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Messages - Gabby

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Pattern Requests. / Re: Peregrine Falcon
« on: February 04, 2011, 04:12:47 am »
I like it Paul, saved a copy for when I can do it justice.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Delta 40-540 manual
« on: February 03, 2011, 10:00:24 pm »
After hours of searching I finally found a site that actually has the manual! Here it is.
I saw enough requests looking for it I had to post it here.

Computer questions / Re: Go- Nogo on start
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:04:11 pm »
I found this and ran it, speeded my PC up and got rid of a lot of junk. If you are useing this operating system. check it out. I have windows xp home. About a year ago I downloaded one of those clean up programs, supposed to be safe blah blah, it stripped my system and I had to format and reload windows o s from scratch lost almost all of my files. Only was able to recover some I had on disc. Do be careful and use system restore so you have a place to return to if it gets messed up. In my case that didn't even work, everything was corrupted.

Computer questions / Re: JUST GOT HIT WITH ANOTHER VIRUS!!!
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:13:54 pm »
What cat picture Julie so we know to stay away from it? Also was it on this site or another?

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:12:31 pm »
As a famous R&R singer used to say----- Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!
Know who I'm quoting? anybody?

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Prolific Paul Pattern Purveyor ! ! !
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:07:36 pm »
Me a lurker, nah, well maybe a little. I did sign up with Scrollsawer before finding this forum, before I knew better. I know ignorance of the law is no excuse, so I'm guilty. Please don't hate me. LOL I do spend the majority of my time here, it just seems like a friendlier group of people with great sense of humor, which makes me feel welcome. I like to lighten up the conversation and keep things relaxed. You couldn't tell that now could you? Did I mention it's also a great source of information?

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!! Brass Monkey
« on: February 03, 2011, 04:07:55 am »
I do, I do, Pick mee. LOL

Back in the day when canon fired round balls, before the cylindrical shells of today. They had to stack the balls next to the canon, but being round how do you keep them from rolling away. This is where the brass monkey comes in. It was formed with depressions for the bottom balls to rest in so they could stack on top in a pyramid fashion. Brass expands and contracts with changes in temperature. If it got cold enough so the story goes it would shrink enough that the balls would roll off. Hence the term, "It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey", and you always thought it was something naughty!

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Prolific Paul Pattern Purveyor ! ! !
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:31:51 am »
I don't think he's just one man, no one could draw all those patterns and saw too, and this isn't the only forum he's on, you should see his finished work as well. He's got to be at least triplets.
Uh Oh, have I given your secret away Grandpa?
I've got to admit he impresses me!

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Entry level saw
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:24:18 am »
Thanks Torsten,
I appreciate the advice. I figured lots of practice would be necessary, after watching Steve's videos and how quickly he moved without seeming to even think about it. Much like any other machine, at first you go slow and speed comes with practice. I plan to scrounge up as much scrap lumber as I can to make lots of little pieces and sawdust from.  ;D

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Entry level saw
« on: February 02, 2011, 02:37:44 pm »
Thanks Don T
If I had that kind of money, I would probably go that route. However I'm shopping the used stuff and If I have to buy new the craftsman at $120 is about as high as I can go, and would probably hear some squeals from the book keeper at that. I'm looking for a 2 speed at minimum and would prefer a variable, and able to take plain ended blades. Someone posted a new DeWalt and stand still in the boxes on Medford Craig's list for about $325 if anyone wants to look at it, to rich for my blood. I'm still PO'd my brother got one at a garage sale for $75 barely used! The worst part is his wife is just going to use it for little projects around the house. Arrrggggg...

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:10:10 am »
Sorry you got bit!
I was just very fortunate that I didn't tumble to it too, as I'm an AVG user, I almost clicked it.
I reported it as soon as my AV scan was through, I wish I could have been sooner for your sake.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Need patern of best friend
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:28:09 pm »
Thank you very much Paul, it's much better than I could have done. My photo editing is still in it's infant stage. Once I get that elusive saw and can do it justice I'll post the results. Don't hold your breath while waiting or you'll turn blue. LOL

For some reason I can't get it to open so I can save a copy, any suggestions?
Never mind I was clicking on the image instead of the link below it.  :-[

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Lemon oil
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:24:19 pm »
Hey Gabby, welcome to the forum. Thanks for all the info.
Why don't you go over to the introduction page and introduce yourself there.

I'm bashful can't you tell?
Here is a photo of my 30 year old BP rifle finished with the Beverly's product mentioned before and applied as described.
Thanks everyone for the gracious welcome.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Bye Bye Delta
« on: January 31, 2011, 12:10:27 am »
It looks as though Delta has been sold which raises some interesting questions.

If you read the first readers comment after the article, he pretty well nails it. Our manufacturers can no longer afford the high wages and perks demanded by organized labor. It has been spiraling upward for many years until it can no longer support it's self. What goes up must come down, there must be a limit!
This is why we are no longer the biggest producer of goods in the world as we once were.
They are going off shore in order to stay afloat. Anyone see the latest most up to date Ford plant, built in Brazil? Google it for yourself. They have been assembling vehicles for years in Mexico. Look at the plate in your door jamb and see where it was built, not just Ford either. When I was an equipment operator years ago, my how time flies, the shop mechanics were complaining that the replacement part for our Caterpillar equipment came from Japan! Does anyone know if the plants built here in the US by Honda and other foreign makers, are in right to work states where workers aren't forced into the unions in order to get a job?
Start thinking people. Don't blast me out of the water until you have researched the facts please. I'm not your enemy, just another concerned citizen.

Pattern Requests. / Need patern of best friend
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:46:48 pm »
Grandpa can you help. Best dogfriend ever! Lets see if I got this uploaded properly.
I re-sized it I hope it comes through better.

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