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Messages - cyclistjim

Pages: 1 [2]
Brag Forum / Horse and Bison Skull
« on: June 11, 2010, 12:22:57 am »
I decided to try my hand at Neal Moore's book Animal Portraits In Wood. These are for my Church's VBS (Vacation Bible School) since we have a cowboy theme going on this year. My wife is always asking me to make things and this year I decided to make something small on my scroll saw rather then on the table saw.

These are fun to make since you stain some of the pieces then you glue them together at various heights to give a 3 dimensional look. You use a combination of wood glue and hot glue.

This is the horse which is 13 1/2" wide and 10" tall. Made of pine

This is the bison skull which is 10" wide and 12" tall. Made of red oak.

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