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Messages - spiderman

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yes the bottom and top chuck with the lever. I read on a another website forgot the link but they said they got an upgrade chuck for their ex-21 scroll saw.   I'm not sure if they ment a new one of the sameone or a new version of the upgrade chuck.? if that makes any cents.


Does anyone have any information on the new Chucks for the EX-21. I know some of you guys said in a few post that you guys got sent new version of the chucks to replace the older version. I just want to know if you have any information on them. thanks.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: blades
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:19:24 pm »
I didn't read anything rude in Dale response. You are out of line on this one cyberghost. 

OK, it doesn't make sense to ask people who know a lot more than I f ro advice and the not follow it

Well Then i guess i took this line  wrong then  but to me sounds a little rude. 

so long...

Computer questions / Re: Adobe PDF files
« on: July 21, 2012, 09:46:03 pm »
Ahh ok, see I thought the resize button in adobe did it. So I guess it only resizes it on the viewing page then? I am new to all this so I am going to have to learn to use the other programs. I would love to make my own patterns such as ornaments and stuff. So not sure which one will be best to use?

Dude watch this video that steve good made on resizeing

Computer questions / Re: Enlarging patterns
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:11:44 pm »
Steve good did a video on how to enlarge his patterns and its slick and its free. 
I don't know what the link is but you can find it on or on his blog in the video part. have fun.  it well break up the pattern but then you'll have to tape the pattern together  enjoy.

Computer questions / steve new program
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:04:37 pm »
I want to know what people wanted in the new program that steve good made  I also would like to  know what bugs  you have found. 


Sir I'm A+ certified computer tech.

This is for internet explorer

What you have is a corrupt or damaged registry key in internet explorer Th registry key found at HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Classes\htmlfile\shell\open\command

I'll bet you want to know how to fix it right lol.

For Internet explorer
Reset Internet Explorer.
To use the Reset Internet Explorer Settings feature from Control Panel, follow these steps:
1.Exit all programs, including Internet Explorer (if it is running).
2.If you use Windows XP, click Start, and then click Run. Type the following command in the Open box, and then press ENTER:
If you use Windows Vista, click StartCollapse this imageExpand this image. Type the following command in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER:
The Internet Options dialog box appears.
3.Click the Advanced tab.
4.Under Reset Internet Explorer settings, click Reset. Then click Reset again.

Click to select the Delete personal settings check box if you would also like to remove browsing history, search providers, Accelerators, home pages, Tracking Protection, and ActiveX Filtering data.
5. When Internet Explorer finishes resetting the settings, click Close in the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box.
6. Start Internet Explorer again.
But I want to know which web browser are you using and which version of windows you are using as well.   

Pattern Requests. / patterns
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:45:23 pm »
Does anyone knows a good webiste that has lots and lot of free scroll saw patterns beside steve good blog and that don't have virus malware spy-ware websites.



What software do you guys use to make pdf files.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: help scroll saw machine
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:31:18 pm »
jlatorre was asking about the 40-540, not the 40-690.  They are quite different. 

jlatorre, before you buy a saw, try to actually cut wood with it.  All saws vibrate a little, but make sure it doesn't vibrate too much.  Also try changing blades, it is easier if you don't need a wrench.  Most people like blades without the pins at the end, they fit into smaller holes.

There are some comments on the 40-540 on this site - search for 40-540. 

Best of luck and let us know what you buy.
what is the link

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: EX 21 - broken
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:26:31 pm »
Well I've gotten word that they are going to repair my we are 2 weeks and still not done.  The part was to be in this week and now another company is to do the repair.  Hopefully it will go in to the shop next week.  In the meantime I'm still using the DeWalt.  It sounds I'm going thru a 2" board instead of 1/2".  I don't know what the problem is but until the EX is repaired it's getting the job done. 

Sheila/Dan regarding your replies on blade slippage, I do sand the blade ends now....learned that trick quite early in the game! ;D

Sheila when I get my saw back I'll read the adjusting tension article more thoroughly.  You may hear from me again! lol :)

Mine dewalt made a knocking noise too. and dewalt sent me a brand new one. it was 2010 model type 2 dw788. I guess from what dewalt told me the all 2010 are bad batch.  The new one is type 2 2012. Working great so far.  But my ex-21 scroll saw waiting on parts for the white leaver and the thums and set screws been about a month now and acme has not got back to me yet.  I think this week i'm going to take the saw in and have them fix it or replace the saw with a new one.

General Scroll Saw Talk / here is a scroll saw for steve good
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:16:18 pm »
 This would get steve good into shape real fast LOL  ;D

Ask Steve a question. / Re: New Look
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:10:40 pm »
Yes -Steve is looking better these days and I'm glad to see the Mrs Good in his life. I'll bet she's design his projects and vidoe tape his "shows"  ;)

Maybe his wife also cut out the patterns too.  on her 5,000.00 scroll saw

Get togethers, shows and swap meets / North Dakota
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:01:48 pm »
Is there any show in north dakota like around Fargo or valley city

Computer questions / Re: Puter cleanup
« on: July 09, 2012, 07:00:04 am »
a clean reinstall of windows is the best thing to do... Gets rid of the junk virus spyware malware ad-ware and speed up your computer. and do the windows updates and update the hardware drivers as well.

have fun

Computer questions / Re: Restore
« on: July 09, 2012, 06:57:41 am »
Not sure if this has been asked before, but is it worth the time to restore a computer to its restore point, if so how far can you go back, just wondering Edward

I Wouldn't do a restore.  I would do is Reformat the hard drive and reinstalling windows and reinstall all the software But do a backup of your personal data frist. What  you'll get is a faster computer and more stable computer system.

Doing a restore is a joke. 
enjoy have fun..  The stuff I said to do is child play's oops I'm A+ certified computer tech but stills child play but without chucky.... lol..

good luck.

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