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Messages - Gabby

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:11:10 am »
hey gabby, sorry you didn't find my lecture notes interesting. I did state that it wasn't the problem you were experiencing, but interesting none the less.
Mrs. N

I found it interesting and even offered to bring a shiny red apple!

Brag Forum / Re: I Like Dragons
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:32:36 pm »
I got turned onto Dragons after reading all of Anne McCaffrey's books about the Dragons of Pern series (and just about everything else she wrote). Quite often the cover art was really cool. They should be available in your Science Fiction Fantasy section of the library. You can see some of the covers at the link below. If it doesn't open when you click on it just copy and paste.

Brag Forum / Re: another grampa paul patterns
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:51:24 pm »
Paul I took a copy too, my wife and all her friends are DOG people big time. I'll just have to make some of these for them. Not just yet though.

Brag Forum / Re: Typical Mexican.
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:18:18 pm »
Waa hoo I'm not a newbie any more. Just a blaber mouth! ;D ;D

Brag Forum / Re: Typical Mexican.
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:14:37 pm »
Franko...Has a wonderful "Sense of Humor"!

AND a whole lot of TLENT!

Muy Bueno! Amigo!


p.s. Franko...como se dice...GRAYBEARD?

liter anciano  m , viejo  m

The Coffee Shop / Re: Christmas in February
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:01:13 pm »
Dave "Rightarm"
Thanks Dave, I got started on the idea by looking at the work of some ladies at the senior center AKA Croaker Club. :D
They make Pine Needle baskets and they look really cool. They use different centers in the bottoms to build around. They make bundles of needles and spiral around the center piece building layer by layer. Do a search for them by name if you are interested in seeing them.
Anyway I thought I could make different centers than they have available, by cutting them out with a scroll saw, I'm not going to reveal what I have in mind someone might beat me to it. LOL
So one thing led to another, and now I'm bitten by the bug, with more grandiose ideas every day, this is a progressive disease!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:46:19 pm »
You are probably using a reverse tooth blade.  There are a few teeth pointing up at the bottom of the blade to make a clean cut on the bottom of your project.  When your wood starts bouncing up and down it is know as "chatter".  What happens is the teeth grab and the movement of your blade "bounces" the wood up and down.  You can usually put downward pressure on you wood, turn the saw back on, and the blade will break free and continue cutting.

Nope they all point down.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 08, 2011, 07:44:27 pm »
OK is there an electrician here that can tell me what Gage cord I would need to go 300+ feet and not have too much line resistance to run power tools like a Jet lathe a craftsman floor model drill press and 6 fluorescent four foot double tube lights, and throw in the scroll saw. I know they won't all be on at one time. I have a 6000W generator that puts out 220 volts split into 2-110 volt circuits one for the lights and one for the outlets, and if I have the lights on and turn the lathe or drill on the lights dim briefly. I don't use it anymore as gas here is nearly $3.50 gallon and five gallons doesn't last long.
If I would be overloading the circuit breaker at the house due to resistance, it's a long walk to go and re-set it, and that would get old in a hurry.

I'm not trying to be snide, but just pointing out an observation. Most responders don't take the time to actually read the questions and as a result their answers are some times off base. I have done so myself so I'm not trying to make myself out as smarter than anyone else, just an observation.
Our responses will be better if we just take our time.
My thanks to those who are trying to be helpful, you are appreciated.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Christmas in February
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:36:58 pm »
You are absolutely correct!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 08, 2011, 01:57:19 am »
OK Teach
Go back and read my last post again. I guess I shouldn't have abbreviated Plywood. LOL
I do know what you are referring to in the internal stresses in a piece of wood doing strange things, cutting sheet metal with a torch will do essentially the same thing. Not that we're into metal work here.
All this being said, I didn't expect this result in plywood due to the alternating directions of the layers.
We live to learn.
When is the test, second Tuesday next week?
I'll bring a shiney red apple.  ;D

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 07, 2011, 11:32:11 pm »
Yeah Gabby, GrayBeard is a joker!

I'll remember that, paybacks are a bugger.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 07, 2011, 11:27:31 pm »
OK Today I changed out the blade and tried to replicate some of the cuts done yesterday. On 1/4" ply it worked great for a while. I don't remember the exact progression of test cuts, but when I tried to rip the 1/2" pine one side of the cut was definitely smoother than the other, the tear out wasn't as bad as with the old blade.
 I was trying some gentle curving cuts on the ply when it suddenly stuck fast bouncing up and down stuck to the blade. After shutting it down I had to spring open the cut with a screwdriver, actually breaking the wood away from the blade. I couldn't find a visible cause for the blade to stick. Putting that aside, Chief's response was verified as far as I'm concerned. I'm going to have to change blades more often than I thought at least if I use Olson blades in the future. My mentor included 6 with the saw we'll see if I have better luck with the FD blades when they get here. Thanks for all the responses.

As for the Super Bowl I watched parts of it and most of the final quarter. I've never been a big sports fan, I lean more to Rodeo and Bull Riding, that's what gets my juices flowing. Takes a special kind of man to be successful at that kind of sport. When they get it right it looks easy but it only takes a split second of inattention to be thrown. Or worse.

Computer questions / Re: OMG!!!!
« on: February 07, 2011, 10:17:21 pm »
The stars Gabby (as far as I can tell) you one star for however many post you have posted on here. what they are for and why I am not sure of I suppose it is to keep track of your posting if you post alot then you move up quicker IMHO but I could be wrong..

So was GrayBeard just pulling my leg about AWARDING me a star for my "great posts" ?
I'm so confused! :o
So what else is new?

The Coffee Shop / Re: Saw blade condition or is this normal?
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:49:15 am »
Some blades ar precision ground, a little more expensive and cut better, and some blades are just ground blades.  The ground blades the teeth will have a set to one side which causes the blade to cut a little crooked and the teeth will leave on side smooth and one side a little rough.

OK now that makes sense to me, If anything I'm probably not feeding fast enough. I'm a little tentative, not wanting to break the blade by forceing it. I did notice that it took more pressure than I anticipated in order to get it to cut. Sort of like trying to turn a piece on the lathe with a dull tool. you end up burning or getting a catch. The sharp gouge cuts like butter.
I want to thank everyone who responded to my questions. I did see Steve's tightening advice and follow it.
Thanks Chief.
Mmike that was probably one of the best trips to the hardware store you ever made!  ;D I have to admit i never felt the urge to poke a nest either.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Why 'grandpa' Ed is proud of his Navy Pilot!
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:20:20 am »
You have me stumped Marcell. PBS isn't much good any more, their best stuff is shown only when they are doing a money drive. The rest of the time it's mostly junk.
Just my opinion, sorry you couldn't view the videos some I have seen are quite good of carrier landings taken from right in the cockpit. No not in the cabin, that is where the passengers ride. LOL

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