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Messages - Martin

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Brag Forum / Re: Razorback HOG/Word Art
« on: March 01, 2013, 05:55:00 am »
Great hog! I know someone who would love something like this, but I suspect it might be some time before I can do letters as neat as those, out of something 1" thick.


Brag Forum / Re: Razorback Plaque
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:17:58 pm »
Love that lettering, but I noticed the 'Z's and 'O's are flipped vertically. Unless it was done on purpose to differentiate between yours and the one for your son? ;)

Brag Forum / Re: One from Steve's email. (I think)
« on: February 27, 2013, 03:00:40 pm »

Merlin, I had no option on which way the grain went as the piece of flooring was only big enough for it to fit one way. I do realise though that grain direction is something I need to take note of. Reducing the pattern slightly would have made it fit, but I didn't think of that. :)

The place I bought the scroll saw had limited stock of blades, so the spiral blade was more luck than judgement, although I did find it easy to use.

Brag Forum / One from Steve's email. (I think)
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:24:05 pm »
I've had my scroll saw a month or so now and all my metal working tools and my motorbike are covered in sawdust. (grrr) One of my problems, especially as I don't drive 4 wheels, is getting hold of wood to mangle, so my first decent piece is cut from a piece of laminate flooring I'd acquired somwhere.
I've not had much experience (none in fact) for the intricate bits, so I used a spiral blade and it works for me, I think I only made one mistake.

It's a long way from what I have been jealously looking at on the forum, but it's mine and I'm proud of it, so I have to show it off.  ;D

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hi from the UK
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:51:38 pm »
Thanks for the warm welcome guys and gals.  :)

Introduce Yourself. / Hi from the UK
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:45:05 am »
New to woodwork of any description, not just scrolling. I've always thought that metal was for making things, and wood was for burning. :) That outlook is changing rapidly after I managed to get a scroll saw relatively cheap. As I have Raynaud's phenomenon, I had been looking for something a little warmer to the touch to keep me occupied over the winter, and after doing some repairs to a friend's saw and having a brief go with it, I decided to give scroll sawing a go. A quick search for more info led here, and it looks like I have a lot to learn, even though at first it seemed relatively easy.

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