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Messages - Gabby

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 06, 2011, 11:11:00 pm »
OK Thanks folks, but I think what is being missed here is: The question..
Are the synptoms I have described indicators of a dull blade, or technique?
I was out there for 2 hours but  probably not cutting for half that time, due to examining the results and deciding what I would try next. I will replace the blade before I resume practice and will try to replicate the cuts I made and check the results.

How many times did you poke a hornet's nest before you learned NOT to?

The Coffee Shop / Re: Why 'grandpa' Ed is proud of his Navy Pilot!
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:53:25 pm »
as David I get a security message. can't see it. >:(
I quess the american's don't trust the dutch ::)

I would suspect the blockage is on your end rather than from the US. This sort of video isn't going to give away any military secrets. Perhaps someone on here savvy enough could copy the video and upload it somewhere you could view it.
The recovery at night under stormy conditions can be total terror for the pilot. It takes big ones of steel to do this day after day
Navy carrier pilots are THE BEST in the world!

The Coffee Shop / Re: SP_343 magnify light
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:32:46 pm »
Russ I have one that is similar to that but obviously an older model, I picked it up at a yard sale a while back for a buck or 2, never even tried it out until yesterday when I set my saw up. works good for me! I have another lamp like it without the magnifier that I used on my lathe, back when gas for my generator was affordable. Haven't turned anything in a long time been thinking about putting it on Craig's list, but haven't decided to part with it for sure yet, I loved turning and would probably be doing some now if I could afford the gas for power to run it. Here in Podunk OR we're 30 to 40 cents above the national average as reported by the news.
Running off at the mouth again, ::)

The Coffee Shop / Re: 3 Beer Cowboy!
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:49:52 pm »
First time I saw it. Good one!

The Coffee Shop / Re: How big is your home?
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:19:03 pm »
A well thought out and engineered accomodation to the available space he had to work with. "Clever those Chinese."
Brings to mind a gentleman who did some cabinet renovation and building here in our old log cabin. he was half Chinese and German and a talented craftsman. Possesed with a great sense of humor, we became good friends, sadly he passed on a few years ago, he is missed. He Would have appreciated this group.
He was quick with quips like the one above underlined.

The Coffee Shop / Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 06, 2011, 06:47:15 pm »
I decided to go out and make some practice cuts, and get a little time on the saw. It was overcast and chilly but I decided to tough it out. { For those who don't know I've set up in my carport open to the wind. I do have a shop / storage building but it is 300 ft. from power. I won't go into what all brought that situation into being. Suffice it to say lack of foresight. }
 About 10 minutes later the overcast was gone!
I had great lighting conditions and proceeded to practice making straight cuts and a few 90 degree turns, and checking to see how well the 2 pieces of wood matched up after the cut was complete. my wavy lines matched pretty good but the more angular cuts not so much. I decided to practice some straight lines on a piece of clear pine 1/2 x 3 x 4 inches. here is where my questions will start. I made a cut across the narrow part first cutting out a glue line just to see what would happen. that wasn't too bad, so I proceeded to do the same to the other end which had been broken of and was splintery. So I laid out a straight line to square up the end. Both of these cuts were rip cuts with the grain. I noticed the blade didn't really want to cut at the start going into end grain. I'd been noticing a little curl of wood in front of the blade and wondered if that is an indication that the blade may be getting dull??
After making the cut  which came out fairly straight.  :) I cut all but about an inch from one direction, and finished that up from the opposite just to see how close I could get doing it that way. The longer part of the cut was ragged on one side of the material as though it was tearing  the grain rather than a smooth cut, and the opposite sidewas relatively smooth, the short  part that I back cut was much smoother on one side  and the other not as badly torn as on the long part of the cut.
All this long winded dissertation is to set up to ask the question. Are all these signs  indications of a dull blade, a too loosely attached blade, or technique of feeding the material into the saw. I'm counting on you experienced people to set me straight. See what happens when a newbie O.F.gets a saw?   ::)
Last comment 2 hours vanished like smoke, I only quit because my fingers were getting a little numb!  ;D
Thanks in advance,

The Coffee Shop / Re: Christmas in February
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:36:14 pm »
Thank you to all who have answered my post and made me feel so welcome here and the giver  to this old givee. Today is the begining of the rest of my life. Just woke up and checked my email and I'm a little overwhelmed by all the responses. It puts me in a position requiring me to get off my Donkey and get to work. Thanks again, I'll try not to let you down.  I ordered the assortment pack from Mike, and got his e-mail saying my order will ship tomorrow!
 If I ramble some it's because I'm not really awake yet.

The Coffee Shop / Re: New "Senior Snow Plow" ! ! !
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:16:15 am »
Built by Kubota, just for Senior Retirement Communities!


He ain't going to get far, he doesn't have any chains on. LOL
Now cut it out GB I have some serious snooping to do

The Coffee Shop / Re: Christmas in February
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:09:01 am »
GrayBeard. I couldn't have said it better. I've been in both positions, and appreciate the feelings of both. Being on the receiving end keeps us humble, giving is "Godly" and according to his teaching. But we all forget to be thankful at times. Even our sharing of these posts and our feelings / beliefs given here are of benefit to we know not who  / or is it whom.... never could figure which was correct and when.

Well, here's my take on your story.
Some un-named benefactor saw your posts and how truly interested you are in this addiction we call a hobby.
Somewhere, at sometime in some place a kindness was done for this person and now he/she has decided to do a little 'payback'.
Frankly I have been on both sides of that situation, call it being the "Giver" and the "Givee".

The problem I have with the whole thing is I can never make up my mind which made me feel better!
It was very nice to be on the receiving end and receive the benefit of someone's generosity.
But on the other hand, I sure had a long lasting, warm feeling when I could do the same for someone else.

I say from my position, appreciate and enjoy the gift and this will in turn bring even greater satisfaction to the "Giver", knowing that he/she has helped you toward the enjoyment of a great hobby.
Now make both of you happy and get busy! We're here to help, each in our own way.

I also want to say "Thank You ALL", each and every one of you for being the sharing, caring and loving FAMILY that you are!


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Prolific Paul Pattern Purveyor ! ! !
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:54:43 am »
I'm just a little confused by your response. Care to try and make it a little clearer?
As for judging someone by their deeds. How else would you judge. Certainly not by their words alone. Too many politicians have proved the folly in that!

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:43:00 am »
Now I've got a star. Will someone explain what for and how, why,  these are awarded? Not gramatically correct but my Pa only went to the eighth grade so it's all his fault. LOL
Just fooling around.

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:36:44 am »
Son of a gun?
Nope always thought it was the politically correct way of saying, Son of a ****H.
Keeping it clean enough for the moderators I hope.
Please educate me, you never know when we'll need to have something to say when the conversation lags.  :) BTD It was shirt sleeve weather here while I was putting my new saw together.  ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Christmas in February
« on: February 06, 2011, 12:19:09 am »
Hope you enjoy your new saw.  Just remember to pay it forward when ever God gives you an opportunity too.
Thanks Chief I was planning to, already thinking about gifts for friends and family. I hang out at the local Senior Center A couple hours each day 4 days a week, I think some signs of appreciation for those who donate their time for all of us to enjoy it would be appropriate. I'm thinking of others as well and will come up with more eventually I'm sure. More reasons to practice!!!!!
After reading your post, I'm thinking what goes around comes around. Just this last summer I gave all my leather working tools to my Son in law without any thought of pay backs in mind it was a pretty complete set. I guess the Boss keeps score for us.

Got a little warning notice about other replies to my post, when I went to post this response. never had that feature on other forums I've been on. Pretty cool.
Thanks to Chachi, dgman, and Marion for the great suggestions and comments I've read them and taken them to heart.
Every day is Christmas     Christ's Mass!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Just in case you thought we were blowing smoke...
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:28:43 pm »
I gotta rub it in, It was clear and WARM with no wind here in sunny S.W. Oregon. Shirt sleeve weather. That's enough.
I really feel for you guys weathering the storm. I have a daughter and her family in indiana, I've been worrying about. Stay warm and off the roads if at all possible.
No way are you getting me to live in that part of the country. Floods in the summer, blizzards in the winter.

The Coffee Shop / Christmas in February
« on: February 05, 2011, 10:43:19 pm »
Hi guys and gals, I got a saw today. A Delta 40-540, in excellent condition from a benevolent gentleman here on the forum. I am not going to spread his name around in order not to embarrass him. He and I know who he is.
I'll say this, he would not respond to my attempt to pay him for the saw or even the shipping. Except to say use it for lumber to build a stand. He has my gratitude for that, as I'm on a limited budget living on SS and my wife's pension, otherwise you would be seeing me under a bridge or carrying a back pack down the road. This man went out of his way to help another, I have him to thank and God as well.

I discovered right away that I'm going to have to make a lot of little scraps out of big ones to get the hang of it. I had an inspectors lamp with a powerful four inch lens, that I clamped to the table, and the special circular fluorescent light even worked! With it I could stand up and still see clearly what I was or wasn't doing (like keeping on the line LOL). I'll be ordering the assortment pack of Flying Dutchman blades asap, to see what all the cheering is about. I was furnished a half dozen blades with the saw. I was planning on trying the ones available at our local lumber yard, but I think I'll save my money and go for the best according to all the pro's here on the forum. So look out for old Fuzzy Face, he'll be bugging y'all for advice and generally getting in your hair, and in the way. Well back to snooping the site, looking for good advice and patterns and such for when I can really do this work or play, depends on your point of view.
Thanks for listening to this old wind bag. And keep in mind there really are some extremely NICE people out there.

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