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Messages - jscott2

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DW788 type 2 blade tensioning
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:03:13 am »
jb, the link I mentioned above has a write-up and, on the same page, a bit further down, there is an exploded diagram of the tensioning area with instructions.  To get at the tensioning rod, you have to remove items 71, 26, and 80.  With a bit of careful tugging, you should be able to lift 71 enough to continue. 

This page has parts diagrams, the "default" shows the area you are interested in.

When you take it apart, don't miss-place the washer, item 87.  I also found that bolt 52 tended to loosen as the tension knob 26 is turned.  A little blue Locktite solved that.  (Don't use the red or you will never remove the bolt again.)

It can be scary to take it apart but if you work carefully (take pictures of each step if you want) you shouldn't have any problems.

Good luck,

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Your free pattern - Anchors Aweigh
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:25:52 pm »
Jerry, it's a combine because it "combines" the actions of a reaper, thresher, and winnower.  (Thanks Wikipedia).

But you are correct, English is an inconsistent language.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DW788 type 2 blade tensioning
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:12:20 pm »
Terry, not sure why the tensioning has changed, perhaps something is worn inside.  Rick's site might have a fix.  On the left, scroll down to, and click on "Dewalt Tuneup".  This takes you to a long page with a lot of reading about the 788 - adjustments, modifications, etc., and there are instructions on adjusting the tensioning rod.

Hope this helps.

You too?


Computer questions / Re: Scrollsaw workshop question
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:27:17 pm »
jerry, there are no really dumb questions (well, almost none  ;D).  Go to Steve's blog and just below the video of Steve and his saw there is a signup section for his patterns.

If they don't start to arrive in a couple of days, check your spam filter settings.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Delta 40-694 Scroll saw
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:20:49 pm »
tdub, I used the technique described on the web site pddesertrat mentioned.  Click the "Dewalt tunreup" on the left, then scroll way, way, down to "Front to back blade movement fix; DW 788 blade forward travel".  That's the procedure I followed. 

Before enlarging the holes, I would try cleaning paint out of the holes, you might get enough movement to solve your problem.

Good luck and let us know what you did and how it worked out.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Delta 40-694 Scroll saw
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:17:11 pm »
I have the 40-690 which is essentially a direct copy of the DW788.  I believe the 40-694 is essentially the same as to 40-690 except that it has a gizmo to hold the arm up for blade changes, etc.

Assuming it is the otherwise the same, I have a few comments.

Like the Type 2 DW788, I had to make some changes to the bottom arm to reduce back-and-forth movement of the blade. I also have not been able to eliminate the vibration I get a certain speeds but find I can usually select a speed that works without too much vibration.

All in all, it's a good saw for it's price.  One thing to consider is maintenance and repairs.  For a while, Dewalt was doing the repairs and maintenance.  By now, Delta may have established their own network but it's something to consider.

Hope this helps a bit.

Pattern Requests. / Re: In Honor of Veteran's Day
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:57:52 pm »
Cute, I like it.


The Coffee Shop / Re: WOW....did you see Steve's pattern for today?
« on: November 15, 2014, 04:56:47 pm »
Didn't notice the lack of clothes until GB mentioned it - he must look more closely than I do.    :D ;D

Merlin, if you don't cut the lines Steve added to show the suit, you are back where you wanted to be.  Now who's got a dirty mind - me?    ;)


Computer questions / Re: Scrollsaw workshop question
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:05:56 am »
I emailed Steve last night.  He is working on the problem and hopes to have it fixed ASAP.  It seems Google has changed the way images are handled in blogs so it's not only Steve's blog  that has this problem.

Have a good one,

Edit:  I just opened Steve's email post for today (Friday, Nov 14) - the image of the pattern shows in the email.  He has fixed the problem.

Computer questions / Re: Scrollsaw workshop question
« on: November 13, 2014, 12:07:39 pm »
OK, it's not just me.  I'll drop a note to Steve.

Thanks for your replies.

Computer questions / Scrollsaw workshop question
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:24:42 am »
I receive Steve's daily email with the pattern.  The past two days, the image of the pattern is not visible, there is only a small square showing.  If I click the square, the image of the cutting opens in my web browser.  It has only happened the past two days but I doubt my email program is censoring the image.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D     

I am using Thunderbird for email and Firefox for browsing on Windows 7 Pro.

Is anyone else having this problem or is it only me?  If others have the problem, I'll contact Steve but if it's only my computer . . . .

Thanks and have  a good day,

The Coffee Shop / Time change and your electrical panel(s)
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:46:08 am »
Once again it is time change, for many of us, on Sunday.  You get another hour of sleep and have to reset all the clock in the house.

Since you have to reset the clocks anyway, take the opportunity to actuate all the circuit breakers in the house - before you adjust the clocks.     ;D    Breakers that are never operated/tripped can freeze closed and not open if the is a problem with the circuits in the house - a stuck breaker could cause a fire.  Flipping the breakers on and off every year reduces the chances that a breaker might freeze.

Don't forget the big breaker that interrupts all the current coming into the house.

Be safe,

The Coffee Shop / Re: Your next automobile
« on: November 01, 2014, 09:41:08 am »
Question: If the automatic car scratches another car while moving around, who is at fault, i.e., pays for the damage, the owner who isn't near the car or the manufacturer?

Question: If there is an accident, how will the other driver know who owns the car?

Question: If 2 driverless cars have an accident, will they call the owners to come to the scene of the accident and will both owners come right away?

Comment: When 100 owners of this type of car all stand at the same door and call their car, think of the traffic jam.

There are a lot of legal questions to be settled before this technology can be allowed on the road.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Camera recomendation
« on: October 28, 2014, 08:38:14 am »
Agree 100% with Danny.   A tripod makes it much easier to place the camera and to eliminate the shake that often makes you think the fuzziness is the fault of the camera.  With the camera held securely, it's also easy to try different lighting effects - side, top, etc.   Even a small table mounted tripod will work.


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