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Messages - Gabby

Pages: 1 ... 191 192 [193] 194 195 ... 205
The Coffee Shop / Re: Here's one we folks in the US need to watch!
« on: March 09, 2011, 12:44:31 am »
Don't believe all the hype they are trying to sell us. Read the fine print then check out their claims for your self. Smoke and mirrors folks.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Stain keeper
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:41:53 pm »
I use the styrofoam meat trays for dipping my pieces in Danish Oil. 

You do have to be careful or you could have a big mess, some of the solvents used in paints and stains could disolve the foam. When in doubt daub a little on the foam and wait a little while you'll see the results pretty quick.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Broken Blower
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:29:44 pm »
Drat went back to look at the photo again and lost all I had written.
 My thought was you could make a swivel arm to mount the fan on, that you could swing away or back to you as needed. Cut a piece long enough and strong enough to support the fan. Drill a hole through it and the board you have zip tied to the saw. Use a bolt with a couple of flat washers and a NYLOCK nut to mount it and keep it from coming loose. You would want to snug it up enough for friction to keep it where you placed it. Should be handy too when the weather warms up even if you get an aquarium pump. Grin!

Pattern Requests. / Re: retirement pattern for a knitter/sewer/quilter
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:08:42 pm »
Great job!! Love the pattern.
We should have one for us scrollers like "friends are like patterns, you can never have enough" with a scroll saw.

Great Idea mrsn, I second it!
Thanks Paul I got a copy too, I'll bet all the ladies at her club will want one.

The Coffee Shop / Re: About me.
« on: March 08, 2011, 07:04:47 pm »
Thank you all for the kind words.
Those who got their "ears cuffed" probably had it coming.
Sounds like it straightened you out!  ;D
Cops used to be male role models, more so than nowadays. I had the distinct privilege of working with some men I really looked up to. One Sargent who was nearing retirement age came across as very crusty and tough, but it was just a front, I discovered he had a heart of gold! he is just one example and I tried to follow his footsteps as best I could.
 I found myself in a dangerous predicament one night working with him, family fights are one of the most dangerous a policeman can get into. As it was a small town there was only 3 of us on duty, another patrolman and our Sargent, and they were already on calls. I responded to the call and found a man that had returned from Vietnam he was a Green Beenie, when he returned he found his wife with another man. When I got there he was in a killing rage, and could have cleaned my clock no problem! Fortunately I was pretty gabby even back then and knew what to say by instinct I guess, I sure didn't want a fight with 2 upset people thats a good way to end up hurt or worse. I was able to reason with both of them and talked them into my patrol car and took them to the station, where my Sgt finally joined us. Thankfully I was able to release them both after they had made up and settled down, the husband was even crying before it was all over.
Just another night keeping the peace.

Pattern Requests. / Re: retirement pattern for a knitter/sewer/quilter
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:29:47 pm »
I like those, maybe on a silhouette of a sewing machine...
That sounds like a winner, I don't believe the wife and I could top that. I'd probably like a copy too if Grampa works his usual magic!
Here I sit in front of this tube listening to the rain on the roof. No sawing today. :(

The Coffee Shop / About me.
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:20:41 pm »
Just a little background history of an old fart.
Back in the late 1960's after serving 4 years in the US Navy. I returned to my home state of AZ. In 1970 I joined the local police department, the part about my job I liked most was helping people out when I could, I had parents stop me on the street to thank me for setting their straying kids straight, on several occasions I stopped teenagers and found alcohol in their vehicles, rather than arrest them I would make them pour it out in the street and send them home. It was a small town so they couldn't hide from me. I never did it for the thanks. If a mother was being abused by her husband or leaving herself open to bad things I would caution them. Quite often I never heard from them but I did notice they had changed their situation. That was thanks enough. I left law enforcement after getting on the wrong side of a crooked Chief of Police, and had to leave AZ in order to find a job. Finally after a time I returned and was able to get my life back together, even worked as a security officer for a time, but finally ended up as a heavy equipment operator, which was a job I loved, something about the challenge of overcoming difficult situations, making that machine do what was necessary and getting the job done.
I have 3 daughters that have made me a grandfather to 5 girls and 2 boys. I'm proud of them all. I love a good joke and sharing them with friends whether it's here on this forum or with the other old geezers at the croaker club, senior center for those who don't know what I'm talking about. So now maybe you know what makes me tick somewhat. I'm limited to very little travel due to a health problem, but still enjoy interacting with people and if possible imparting some of my knowledge picked up in 68 years of life. There isn't much more I can do for my extended family
including those who are total strangers here in cyber space.
I think it was Mr Spock who said, "Live Long and Prosper".

The Coffee Shop / Re: Here's one we folks in the US need to watch!
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:51:11 pm »
Oh heck Gray Beard. That's OLD NEWS someone with the same initials as you already covered that on TV last year. But of course he's CRAZY too. LOL
The darn things don't put out as much light as Edison's bulbs either!
What a total joke. Another SNAFU of our new changy government. This will put quite a few people out of work here in the states that used to make GOOD light bulbs. Hum is there a pattern here?
I guess our kids will have to move to China to get a sweat shop job, there won't be any here pretty soon, except for haz-mat crews to clean up all the broken approved bulbs!
Just call me CRAZY,
Gabby  >:(

The Coffee Shop / Re: Battery Power ran out....
« on: March 08, 2011, 02:18:42 pm »
Not all of us live near a Costco. I did get by a wally mart and picked up a couple of packages of the Ray O Vac Ni-MH and have a charger that will charge Ni-cad & Ni-MH both from Radio Shack. Work pretty well for me.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: HEY GABBY
« on: March 08, 2011, 02:13:07 pm »
There is nothing like free wood makes it all the sweeter, can't wait to see your first project.......Paul
Thanks Paul, I'm still waiting for my daughter to re-send the photo of my friend, between the weather and computer problems she still hasn't been able to get it to me.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Battery Power ran out....
« on: March 08, 2011, 04:18:54 am »
David, just be sure NOT to by Ni-Cd (nickel cadmium) re-chargeables.
Ni-MH (nickel metal hydride) are much better and hold a charge much longer. They are a little more money though but worth it!

You may even be able to find the newer lithium based batteries, there are several of different composition. Some have had problems with bursting and fire so do your research before buying any of those. They have to be charged only with a charger designed just for them. My information on them is a bit dated and the problems may have been resolved by now.
Good luck,

Pattern Requests. / Re: retirement pattern for a knitter/sewer/quilter
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:48:07 am »
My wife is a quilter, but not into knitting, if you could give me an idea of what you have in mind I could ask her for an idea or two.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Irish Dance Pattern
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:24:24 am »
Paul you never ever to cease to amaze me...
Took the words right out of my mouth!  ;D

Intarsia / Re: "cut and paste method" or "Trace method"?
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:21:36 am »
Is it a trade secret? I've been amazed with much of the intarsia I've seen and may try my hand at it once I get control of that tiny little saw.
Why not share it with the group?

Intarsia / Re: Latest project
« on: March 08, 2011, 03:17:22 am »
I think that is called a Celtic knot, could be mistaken though.
The workmanship is very good I like it!

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