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Messages - spiderman

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Get togethers, shows and swap meets / Re: Square Credit Card Reader
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:38:25 pm »
I had to order a cable for it to work in my Iphone 4S with the Otterbox because it would not seat all the way down. The cables at Radio Shack will not work. I found these on the internet at Cell Pay. Also, if you are in a metal building, you will have trouble connecting, unless a Wi-Fi is available nearby. Good luck with the show and the Square. I also use the Intuit Go Pay system.


Don't use wifi not safe.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: EX21 Lever Tension Problem
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:35:13 pm »
Thanks Newfie but there was nothing in that article to help with my problem.

EIEIO - Everything you mention checks out. The problem is that when I flip the tension lever to apply the tension, it just flips right back to unload the tension. I'm wondering and maybe you could check this for me as I've never noticed before. My tension lever is now fully rounded. Could it be that due to wear and tear it has rounded and no longer catches. Could you please check yours to see if it's rounded all the way round front and back of the lever. Maybe I need a new lever, but I don't remember what a brand new one is supposed to look like. Thanks again. I've written to Seyco, but don't know if they ship to Canada.


You are going to have to replace that tension lever there is a new upgrade tension lever that works great. I had the samething happen to me. once I replace it i was back making saw dust :=D

Computer questions / Re: new computer ?
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:22:18 pm »
windows 8.1 will be out by christmas.  The beta version of windows 8.1 code blue  well be out at the end of june 2013.

They are going to put back the start button back into windows 8.1 and other things as well.

Computer questions / Re: BOTHERSOME POP UPS....:+(
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:19:21 pm »
Thats funny IE9 blocks them for me I never see a popup...

Computer questions / Re: phising and spam
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:16:50 pm »
Judy get Vipre anti-virus internet security 2013. And also get vipre registry cleaner.

Once you buy it you never have to pay again never.

This well stop you from going to bad websites or bad links as well.

Computer questions / Re: Computer going back into shop (again)
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:12:16 pm »
A little while ago I thought my computer picked up a virus, I put it into the repair shop and was told it was a hardware problem. I got it back all sorted (supposedly) It worked fine for a day then wouldn't start, it got to the screen saying "loading personal settings" and then froze. As the shop was shut for the weekend I tried a "safe start" then did a restore point from there and it started ok. but next day when I went to start it , it froze on same screen again. I took it back to the shop and he connected it up to a monitor on the bench and it started perfectly several times. so I took it home again and it was ok the rest of the day. Next morning (no surprise) it froze on that screen again, I disconnected everything except the monitor,keyboard and mouse then tried it again - still froze. So it's not anything else plugged in causing it. but it always starts after a safe start and restore.  Has anyone come across this before or got any ideas as to whats causing it?  (I'm running on windows XP pro)

Try this plug that computer into another outlet if it work then it would be an bad outlet.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: what is the best blades for cutting
« on: April 08, 2013, 07:56:51 pm »
Olson PGT #9. Sharp and cuts straight.

I try the olson PGT #9 yes they are very very sharp and they last a bit longer then the FD polar blades What I was cutting out was the shopping bag handle on steve catalog.  I just want something that can cut fast though the 3/4 BB plywood. That seem to do the trick and it was double tooth SR. I'm not sure but when I cut any wood with the FD seems that the olson blade seem to be shaper then FD.

Sorry Mike in SD  i guess i'll might have to stick with olson  blades because they cut alot better.  I know some people like FD  used what works for you.  Thanks for the help.

General Scroll Saw Talk / what is the best blades for cutting
« on: April 04, 2013, 03:08:42 pm »
What are the best blades other then FD blades. To cut 3/4 inch thick baltic birch plywood. 

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: DW788 rear table bracket
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:29:34 pm »
I think dewalt should update the scroll saw so that table bracket can be adjustment and give free replacments to the people that all ready got the saw.


A few days ago I put some more detailed instructions on removing Java here

I certainly agree with Steve on backing up your data.  I have two physical drives on my PC, one for programs and a separate drive that has only data - pictures, patterns, letters, music, emails, etc., etc. so backup to an external drive is pretty easy.  I don't even use a backup program, just copy/paste.


Thanks but I have posted the official link  in my first post again thanks.

I just want to clear some stuff up....


...In some cases you won't even be able to boot to safe mode.

That is true, depending on the situation this malware may indeed still run immediately upon booting even in safe mode, so you may need to boot from an unaffected disc, drive or system in order to remove it.


I have even seen one computer that will not boot to the CD/DVD to do a re-image of the system.

There is no way this malware can prevent you from booting from a known-good CD/DVD, USB flash, HDD or any other drive for that matter, and it also can't prevent you from re-loading the system once you do. If you were unable to boot from a CD/DVD then other issues such as a defective disc, drive, or improperly configured system (e.g. BIOS Setup not configured to boot from optical before HDD) were involved.


...It's pretty tricky to kill.

Actually once you can boot without it immediately running (try Last Known Good Configuration or Safe Mode with Command Prompt) this ransomware is fairly easy to find and remove, even with tools as simple as Autoruns or Malwarebytes Free. It's much less tricky to find and remove than a rootkit for example.

In any case, it is certainly far easier to prevent this from getting on your system in the first place than it is to remove later, so I do recommend disabling Java in your browsers to prevent something like this from getting on your system in the first place. Here are the official instructions for disabling Java in all browsers, it's easy to do (merely uncheck one box) and highly recommended: How do I disable Java in my web browser?  this is the official link and instructions for disabling java

Note that if you don't see the "Enable Java content in the browser" box to uncheck, then you should uninstall your existing Java version, then reinstall the latest version. With the latest version installed, you can then uncheck the box.   

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Baltic Birch Plywood Help
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:21:52 pm »
Billy, I use a lot of 1/8" BB and have found no voids.  My 1/8" has only three layers, a thick inside one sandwiched between two thinner outer layers. I can't say about the 1/4".

Same here I found no voids in BBP  I use 1/8 and 1/4 think plywood. But how ever I find that BBP dull the blades fast sometime you have to go though 2 blades to get something cut out.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Excalibur Set Screws Positions
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:18:10 pm »
What I do on the thumbscrew is count how many turns then turn in the setscrew up to the tumbscrew.

I find this better then the auto gauge feeler.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Cool Tools
« on: November 30, 2012, 03:13:44 pm »
I got that new leatherman oht  its awsome. well made. you can get them at sears or at scheels.
great for woodworking......

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Cool Tools
« on: November 27, 2012, 06:16:12 pm »
did you see the one cool tool about the leatherman oht.....
model number is 831631

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