop set up and I am going to mount the drill like he has done.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Is this forum costing YOU money?
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:00:42 pm »
 :) It is hard not to buy stuff.  Especially when there is so much info about things that make our hobby easier and more fun.  The foot switch is almost a must.  I have never used the clay.  Have you used it yet?


Hi Janet -

I have a Dewalt also.  You only want to put the minimum pressure that will hold your blade.  The wooden oval "wing" that Steve designed works great, but it is very easy to over tighten and strip the blade holder. 

I stripped my top holder and had to order another.  I went ahead and ordered two wing nuts and two of the holders.  The unit is made of aluminum and it can bend, break or strip. I have some arthritis problems myself, and the wooden tightener is a lot easier to use.

Eventually most all parts break, so you may want to have one of these on hand.


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