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Messages - Rapid Roger

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Green Woods
« on: May 30, 2015, 10:55:31 pm »
I agree with Karl. If you go to Lowe's or Home Depot or even any lumber yard and look through the stack of poplar you can find a lot of different colors in the boards. There is varying amounts of color and some of them can have tan, brown, green, yellow and purple all in the same board!
Short of using some lime Kool Aid (without sugar) to dye the wood I can't think of any other readily available wood that remains green or any other dye to use. Of course that all depends on how dark of green that you need also.


Keep scrolling down this section of the forum.
All of your questions will get answered from previous posts from others in your situation.


That was one LUCKY son-of-a-gun!!!! I just knew that the truck would end up in the drink!
I wouldn't even think of trying that to cross a chuck hole in the road.   ;D ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: something about Newfoundland
« on: May 27, 2015, 11:10:16 am »
Amazing and he's got such long legs, thought they were about the size of a horse.


No, they are much larger than a horse. Taller, heaver and meaner. And this one is fairly young as far as size goes.
A big bull moose is taller than an American buffalo, about the same weight and can be just a mean if provoked.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Japaneese Engineering
« on: May 19, 2015, 08:59:07 pm »
Where did you get the idea that this is "Japanese Engineering" ?
I will admit that the "Machines" look somewhat Japanese but, according to the mans name and the description he is Dutch and the beach is in Holland.
Thank goodness for strong sea breezes and smooth beaches.  ;)
I've seen this video in the past and still find it fascinating. Thanks for posting it.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Bad luck...
« on: May 14, 2015, 08:30:23 pm »
Actually my dentist is a fellow woodworker.
He has made some wonderful items. My problem with him is that he is just too darn particular with his wood work items. A miter joint that doesn't fit EXACTLY right drives him crazy! :) And I tend to say "Close enough". :)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Cutting the 0 in 50
« on: April 23, 2015, 11:18:11 am »
If you want to your sign as a raised letters you can get away without the bridge in the zero.

You may want to experiment with the angle based on the thickness of your blade and which way you go.

I think it is clockwise on the inside and counter clockwise on the outside.


Yes, you must "build bridges" on O's, P's, R's, A's, B's 9's, 8's 6's, 4's etc. How you do it is up to you, there are several ways to go about it. Just look at some stencil fonts and you will notice that again there are several ways to "skin this cat".

As for direction for cutting the inside or out side to get a taper for inlay, it all depends on how you tilt your table (or head). If you tilt the table left side down, cut the inside "clock wise" and the outside "counter clockwise". If you lower the right side of course, you do it the opposite way.

Hope that helps...  Rog


And of course the all important "50"! .....Look closely, you will see a 50!


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Winchester Model 1873
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:46:28 pm »
I made a few of those awhile back and they are fun to build!
I used aluminum sheet and tubing on this one instead of wood and dowels.

I would recommend that you get a gun catalog for pictures of what ever gun tickles your fancy and make your own pattern and customize it to suit yourself.
I don't think that Steve has any other gun patterns. You can search his catalog on the home page though to make sure.


The Coffee Shop / Speeding ticket
« on: April 09, 2015, 11:19:01 am »
A police officer pulled over a car for speeding.
As he approached the female driver, she said "I didn't think you gave tickets to good looking girls." He replied "We don't! Sign here please."


The Coffee Shop / Mixed emotions
« on: April 03, 2015, 09:35:58 pm »
Ever wonder what the definition of "mixed emotions" was?

Watching your mother-in-law driving your new BMW over a cliff seems to be close.

Rog  ;D

Brag Forum / Re: 2 projects
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:25:08 pm »
How the heck should I know what clicking on "ctrl c and ctrl v" does?  ??? I ain't no 'puter whiz!  ::) That is just what my son-in-law told me to do and it works!  ;D ;D ;)

Yes, I did make the wooden belt quite some time ago. It is oak and I did wear it briefly (about two minutes) but it doesn't hold your pants up worth a darn!  >:( :( 
The links were made on the table saw and of course the buckle and end were made on the scroll saw. It is entirely made of wood, I used 1/16" dowel for the hinges between each segment. My brother has challenged me to make a set of suspenders to match (you've heard the old saying about using both belt and suspenders for safety's sake) but, I've never quite got around to it.  ;)
I've also made wooden wrist watches (several of them) but, sold all of them.  ;D

There, I went and used "ctrl c and ctrl v" again!  ;D ;D ;D


Brag Forum / Re: 2 projects
« on: March 20, 2015, 04:49:20 pm »
I use photo bucket.
I click on IMG (which then shows "copy") and then ctl +c and return to my post and click on ctl +v and there is the picture! Well, it doesn't show up right away but, it will after you post or preview.

Try it, you'll like it!  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: A must watch befor purchasing a RV!
« on: March 08, 2015, 02:41:43 pm »
I wondered who stole my motorhome! :o
Notice that I HAVEN'T been looking for it.  ;)


I have a point or two to bring up if you don't mind.
I built a glider, a porch swing and a picnic table out of aromatic cedar which is an OILY wood. I gave all pieces three or four coats of "Helmsman Spar Urethane" varnish which is advertised for "Exceptional protection from sunlight, rain and moisture and temperature changes". All items are outside and the finish has lasted about two years and is falling off in spots already.
My point is....I wouldn't put any oil on your project BEFORE the finish AND I would make sure that the spar varnish is for MARINE use.
I truly believe that the oil in the wood I used caused the finish not to last as long as I expected. So, I wouldn't recommend that you ADD oil to the wood before finishing.
Also, I'm sure that the spar varnish that is designed for the average wood worker is not as good as that designed for boat builders (I may be wrong on that point) Ask the person at the paint store if there is any difference in spar varnishes.
I may add that I live in Kansas USA which is known for extreme climate changes through the year and your location may not be as harsh on things out doors. My patio where the items are, ranges in temps from -10 degrees f in winter to +120 f in summer and are exposed to harsh sunlight, rain and snow depending on the season.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Question about Danish Oil
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:02:33 pm »
Just wipe it on with a rag, let it sit for a few minutes (15 minutes) and wipe it off. Let it dry over night before adding a top coat (if you intend to add a top coat).
It is not going to "soak in" as the top layer of plywood is very thin so any more coats is a waste of time and oil.
Dipping it is a waste of time and oil also. Don't worry about all the "little tiny holes" unless you want to take a cotton swab and spend a few minutes wiping the inside of holes in plywood. No one will ever notice or care if there are some "bare places" except you.


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