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Messages - Kepy

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Parking the car....
« on: February 03, 2011, 07:50:56 am »
I guess this could be me but at least mine is usually sitting up in the front seat.

The Coffee Shop / Re: "WEATHER ALERT" ! ! !
« on: February 01, 2011, 06:33:58 pm »
Think the snow is finally tapering off.  We have around 15" with blowing to make some good drifts.  I44 is closed between here and Tulsa.  Sure won't be going anywhere for a while as is supposed to get up to 11 degrees tomorrow and down to -11 tomorrow night.

The Coffee Shop / Re: "WEATHER ALERT" ! ! !
« on: February 01, 2011, 07:49:17 am »
Hurray, I still have power.  The ground was white with sleet at 2:30 and whiter with snow at 6 and still coming down with large flakes.  8-20" expected.  Some power outages south of me where they got more ice.

The Coffee Shop / Re: "WEATHER ALERT" ! ! !
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:39:35 pm »
If this thing doesn't hit pretty soon will be bad news.  Started out predicting 6-12" now its 12-18" with blizzard conditions.  Since we're starting with freezing rain could be nasty.  Filled my clean water jug, one bathtub and have been cleaning out the fridge.  Cooked up some stuff that I can warm on the kerosene stove.  Won't be able to make coffee so hope I get that done in the am before the electric goes.  Cleaned and filled the kerosene lamps and put fresh batteries in the radio so guess I am as ready as I can get.

The Coffee Shop / Re: "WEATHER ALERT" ! ! !
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:19:06 am »
Just heard the latest update here and they are predicting rain turning to ice turning to snow (6-12").  Probably means power out and I live in an all electric house so will spend today storing up some water and moving in a kerosene heater.  The kids are close by so they can help if needed.  With negative temps sure doesn't look like a fun week.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: HELLO MATES
« on: January 30, 2011, 09:13:36 am »
Not too eager for summer but spring would sure be nice.  Have been ready for that since the first freeze.
Welcome from Missouri, Paul.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Pattern of a Blue Heeler
« on: January 25, 2011, 09:16:16 am »
Thank you so much Paul.  You are certainly quick and do an excellent job.  I do custom plaques of dogs with a bone shape with the name cutout hanging under.  I've got the oak planed and ready to go so will get busy on this.  This one is for my vet and hopefully he will hang it in the store and will generate some more orders.  Thanks again for your speedy well done job.

Pattern Requests. / Pattern of a Blue Heeler
« on: January 24, 2011, 09:49:28 am »
I am looking for a pattern of a blue heeler that is similar to the patterns in the dog breed book by JGR.  I have attached a couple of photos.  All I need is the head.  Thx for any help.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Going to a concert tonight,
« on: January 23, 2011, 08:47:34 am »
I saw him last night on a Classic Gospel show on PBS here in the states.  Of course it was a taped show from quite some time ago.  I agree, he is great on the harmonica and I'm sure you had a great time.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hello from Texas
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:33:22 am »
Welcome from Missouri.  I used to live in La Porte, TX and also San Antonio.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Building a 'Light Box' for tracing...
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:12:36 am »
I made an inexpensive tracing light by cutting a 1/4" piece of plexi the size I wanted, drilled countersink holes in each corner, added 1" dowel legs (it works better to make the back ones taller and to angle the ends), put a small flourescent light underneath and you are good to go.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: attaching hangers to projects
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:50:00 am »
You can also use the nailless sawtooth hangers.  They will work on 1/4" ply.  Just tap them in and you are done.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Jig for applying oil
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:43:25 am »
I use the coat hanger idea only hang small pieces from it with paper clips that have been bent into hangers.  Have used this for drying and also spraying finish as you can get to all sides.

The Coffee Shop / Re: For you dog lovers....
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:13:01 am »
Those resolutions sure didn't last very long.  Here it is Jan 10 and they have already been broken.  Wish we could add not to hog the bed.

The Coffee Shop / Re: I thought I would share this
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:04:12 am »
A very touching story.  Too bad our media can't show the same respect rather than wanting to sensationalize the return of our troops.
I was in the color guard of our base drill team and participated in many military funerals so I can understand the feelings.

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