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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 107 108 [109] 110 111 112
Brag Forum / Re: Dannys Album....:+}
« on: October 05, 2010, 03:27:07 pm »
Russ I thank you very much and just sent you a PM about this problem of mine.  Not being good with PC's wat us a hyperlink?  Tks again  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Dannys Album....:+}
« on: October 05, 2010, 03:13:34 pm »
Ok lets try again with the URL

Brag Forum / Re: Dannys Album....:+}
« on: October 05, 2010, 12:19:39 pm »
ooooooopppppps!!!!  Something is not right.  Sorry peoples.  I will get it fixed.
Danny  :+{

Brag Forum / Dannys Album....:+}
« on: October 05, 2010, 12:17:54 pm »
Greetings from Alabama to ALL.  Well I kind of didn't and kind of did want to show my crafts.  Took a while to get my guts up.  I have viewed most all of yours and all I say is Wow! to most everyone I looked at.  I will happily look forward to any and all feed back.  Pro or Con.  Tks....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Our Scrollsaw craft Album?
« on: September 24, 2010, 02:46:25 pm »
Thanks Dunk....  Guess Steve has his reasons huh?  Danny  :-(

General Scroll Saw Talk / Our Scrollsaw craft Album?
« on: September 24, 2010, 02:15:12 pm »
Well bein a lil new here and probably this is a stupid question, but is there a place where members can download their favorite craft pictures?  Maybe I just missed seeing where.  Danny  :-(

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Cutting a FINE LINE.
« on: September 10, 2010, 10:27:50 am »
I want to really THANK all for your info.  From reading everything I can understand the outcome.  Merlin I kind of like your thots on cutting a thin line with a flat blade and using the spiral to more or less enlarge certain areas.  I have given the spirals plenty of practice time and just can not keep them from wondering here n there and they really tear up the bottom.  I will stick to the flat blades.  Tks again....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Cutting a FINE LINE.
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:55:03 pm »
Hey all....I know there is lots n lots of patterns in our forum that agree with my kind of beginner style, but I cannot understand why there are so, so many patterns that require cutting a design that is barely bigger than the blade curf.
I normally use Flying Dutchman blades #3 -#5 and would LOVE to learn secrets on the expertiese of cutting these patterns.  Any words of advice will be GREATLY APPREACIEATED.  tks in advance....  Danny :+}

Pattern Requests. / Re: Stand up Animal Jig Saw Puzzles
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:45:20 pm »
And I thank You so very much.  Viewed all and think its what I want to venture into at this stage of my Scrollsaw crafts.  Something different.  Yes?

Pattern Requests. / Stand up Animal Jig Saw Puzzles
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:18:49 pm »
Hey everyone....Somewheres in our forum I have seen patterns of dogs that are cut out of 3/4 wood and they actually look like they stand up without props.  Can anyone direct me?  Thanks....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Looking for a Special Font....
« on: August 21, 2010, 11:18:12 am »
Thanks Charlie....  Got it.  I happy now....  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Looking for a Special Font....
« on: August 17, 2010, 03:19:41 pm »
The Style Font that Steve Good uses a lot in his pattern designs is a very easy font to cut and make look outstanding.  I am a little into Inkscape and would like to incorperate this font to be able to use in the future.  Does anyone know where to download it?

Kind of excited bout my actual first craft fair in Nov. and just was asking all you to give me some input on what my crafts may be worth asking.  Tks....:+}

Brag Forum / Re: Some more colored background pics.... :+}
« on: August 15, 2010, 04:52:59 pm »
Hey David....The backing is wat I bought at Walley-World in their craft area.  Its a wat I call fancy different colors with whierd patterns that reflect light on a slick stick that has a peel off back where you can stick it wherever.  This is just a temporary experiment as most people just use a black backer.  Danny

Brag Forum / Re: Some more colored background pics.... :+}
« on: August 15, 2010, 02:01:54 pm »
Never tried to sell these portrait pics and wud LOVE any and all imput whether good or bad.  Have a 2 day craft fair come Nov.  Thanks for all help.
This fair is a pretty big yearly thing in the town of Fayetteville, Tenn.
Please direct me in the right direction of how to price them.  Tks....  :+}

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