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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 102 103 [104] 105 106 ... 112
General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: tilting scroll saw
« on: February 23, 2011, 10:18:02 am »
The wife is always complaining bout the dust on my clothes and the lil I bring in, so catching what I can keeps more peace.  LOL  Danny  :+}

YeePeeYea! ....  :+}  Thanks to Everyone and especially DAVE for showing me the way.  Wonder how that lil box got checked.  Anyway I am very happy that I have such a Wonderful, Understanding Scroll Family.  Danny:+}

Hi Russ....  Knew you would get involved in my problem sooner or later.  Makes me happy....  I have VISTA.  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: tilting scroll saw
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:10:13 pm »
Hey R.R.  Steve lead me on to what I rigged up now to catch most all the saw dust falling off the front and thru the lil slot.  Started with a cardboard box then onto a plastic holder.  Mounted it directly below the front of the saw.  Bingo....  No mo sawdust in my lap or legs or feet.  Yea!  Danny  :+}

Gee Chachi not being very computer literate so to speak all that you told me to do is way above my head.  Whew!  Still spinning.  LOL
I was so used to Steve's old catalog.  So EASY Now when I clicked on the SAVE I don't know where it was saved to?  Not downloads or documents.
It does let me choose the page to print, but when I click on print a window pops up saying I didn't choose a page to print, so no printing.  Help?

Yes Karl....  Like the OLD catalog all I did was click on the pattern picture and the picture of Steve and below him was the finished project and below that was the pattern.  I clicked on PRINT and my printer window popped up and I typed the page I wanted to print and away it went and the pattern printed.
     Now I choose the pattern picture and click on it and all seems the same as above except for this window that pops up wanting me to SAVE or Cancel.
I did click on SAVE, but no pattern ever printed.  Help

General Scroll Saw Talk / This concerns Steve's New Pattern Catalog....:+(
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:45:43 pm »
Well today I wanted one of Steves patterns for a new project.  Probably I am not doing something correctly, so I would appreaciate any input on HOW
     I found the pattern and clicked on PRINT.  The printer window came up and I chose the page number.  Clicked OK and up comes a window wanting me to SAVE the pattern.  Ok nothing happens, so I clicked on SAVE and nothing still does not happen.  No printing.  Cry.cry.  HELP....Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / This story WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH....Heheheheh.... :+}
« on: February 19, 2011, 07:00:51 pm »

A group of country friends from the Cottonwood Baptist Church wanted to get together on a regular basis, socialize, and play games.

The lady of the house was to prepare the meal. When it came time for Al and Janet to be the hosts - Janet wanted to outdo all the others.

Janet decided to have mushroom-smothered steak. But, mushrooms are expensive.
She then told her husband, "No mushrooms. They are too high."

He said, "Why don't you go down in the pasture and pick some of those mushrooms? There are plenty in the creek bed."

She said, "No, some wild mushrooms are poison."

He said, "Well, I see varmints eating them and they're OK.

So Janet decided to give it a try. She picked a bunch, washed, sliced, and diced them for her smothered steak.

Then she went out on the back porch and gave Ol' Spot (the yard dog) a double handful. Ol' Spot ate every bite.

All morning long, Janet watched Ol' Spot and the wild mushrooms didn't seem to affect him, so she decided to use them. The meal was a great success, and Janet even hired a helper lady from town to help her serve. She had on a white apron and a fancy little cap on her head.

After everyone had finished, they relaxed, socialized, and played 42 & Mexican dominoes.

About then, the helper lady from town, came in and whispered in Janet's ear. She said, "Mrs. Williams, Ol' Spot just died." Janet went into hysterics. After she finally calmed down, she called the doctor and told him what had happened.

The doctor said, "That's bad, but I think we can take care of it.
I will call for an ambulance and I will be there as quick as possible. We'll give everyone enemas and we will pump out everyone's stomach Everything will be fine. Just keep them calm."

Soon they could hear the siren as the ambulance was coming down the road. The EMTs & the doctor had their suitcases, syringes, and a stomach pump.

One by one, they took each person into the bathroom, gave them an enema and pumped out their stomach. After the last one was finished, the doctor came out and said, "I think everything will be fine now, and he left."

They were all looking pretty weak sitting around the living room and about this time, the helper lady came in and said,

"You know that fellow that ran over Ol' Spot never even stopped.? 


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: New pattern library
« on: February 19, 2011, 10:10:11 am »
I'm agreeing with all the above 1000% altho I would bet I have scrolled thru the Old library 100 times and knew just about where to find the pattern I was looking for.  This will be so, so easy to use in the future.  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: I think I am in love
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:51:10 pm »
Hey Thar Mrsn....Me also had the 16" Hitachi and I just LOVED it.  Used it for around 2 years and had to repair it three times.  Bet I could change a blade with my eyes closed....NOW....My Hegner which I just LOVE has all the good qualities you mentioned.  I also bought the Quick Blade change knob and the modification for the air hose.  My saw was given to me and after using it for a time or two I came to the conclusion that whoever engineered the design was NUTS!  Who wants the air to blow ALL the fine saw dust right back in your face n lap????  Awful!  And to have to use that
'T' handle wrench to loosen the screw to change blades.  Awful!  Also I am slowly getting used to putting that lil blade holder in its clamp on the bottom, but really think this part could be designed better.  Hey did I mention that my Hegner can cut a STRAIGHT LINE for short or long distances?  LOL  The Hitachi couldn't.  Hehehehehe.  Anyway  Danny  :+}

It is manufactured very simple.  Not much to it.  No side covers or anything fancy like most other scrollsaws.  I Love the ORANGE color tho.  LOL


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Hegner Scroll Saw
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:31:15 am »
Hi Iwilli an Mrsn....As the lady stated I chime in on all of her replys.  I was fortunate to of been given my Hegner 18 in.  It is 10 years old, but still operates like a NEW saw.  Quite and would you believe it will let you be able to CUT A STRAIGHT LINE?  I have had 3 other cheaper models and my Hegner is 1000% better than all three.  Putting the BOTTOM blade holder in its bracket is to me still a problem, but always gets in.  I would say the Germans really, really made a STRONG, but simple look into their Scroll saw.
Well thats my input....I like you would LOVE to hear from all the Hegner owners out there.  Later....  Danny  :+}

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hello from Quincy IL
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:24:44 am »
Howdy and Welcome from the Deep South of Alabama....  Don't be shy about adding a post.  I learned 6 months ago that this is the Best Scrolling Family there is.  :+}

Pattern Requests. / A Merry Go Round Request....:+}
« on: February 12, 2011, 07:40:47 pm »
Howdy Doody Ya'lls....  :+}  I am making the Carousel pattern from many years back.  It only has Zoo animals.  I want to make it Christmas.  Could you help me with patterns to cut that pertain to Christmas?  Hope.hope....
              Thanks in Advance....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: Latest keyboard design....
« on: February 12, 2011, 02:56:45 pm »
Hey all....  Just spin the lil wheel on ur mouse up and the pis gets bigger.
                     Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: I appologize
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:17:34 am »
Thanks Marcellarius and Marian for your help.  I did FINALLY figure out the
"T' AND "J' were supposed to be capitolzed.  LOL  I am Happy you enjoyed the message and music.  I listen to it just about every day.  Later Danny:+}

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