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Messages - iggygiles

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Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hi People
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:25:28 pm »
Get Po'd, If I can't laugh ;D at myself, then I am not qualified to laugh at the rest of the World.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What a Welcome
« on: May 26, 2011, 03:41:01 pm »
Hi Gabby & CNLNC.
                            Gabby, you were crack on the first time, ie retarded. As for the fence, it was 5no 6"x 1" boards with 2"x 1" in between each 6" board and on both sides of the 3" x 3" posts so quite a bit of timber most of it spongeform as it has been there nearly 30 years. I live in wales, within sight of the Ryder cup course of last year, The Celtic Manor. If you watch golf, you will know that we won, but it was extended by 1 day due to the weather. That kind of weather has been attacking my fence for all that time and it was only dunnage in the first place. Unfortunatly, it is more rusting than rustic. I have been out there today, sorting out some sound footage (waste not want not) to make bird boxes for the School kids to sell for their funds. By the way, i have been talking to Mike and he is happy to supply me with blades over here, I just have to work out what I want, I may start with his mixed bag as there are so many types to choose from. LOL Iggy
P S Gabby, you ARE A Star. Have you had a look at word art on the Tube yet????

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Arched or circular Script
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:49:27 pm »
                 Go to you tube and put Word Art in the Search box and you will get all the info you want and can go back as many times as you like and its FREE. In fact I find the Tube good for most subject questions I have

LOL Iggy.     

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What a Welcome
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:48:10 pm »
Hi Gabby.
                   You are a total star, my life will never be the same for the loss of all the info you were going to send me. I have been fencing at the bottom of the garden all day, digging up concrete lumps and creating firewood out of the 30 year old ranch stile fence. Funny though I kept trying to remember the words of the immortal Johnny Cash "It takes me all day to do what I used to do all day" LOL Iggy

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: What a Welcome
« on: May 24, 2011, 05:26:26 pm »
Thanks for all the info people, I am getting a little better every day, sometime soon I hope to produce something worth keeping. I got on to my bandsaw blade supplier and he fixed me up with a half decent selectoin to play with (including spiral) I forget what they are called but German so probably a decent make. I also made myself a high chair to sit on and bolted the saw firmly down to the bench to prevent high speed vibration and made a false bed to reduce the size of the blade hole. small peices seemed to dissapear into the well. I have also been talking to Gabby about lights and magnification. Today though  ??? ??? No Progress >:( as management insisted I start mending the rotten fence at the bottom of the garden. Like I said to Gabby, for the cost of that I could have bought a new Rockler.
Many thanks Iggy. 

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Router Table...
« on: May 23, 2011, 07:18:38 pm »
I Bought one, not the same as yours, it had simple splayed leggs so threw them away and planted the top in my workbench, I now have 6' either side of it Fantastic. I fitted it with a large Trend electronic router with a through wind up mechanism and wind it up and down with an old 12 v drill, saving me the cost of a Rout R Lift

Iggy Giles.

General Scroll Saw Talk / What a Welcome
« on: May 23, 2011, 07:03:10 pm »
Hi All.
         Thanks for the fantastic welcome, I have a woodrat, one of those dovetailing machines that work on wires, I joined the forum and had no replies so gave up. What a change to have the welcome you guys gave me. I will be of little use to you for a while as the scroll saw is a new toy for me so need practice, I am working on that using Steves Jig Saw patterns as blanks. I seem to be ok on the left hand turns but lousy on the right, I think I need to relax more + I am getting a bit short sighted as I am 67 now and am never sure which way the tiny blade is facing when I come out of a sharp turn. I may get rid of that stupid perspex guard and fit a magnifying glass in its place, and get another light on the other side as the existing one casts a shadow running away from the blade and is a pain in the preverbial. What do you think???

when I bought my scroll saw, the first thing I did was to throw away the stand through lack of room in my workshop. the net result was that it leapt about all over the bench at the higher speeds, so I bolted it securely to the bench and added another bed by bolting a 1/2" peice of ply to the metal bed, these two actions tamed the machine down and it now behaves perfectly without vibration.

Hope this helps, iggygiles

Introduce Yourself. / Hi People
« on: May 22, 2011, 10:02:14 am »
        My name is Ian Giles, I have been an admirer of your comprehensive site for some time now and have been getting mail from Steve every day for a few months and have accumulated enough stuff to keep me going for years. By the way Steve thank you for returning my accidental double payment for the Jig Saw pattern maker (Now returned as a donation)
        I am now retired and have all the time in the world to get on with it, in my 22' x 12' garage. I have bought a load of machines and hope to spend the rest of my usefull life in there doing what I love best. I have never done woodwork professionally but have been to College to learn how to keep my fingers in tact as a cabinet maker. I find the smaller stuff harder and more exacting therefore more interesting.
        Thanks again for your dedication to a well run active site, long may it continue, I hope to be an asset and not a pain in the a$$.
Iggy Giles.  

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