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Messages - Wooden Lace

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: noprogress on site
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:05:18 pm »
Hi and congrats on the new you're going to love it.  I just bought another DeWalt this past week so now I have 3 and a 16" Excalibur.  Having both the old DeWalts rebuilt since one is around 10 years old, and the other 8, and they've both been used a LOT in my business. Can't say the same for the Excalibur, but it's at least it's cute.
Nancy from Washington state.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: info
« on: May 24, 2015, 03:41:38 pm »
Hi and welcome.  Once you start scrolling, you'll really enjoy it and become addicted, as we all have!
Nancy from Washington state.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Bad luck...
« on: May 21, 2015, 11:34:44 pm »
So sorry to hear of your injury, but it's kind of good to know that I'm not the only one who's hurt themselves in the shop.  Two years ago I managed to let my left hand get "grabbed" by a pneumatic drum sander.  Tore some ligaments and broke both bones in the wrist.  Then I  got to wait in the emergency room for over 7 hours before they took care of it.   Hope yours heals as well as mine did.

The Coffee Shop / Re: 17 second video
« on: May 02, 2015, 04:15:29 pm »
Hi Jerry,  that was pretty cute!  Thanks for sharing.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Ole & Sven
« on: May 02, 2015, 02:00:50 pm »
My hubby is Danish, so I've heard lots of Ole & Sven jokes, but this is my new favorite!  Loved it.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: How Many Blades?
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:02:22 am »
Hi Bobby,  a gross is a dozen dozen, so 144 blades.  I get my Olsen Mach blades from either Seyco or Wooden Teddy Bear, and both are great for service.  Glad you had a good experience with them.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Pattern Needed
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:15:40 am »
Tomsunnu sure is more talented than me! The pattern is spot on. That's the nice thing about this blog....there's always someone who can help.  Good luck with cutting this & I'm sure the gift will be appreciated.

Brag Forum / Re: Herd of Horses
« on: April 26, 2015, 07:58:23 pm »
Hi Karl,

Those look great!  I cut lots of ornaments, and horses are always popular.  Your daughter is doing a great thing, and you too by helping her.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Top or bottom feed
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:05:10 am »
You're right that some people will naturally like one saw better than the other, and many times what we start with is our "normal" and preferred saw.  That being said, to me, the Ex is just annoying...especially the fact that the table wasn't machined flat.  There are high spots around the edges and the wood drags on them.  Also drags where the wood has worn through the shiny finish.  I realize I use my saws a lot, sometimes 5 hours a day, but I still thought it would hold up better than it has.

Thanks for the info, but I did know that the EX could be adjusted to not stay up, but don't really want to keep changing it back and forth. Ray says the back tension knob shouldn't move, but I can watch it during the day as I work, and it's constantly moving, usually in a clockwise motion.

For a back-up to my DeWalt, I'll just use the other DeWalt.  Works for me.

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Top or bottom feed
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:02:25 am »
Hi again,  I don't top feed with the Ex because you have to actually push the arm down.  That takes one hand, and the other to guide the blade, which doesn't leave me a hand to make sure the blade doesn't hit the bottom blade clamp and bend...just like the other guys problem.  The Ex isn't bad for small projects though, so

With the DeWalt, I don't even pick the workpiece up between holes, just scoot it over to the next hole, feed the blade through the hole and let down gently.  Much easier for me.  Now that I bought the new bottom blade clamps for both DeWalts, and know how to keep them from getting ruined again, I think the Ex is just going to be decoration on the bench! It just cuts SO slowly, and I hate having to change out the silly little plastic flip knob, even though I lubricate it.

 Not to mention that large knob in the's never in the same position twice!  Sometimes I've left the saw after finishing a cut and come back the next morning and it's moved so much the blade doesn't even reach to the bottom blade clamp.  I don't need the aggrevation. If I had known then how to fix the DeWalts, I never would have bought the EX.

On a happier note, I did a show 2 weeks ago and Keith Fenton's word art plaques were a big hit!

Brag Forum / Re: mother
« on: April 21, 2015, 12:51:01 am »
Hi, Nancy here from Washington state.  Thanks for the nice pattern...more work for me to cut.  Isn't it great when our idea of work is actually fun? 

Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Top or bottom feed
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:52:19 am »
I prefer to top feed, and I do when I use the DeWalt, which is most of the time.  With the Excalibur, I bottom feed and it works OK for narrow projects but is kind of a pain with wider projects. 

Top feeding also works best when there are some tiny holes that are part of the design, and not to be cut out.  From the bottom you can't see the pattern to know which holes are blade entry holes and which are purely decorative.  I made a perfume tray once that had about 30 of the tiny holes, and it sure was easier top feeding.

Brag Forum / Re: intersecting word
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:16:16 pm »
Looks good!  I would think any Mother would be pleased to receive it.

Brag Forum / Re: Getting Ready for My Son's Retirement
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:41:52 am »
Great job...I'm sure your son will be thrilled!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DeWalt blade holders
« on: April 13, 2015, 08:25:37 pm »
Hi again, Nancy here with an update.  I called good old Ray at Seyco and he said he could "not confirm or deny" that the Excalibur blade holders would work on DeWalts.  Probably because he is an authorized Excalibur dealer, and not DeWalt.  Anyway, I ordered 3 of them, one for each saw, and they work perfectly.  Mine are all Type 1 DeWalts, made in Canada, so guess I can't say for sure that they will work on the newer Type 2's, but I'm betting they would.

If I had know years ago about replacing just the set screw and the tiny end of the thumb screw, I wouldn't have tried tightening the blade so much and wouldn't have ruined the blade holder.  Those parts are also interchangeable in Excalibur and DeWalt, and available from Seyco.   It's called the Quick Clamp Renewal Kit  #QCRX and sells for $6.30.  There are 2 of each part in the kit.

Sure nice to find this site and be able to interact with so many helpful fellow scrollers!

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