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Messages - TripleB

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Pattern Requests. / Re: Need Help with Royal Ambassador Pattern
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:45:27 am »
Charlie, can you say "Brain Fart"? LOL...guess it's a lil late tonight. All fixed now.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Need Help with Royal Ambassador Pattern
« on: May 17, 2011, 03:04:55 am »
Here ya go Donald, hope this works for you. Cut the black, and if you would like, on the crown and the branch, either cut as is with the bridges or just cut the peices without the bridges and glue them to the backer.


Pattern Requests. / Re: No Soliciting Sign with Character
« on: May 17, 2011, 01:44:45 am »
Hey Curry, here's another one, I just threw this together. The idea behind this one is to be self framing (cutting the inside edge on a bevel so that it will inset the inner panel. If you're not familiar with this type of cut Steve has a great video here about it Cut out the black letters and rout a round over or ogee on the outer ring and you're good to go.

Charlie... Very nice pattern.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Wind Beneath My Wings
« on: May 13, 2011, 01:36:15 pm »
Wow Grandpa, Very Creative that looks great! The Eagle is a great touch as the W.

Brag Forum / Re: First Segmentation
« on: May 11, 2011, 01:44:39 am »
MW, Its rare to see a frame that should not have a picture in it, this is one of those times. That frame is so nice all by itself that any picture put in it would not do it justice, maybe a mirror or nothing would be a great option! Excellent work!

Brag Forum / Re: My first shared work
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:35:52 pm »
Excellent work Sheila on both design and cut. Can't wait to see the completed project.

Brag Forum / Re: Cat Drugs
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:09:37 pm »
LOL, Wade, I like it! But if I ever tried to stop giving my two cats their catnip treats every night, I don't think it would be pretty, they both have very sharp claws! :o

Brag Forum / Re: Mother's Day gift
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:58:29 pm »
Dan, thats very nice work, I'm sure the better half loved it!

Brag Forum / Re: See my new cut. "Range Rover Evoque
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:40:37 pm »
Roger, Great job on cutting a great pattern, you did great on all those long straight lines.

Brag Forum / Re: Another portrait done
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:37:13 pm »
James it came out great, thanks for showing it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Sloan's Plywood
« on: May 07, 2011, 06:20:10 pm »
I know a lot of people here get their BB from Sloan's, I'm curious about the other plywoods they sell such as the Walnut, Maple, Mahogany ect.

Has anyone used them? How well do the other plywoods work for scroll saw projects and how well do they cut? Is it a good value at Sloans or are there other outlets? Would it be better to just buy the hardwood even though it can be difficult to find in thin pieces (I don't have a planer yet).  Any input is appreciated.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Charles Dearing
« on: May 04, 2011, 01:42:35 am »
Charles, I must agree with Sheila, you have an extraordinary artist ability when it comes to your pattern design. But I must also disagree with you, not everybody has natural artistic ability, so not every one can do what you do as easily as you say. I'm a perfect example, I can recreate others work, but it is extremely difficult for me to create my own. Your talent is your own, and it shows, and it's something to be proud of.

About spiral blades. Like many I was hesitant to use them due to all of the negativity surrounding them, but when I did my first portrait pattern I used spirals, I instantly came to like them. Granted they are not for everything, but if you're going to do a portrait, you've got to at least try it with a spiral blade. If you make a mistake with the spiral on a portrait, nobody will know except you and they are so much quicker than a straight blade. All I can say is,get over the fear and just try them.


Pattern Requests. / Re: Help with pattern
« on: May 04, 2011, 12:41:19 am »
Here ya go Marmoh, a lil thinner a lil younger! LOL... Sorry couldn't resist!

Pattern Requests. / Re: To the Pattern Makers here...
« on: May 03, 2011, 11:17:44 pm »
Paul, by no means was I saying "only one pattern should be made" and I apologize if it sounded that way, that was not the intent. I'm just trying to come up with a way that several of us don't make the same pattern at the same time, unless you want too. If it's a pattern you like and want to do, then by all means go ahead and do it. I'm sure the one requesting the pattern would love more than one option.

As for myself, I am brand new to pattern making (it takes me several hours to complete a pattern), I have done several that have not been posted as practice. I'm still not nearly as good or as quick at it as you are. So please don't take the initial post the wrong way. I have all the respect in the world for your abilities, and the others here, and hope to one day be half as good as you are. But for me anyway, I know when you start a pattern it is a rather large time commitment, and I simply wanted away for other pattern makers here to decide whether or not they want to make that time commitment knowing that someone else has already started working on it.  To me it's a matter of simple communication, any decisions are personal ones, by announcing that someone is working on a pattern is just added info to help in someone's decision to make a pattern or not. I hope that makes sense.


Introduce Yourself. / Re: Howdy from Texas
« on: May 03, 2011, 09:58:43 pm »
Billie Ray, Welcome! I like piddlin too, as long as it doesn't run down my leg. I bet you and Gabby will get along swell!

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