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Messages - Nicole

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Brag Forum / Re: My first scroll saw attempt!
« on: January 13, 2022, 02:12:25 am »
Thank you Rodney, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. I wish that I had planned it a little better and realized beforehand that the green grain tones in the poplar clash with the green/blue of the milk paint. But live and learn I suppose!😉 In any case I am completely hooked on scrolling now! Went ahead and upgraded my single speed 16" Craftsman scroll saw (circa early 1990s) to a DeWalt DW788. Should be delivered Friday. Which means I should probably figure out how to properly assemble it before then...

Brag Forum / My first scroll saw attempt!
« on: January 12, 2022, 11:42:27 pm »
Hello All-don't laugh!
I realize that this isn't amazing, but it's the first scroll saw pattern project that I have ever made. I was wondering what you guys thought of it? I had to alter Steve's original pattern a bit as I only had enough Walnut on hand to fill in the cutout areas on the poplar boards for the birds. So I went ahead and just glued together a couple of craft boards and spray painted them with some milk paint. Provided a much better contrast than the craft boards by themselves. Thank you Steve G. for having provided so many wonderful patterns to choose from!

Introduce Yourself. / New Member from Washington State
« on: December 12, 2021, 02:58:28 pm »
Hello All,

My name is Nicole and I have been scroll sawing for about 2 weeks now and have produced about 5 pieces of Steve Good's kindly provided patterns! My Mother thanks you for the running horses plaque which I gave her for her birthday this year. :) I find I really enjoy scrolling much more than I had originally intended to and would love to absorb some of the years of knowledge hidden within this blog. I look forward to speaking with more of you in the future, and hello from Everett, WA. 😊

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