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Messages - Wooden Lace

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Ask Steve a question. / Re: scroll saw paterns
« on: July 19, 2015, 10:19:17 pm »
Surely you mean make the products to sell, and not to sell the patterns themselves. 

General Scroll Saw Talk / Using spiral blades
« on: July 18, 2015, 10:57:25 pm »
Decided to try something new tonight, and learned just how much I don't know.  Tried spiral blades for the first time on a trial section of The Last Supper.  The pattern is very intricate, and full size it's just shy of 20 inches, so pretty much would need to use spiral blades.

 I knew starting out that these things take time and practice to master, but my sample looks more like the last massacre than the last supper!  Using 1/4" cherry, with a 2/0 Flying Dutchman spiral reverse, and it's cutting OK, but sure is going to take some re-learning to pull this one off.  Nothing quite as humbling when you think you're a pretty fair scroller, than to turn out a piece of work this ugly.  Well, there's always tomorrow, and I can't help but improve!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Flying Dutchman blades
« on: July 10, 2015, 12:43:16 am »
My Flying Dutchman Ultra Reverse blades came today and I've spent the entire afternoon and evening comparing them to the Olson Mach blades that I've used for years.  Kind of fun!  Tried lots of different woods, thicknesses and patterns.  The FD were quieter...sometimes my Mach blades are kind of loud.  The cutting motion was nice and smooth, and I love the notch at the top, especially on the smaller sizes.  Add in the fact that they're a bit cheaper, and I thought I'd found a new favorite blade.....until I looked at the back of the wood.  The FD were not nearly as smooth, and on a sample of 1/4" padauk that had several close parallel cuts, there was quite a lot of tear-out. Was using the FD Ultra Reverse #1.  Since my wine glass caddies and ornaments, don't have a definite front and back, I can't have any tear-out.

So, I'll use up what I bought, but will have to do more sanding of the back with the flap sander, and will be careful what patterns I use, but I'm going to stick with my Olson Mach blades for anything needing a 3, 5 or 7.  For smaller, I still have some old Olson #2Reverse that I've had for years.

Thanks for all your input, and if you've never tried them, why not give the Olson Mach blades a try. Just be aware that they aren't called Mach for nothing.....they cut really fast.  Also, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one using them.....anybody else out there?

Brag Forum / Re: New Patterns Added to our Site
« on: July 07, 2015, 04:06:20 pm »

Got your newsletter this morning with all these great patterns, as well as checked your blog, and glad to see that you and Keith are thinking about holiday patterns already. Since the "Christmas" shows start in October, it's never too early to try new patterns.  Looking forward to what you have to offer this year.

Right now I'm cutting one of your plaques ..."Let your faith be bigger than your fears" request from another member of the Northwest Corner Woodworkers Association that my husband and I belong to.  After that, one of the custom wine themed plaques that Keith made for me for the same guy.   I printed out a picture of the new "Be Still and know that I am God" pattern to show him tonight at the meeting....maybe he'll want that one too!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Flying Dutchman blades
« on: July 07, 2015, 12:13:44 pm »
Many thanks to those that gave advice on which of the FD blades they used and love.  I have an assortment of the Ultra Reverse on order from Wooden Teddy Bear.  I see they have changed the shipping charge for blades and it's much better.

Even if I like the UR 3,5 & 7's, I still have TONS of Olson Mach blades those sizes that I'll have to use up.  When I order blades it's a dozen gross at a time, and I have plenty on hand, just nothing smaller than the 3, so excited to get those.  When all are gone, I can decide which one I like best.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: New guy
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:19:31 pm »
Hi Sonny,

Glad you've joined us!  There is so much good information here, and if you don't find what you need, just ask and help will be on the way.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Flying Dutchman blades
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:03:11 pm »
Thanks Mike,  I should have guessed it would be you to answer, since you were the one who sold so many of them.  I've dealt with Wooden Teddy Bear for quite some time for patterns and blades and they are close to me, so shipping will be quick.  I'll want a #1, since I'm really happy with the Olson Mach blades for anything needing a 3,5,or 7.  They cut SO smoothly, which is good 'cause I hate having to sand fuzzies off the back! 

It's just that for my softer woods, as I mentioned, they are too aggressive for thinner wood.  I used to cut 2 or 3 layers at a time, using a 5 or 7, but it's easier for my hands to just cut one.  I can cut the center hole and the ends of my wine glass caddies first, instead of last, since that's where the small nails used to be.  That way I have holes to more easily grab the wood and make the turns in the tiny fretwork.

Woods like ipe, jatoba, bubinga, birdseye maple, merbau, oak, hickory and zebrawood are all fine with the Mach, but not others. 

Thanks for your help.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Flying Dutchman blades
« on: June 28, 2015, 06:07:37 pm »
Hi, I'm wondering if I could get some feedback on Flying Dutchman blades.  I've been using Olson Mach blades, 3,5 & 7, but they don't make anything smaller, so thought I'd give the FD blades a try.  I've narrowed it down to the Scroll Reverse or the Ultra Reverse, and would greatly appreciate any thoughts you might have on the difference in performance in these 2 blades.  I know from this blog that lots of you use FD blades, but not sure what kinds.

I'd be using them on wood just over a quarter inch, like walnut, teak, cherry and sapele.  All my other woods are hard enough that the Mach blades work just great, but even slowing the saw down, I'm having trouble controlling my cuts with blades that large.

Also, does anyone know if FD still makes their round blade?  I don't mean spiral...these blades are labeled round, and that's what they are.  I've had them for years, and got them from Mike's workshop.  They might not even make them anymore.

Thanks for any help you can give on these subjects.

The Coffee Shop / Re: As a newbie to the forum
« on: June 22, 2015, 05:21:48 pm »
Glad you joined us.  As the previous post - from Sheila Landry - said, there's plenty of talented people on here to help with all your scroll saw questions.  Actually she's one of them, and when I start getting my Social Security checks in December, I'm thinking of having it directly deposited to HER bank account...between here and Keith, seems that where all my money goes lately!

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: First Time!
« on: June 17, 2015, 12:41:07 am »
I agree with all the other comments, and would add that you never want the customer to feel pressured to buy.  I spend a lot of time during my shows "re-organizing"  my display.  Actually it's just busy work so I look too busy to bother them and they feel comfortable coming into the booth.  If you're waiting to pounce on them, you'll find a lot of people just walk right by.  I greet them and then leave them for me.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Foot speed controller
« on: June 14, 2015, 12:03:12 am »
Hi, if there's such a thing as a foot  speed controller, I've never heard of it.  Of course, I've never heard of LOTS of things, but I think what you're thinking of is simply a foot controlled on-off pedal.  There are two kinds and it's just a matter of personal preference which you like.  I use what's called a Billy pedal, and you step on it once to turn the machine on, and again to turn it off.  Not sure what the other is called..perhaps that's a Dead Man pedal, but you need to keep constant pressure on it to keep cutting.  I've tried both and it drives me nuts to have to keep my foot on it, yet a good friend of mine uses one and loves it. 

Maybe I don't feel comfortable keeping it down all the time 'cause I also play piano and am used to constantly pressing the damper pedal down and letting it up, not keeping it down.  All the notes would run together...and remind me of one of my former students who used to forget to let the pedal up until the end of the song!

Hope this helps, and congrats on the new saw.
Nancy from Washington state

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Looking to buy a new scroll saw
« on: June 11, 2015, 01:35:03 am »
Hi! Glad you've joined us.  As for buying a DeWalt, I've purchased 5 and love them.  Four of mine are Type 1's, made in Canada and I was really hesitant to get another now that they are made in Taiwan...I'd heard bad things about them but they seem to have solved the problem.  I've had the new one for 2 weeks now and I put a lot of hours on my saws.  No problems yet, so very happy. 

Just a note as to why I've had to buy's not that they break and I need a new one.  One was a damaged saw from Grizzly's annual tent sale which I had fixed and sold for a nice profit.  Another went to my son, and I'm currently using 3, one's in the garage, one in the scroll shop and the last is in the big shop.
Nancy from Washington state.

Brag Forum / Re: Small booklet - scrolling through wood and paper
« on: June 08, 2015, 03:39:27 pm »
Looks great....I'm sure she'll love it!  I've never tried paper, but I had heard that blades need to be changed REALLY often.  This is how we learn, just try something and adjust from there.
Nancy from Washington state

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: plexiglass window
« on: June 02, 2015, 11:10:15 am »
I'd take it back and make them re-cut one that's the right size.
Nancy from Washington state.

Introduce Yourself. / Re: Hi from Sweden
« on: May 30, 2015, 05:26:32 pm »
Hi Rob!  You've come to the right place for help with anything related to scrolling.  Great bunch of people on here.  You'll be surprised by all the info available and all you have to do is ask. 
Nancy from Washington state.

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