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Messages - Gabby

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The Coffee Shop / I graduated
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:58:36 am »
Now I've got 3 stars whoopie, full member, and still can't saw!
Don't that just chap yer hide?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Changes?
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:39:48 am »

Steve do you ever try to make people aware of their compromised condition?
I guess it would take up a lot of your time.
I know I sure would like to be made aware if my PC was infected.

"I get a few hundred emails a day from readers. That means I'm on the email contact list of thousands of email clients. I will typically see 30 or more a day where the email client of the person sending the email is compromised. Their computer is being used to send out spam without their knowledge. I even see this happen from people that I know are computer literate. It's not the users fault. These things need to be fixed by Microsoft and others. You should not have to know how to rebuild an engine to drive your car."


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: HEY GABBY
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:22:24 am »
Still practicing Paul, then the snow put me out of action, I work in my open sided carport, basically a garage without walls. Way too cold to work, and we have more snow coming tomorrow afternoon.  >:(
I did do some numbers and a letter from a stencil pattern, and they came out pretty good, but I'm still really slow. Scared the crap out of myself when the blade came loose from the bottom clamp!
Just before the storm hit I bought a foot control from Harbor Freight for $9.99 works good, foot on it to go, foot off to stop. Looking forward to some warm weather. 50-F would be good it's been in the 30's.
I'd really like to have something to show for all this. Gabby

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Not quite entry level saw and not quite...
« on: February 23, 2011, 03:54:07 am »
Don't forget Craig's list in your area, make sure and take any used saw for a test drive before laying your hard earned money down. Steve has a video on the craftsman somewhere here on the forum maybe someone will chime in here and tell you where it is. This is the cheapest I was able to find it.
Good luck,

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New pattern library
« on: February 23, 2011, 03:40:21 am »
I hope it was helpful for you. As Larry the Cable Guy says.
"Git-R-Done"  ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Man of the house
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:55:30 am »
Hey I wear the pants in this house!!!
I have my wife's permission.
Yer durn tootin'

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New pattern library
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:39:11 am »
@Gabby The thumbnails should start just to the right of the menu. There must be something wrong with the way it is working with different resolutions or browsers. Can you give me more details? What operating system, browser and resolution are you using if you know?

Steve I have windows xp home edition, with internet explorer 7. Page loads at 100% just as it does here, I can click on the zoom to increase size if the print is too small changing the zoom doesn't seem to affect it. But there isn't anything alongside the menu bar whether I zoom in or out. Just went back and checked to see if it is still doing it. The page loads with several photos of samples across the top of the page, and the menu running down the left side. To view further content scrolling down to the bottom of the page is required as the body of the first page is blank on my browser the instructions for viewing content and downloading is below the first page. I hope this helps. Love the page and hope you get all the bugs fixed. I hope I haven't confused you I went back and forth several times to verify whether it was loading properly for me, and made additional comments without editing content.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Classified Ads in UK!
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:51:23 pm »
Did you all notice not one response from the ladies. No sense of humor!

Brag Forum / Re: Charles Horse
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:46:02 pm »
Beautiful horse pattern. I opened it expecting something humorous as a take off of "Charlie Horse" aka A Cramp.
Is that pattern available?

The Coffee Shop / Re: Something to think on!...AGAIN!
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:27:04 pm »
AMEN Graybeard!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New pattern library
« on: February 20, 2011, 10:17:17 pm »

bampasr: Are you talking about the home page where the instructions are? I'm not sure which blank space you are refering to.

Steve I think he is talking about the pattern catalog you have worked so hard on. When I open it there is a menu down the left side of the page. When you click on a page it first appears nothing has happened. You have to scroll way down to see the images that have loaded there.

Thanks. I have seen all of steve's videos...  But what other videos are out there.

Rich H has over 70 videos at his site.

You can learn a bunch

The quality of his videos do not compare to Steves, the patterns don't show up on my PC, and the noise of his saw makes it hard to understand what he is saying. I'll stick with Steve!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Just in case you thought we were blowing smoke...
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:08:24 pm »
That would be nice I've thought of putting up a tarp to block some of the weather but due to the configuration of the carport it would be impossible to heat not to mention expensive. It is built to go with the house which is an Old Log Cabin built in the 1920's. It is made of peeled logs for supports and peeled log trusses for the roof with a gravel floor, and completely open on the sides. Really just designed to park cars in. I'll just have to wait out the weather, and keep every one here cussing me for all the stuff I post. LOL
Thanks anyway,

Computer questions / Re: Looking for a free download PDF to JPG converter
« on: February 19, 2011, 05:57:53 pm »
There are tutorials on how to use both Gimp and Inkscape on 
I don't use them but maybe you could just use them for the PDF to JPEG conversion, then use software you're familiar with.
I wish I knew more about this stuff so I could be more help.

Thanks Ten
Every time I try to wade through tutorials I get a headache and dizzy from all the content. I need something that is simple and pretty much self explanatory and logical. It does get harder for an old dog to learn new tricks. This is why I like Paint.NET it's much easier to understand how to do things and if you try something and don't like the results it's easy to back up and try another process.
Once I find something I can work with I stick with it, even if there are other gee whiz programs out there that can do more.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Videos on blog
« on: February 19, 2011, 05:45:43 pm »
Thank you Steve. You have a great forum here, I spend way too much time surfing around it!
What else does an old Geezer have to do though?? LOL  ;D
I have to agree with Judy as we get older it's harder to remember just where we were able to find what we're looking for. An index will be a great time saver for all the users.
Great job the information is priceless!

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