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Messages - sgood

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Get togethers, shows and swap meets / Re: 11/12 - 11/13 Show
« on: November 15, 2010, 12:38:13 am »
It's a lot of fun doing a show especially when you make a few bucks. Nice work.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Etsy Yes or NO
« on: November 09, 2010, 09:57:59 pm »
I don't use but I see several of the projects I designed being sold there. Etsy has been around for a while and they are a trustworthy site to sell your crafts from. Getting started with paypal is easy. All you have to do is sign up. There is no sign up fee. There are no monthly fees. You pay a small percentage for every transaction. I don't remember the percentage off hand but it quite fair. Its an easy way to sell product online and accept credit cards. I have used them for years and never had a problem.

Selling crafts online is tough but a few people do quite well. You could write a book about what it takes to get buyers to visit and buy. Just remember that it takes time to build a following so be prepared for the long haul. If you are easily disappointed it may not be for you. If you are willing to be patient and work to build a customer base then give it a try.

Brag Forum / Re: Not much scroll work but something new
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:25:02 pm »
I love this project. I will definitely be stealing the idea for a pattern for the blog. Thanks for posting.

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Personalized Name Ornaments
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:20:20 pm »
Hi Bill, I just looked and your order is there. I should be able to get to yours tonight or tomorrow night.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Easy-Lift....
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:31:18 pm »
Hi UPS34. I was not aware the EZlift was made for saws other than the DeWalt. Did you check to see if it would fit?

Ask Steve a question. / Re: Taking pictures
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:27:07 pm »
I use a light tent for most of the photos. It is big enough for most scroll saw projects. It comes with the blue and a gray background. The Camera is a Canon 20d DSLR with a Pretty nice macro lens. I have about $3000 in the system but I used to shoot stock photography for a website so it's all left over from that.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy Birthday FD Mike!
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:53:42 pm »
Happy birthday Mike. You are a true gentleman and a great pleasure to do business with.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Charity Donations
« on: October 15, 2010, 06:13:32 pm »
Now that's funny.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Berry Basket is Back -- Scroll Patterns
« on: October 15, 2010, 01:14:42 pm »
Matt, that was exactly the answer I was looking for. Thanks for your willingness to answer a difficult question. I really feel much more comfortable with Berry Basket now. Sounds like it is in good hands and ready to move forward. The catalog of patterns is top notch. I personally prefer the pay/download method of delivery. Congratulations on your acquisition and good luck.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Berry Basket is Back -- Scroll Patterns
« on: October 14, 2010, 01:57:04 am »
Hi Matthew, welcome to the forum. You are more than welcome to participate here and I welcome scroll saw related ads to be posted in moderation. I know some will complain about spamming but in my opinion it's only spamming if it has no context to the forum.

Matthew I hope I'm not putting you on the spot here. I know you did not own the company when Great American Scrollsaw sold the Berry basket catalog of patterns on CD but I would like to ask a question. I purchased the CD and was quite happy with the contents. The patterns were great and the price was more than fair.  I, like many others just found the advertising less than forthright. To be fair the ad was truthful but it left out some details that should have been included. I have received many emails from my readers who purchased the CD and were also not thrilled with the actual EULA. That seemed unfortunate because the product was so good and if the details of the agreement were highlighted before hand everyone would have been able to make their purchase decision with clear eyes. As it ended up many people who purchased the CD felt cheated. I'm going to ask you this question because when some of my readers see Berry Basket is represented here I will get email. Do you plan to sell a CD using the same ad techniques used by Great American?

I see that you point out in your post that the you will still enforce the EULA. That's understandable and I'm sure it was legally necessary. I still get email asking about the CD. I have always answered the questions that I also found it questionable. Now that you have posted here I will get many email asking about your products. I have always loved the Berry Basket catalog but stopped recommending them because of this issue.  I have thousands of readers and would love to point them your way but this still hangs over my head. If are are legally able to discuss it could you give us your opinion here?   


Brag Forum / Re: I'm Learning Ornaments
« on: October 09, 2010, 10:29:13 pm »
Judy, it's fine with me for sure. My whole blog is dedicated to getting people to use the scroll saw to make fun and money. If you want to post a message offering to make the ornaments here on the forum I have no problem with that at all. I would love to see things like that happen.

Pattern Requests. / Re: Question regarding the bulliten
« on: October 09, 2010, 10:16:10 pm »
Guys I am in the position of having to sound extreme. If you make deals between yourselves that is up to you completely. Just don't do it on the forum. I am not a lawyer and cannot tell you the details on everything that may be okay or not. I can't afford to hire a lawyer to tell me what is okay in every situation. That leaves me with either taking the chance of being sued or just not allowing anything that might get me sued to happen on the forum. This is not some hypothetical situation. I have received a cease and desist letter. I'm glad everyone is asking questions. That means you care and don't want to make a mistake.

I do all this stuff by the seat of my pants. I will make mistakes and all I can do is ask for your understanding. This is a tough subject because we all want to help each other out with patterns and be a contributor but it has to be moderated. 

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: EZ Lift - Today's Video
« on: October 09, 2010, 09:37:58 pm »
Hey Chips, I purchased my first Easy Lift from Woodcraft but I don't think they still carry it. I talked to the people at Jim Dandy Products and they will take orders by phone. I purchased my new one from Wildwood Designs and the delivery was very fast. The cost was higher but not enough to stop my order. There have been complaints about Wildwood on the different forums from time to time. They are not my favorite vendor but nothing that would keep me from ordering from them.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Steve's Copyright message
« on: October 09, 2010, 09:16:38 pm »
Hi Janet, sorry for the confusion. I'll try to do better here. It's okay to post pictures of finished projects. It's usually okay to post a pattern for a project if you designed the pattern. If you designed the pattern and it contains trademarked images then you cannot upload it.

If anyone posts a pattern that does not belong to them that is bad. It does not matter if the pattern was free or commercial. It belongs to someone else and they have the right to control where it is delivered. I have to error on the side of caution here and will remove anything that might be considered a copyright violation.

I know you mean well but it is not okay to post what ever you want and just have it removed. You have never posted anything wrong so this is not directed at you personally. There are serious liability consequences on me to make sure everyone understands what they can and cannot upload.  I have been contacted by lawyers. Sites like mine are watched. They do not have a sense of humor.

If it continues to happen I only have two choices. Disable all file uploads or take the forum down. I don't want to do either so it's best if I can get everyone to understand what they can and cannot do. Anything I say about this sounds harsh and I hate that but I have no choice but to be very serious about this subject.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: EZ Lift - Today's Video
« on: October 09, 2010, 02:38:21 am »
Becky, I'm with you on the easy lift. I'm a bottom feeder also and the easy lift has always been on my saws from the beginning. I will say this though. If the board is large it is easier to top feed. The larger the board the harder it is to find the hole from the bottom. When I am doing a portrait style pattern I will often switch over to top feeding. It takes me a while to get use to it every time I do. If the piece is small I can find the hole from the bottom just as easy as from the top and the clamping is easier. Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes.

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