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Messages - iggygiles

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Either I'm Stupid, or Smart?
« on: August 19, 2013, 03:06:26 pm »
   Before filling my Garage/ Workshop with LETHAL tools, I attended a course for 1 year in my spare time to learn how to use them, sharpen them, and maintain them properly. and guess what, after 20 years, I still have all my fingers and still respect the ability of these machines to remove them or worse. I would urge anyone starting out with these things to be very aware of their ability and get some training, besides Blood plays havoc with your projects especially if you have nearly finished.     

The Coffee Shop / Re: Where's Iggy?
« on: August 18, 2013, 06:54:29 pm »
   Wonderful Banter, oh what a fantastic time we will all have in that workshop in the sky. Roy, it is up to you to supply the JW> I am partial to a dram myself. Iggy.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Where's Iggy?
« on: August 17, 2013, 06:09:26 pm »
  Hi Roy. She has to look after me, if I snuff it, so does my pension!!!!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Gabby's MGA
« on: August 17, 2013, 03:34:17 am »
   Sex, Sex, Sex, Gabby that's all you think of, never mind its not long to Lourie's B/Day then you may get lucky, if not you will have to wait till Christmas or Next June lol.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Where's Iggy?
« on: August 17, 2013, 03:20:46 am »
   Glad to be back, listen to you all, Good banter and good fun. Marg!! I will drum up a page or two for you soon, I use Roy's Pen Daily on my Diary and have had 2 refills to-date, The Wombat has pride of place on the little Welsh Dresser in the kitchen. Right now I have other things on my mind as I got a date for Surgery yesterday, 11 days from now on the 28th. I have to clear my order book before then as the recovery period for Ankle joint replacement is about 6 Months. ie: 6 Weeks in Plaster, 6 weeks with one of those Lurch type pump up boots followed up with another prolonged period of therapy. During that time, I guess I will be pestering you lovely people to death. especially Gabby, Marg, Roy and keefie. I have a theory that some of you are escapees from Area 51. LOL Iggy. PS. Truly, thanks for being there all of you, you make a great commmmunity and long may you be there. 

The Coffee Shop / Re: Science Test....
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:37:55 pm »
 11 for iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: A "peaceful Religion?"
« on: August 16, 2013, 03:24:28 pm »
    I am not a fan of religion in any form, they all have their dirty little secrets but I agree we all need a code of conduct to live by in order to function. Therefore I am a great advocate of the 10 commandments. if we all followed them, it would be a far better world. Iggy


The Coffee Shop / Re: Gabby's MGA
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:21:18 am »
  It is hard coming to terms with loosing someone you love and mesh with well, like taking a gear out of that old manual gearbox and loosing 3rd or 4th gear. In 1966 I bought a 1964 Mini Cooper it was in mint condition and only had 19,000 on the clock it cost me the vast sum of ?450, in those days they only had drum brakes all round which were U/S in the wet (which it is most of the time here). When I sold it 3 years later there was a hole on every corner but I still remember it fondly. In those days, Fran & I were at it like rampant rabbits and like you say very difficult in a small car with no reclining seats and spikey floor mats. I noted in the national press that one sold at Auction recently for ?31,000. I wish I had kept mine. Iggy.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Where's Iggy?
« on: August 15, 2013, 11:52:15 pm »
 Thanks G B and R R for your encouraging comments. I am not concerned about the surgery but the recovery time is a pain. Because the Joint is so small, they fit a hinge rather like a dovetail joint and the bone has to grow back around it to hold it in place so the after care is as follows. 6 weeks in a cast during which time you are not allowed to put your foot to the floor at all then another 6 weeks with a pump  up boot followed with another 3 months of intensive therapy. The tools will be rusty and the car won't start, but on the + side, I get to virtually spend the winter in bed and hope God will pay the winter fuel bills. Iggy.   

« on: August 15, 2013, 04:04:34 pm »
      Over here, when Labour are in power, they spend money like water then the conservatives get in and try to repair the damage which costs us all dearly, so we get fed up with the austerity measures and put Labour back in and the cycle starts all over again. Liberals just sit on the fence twiddeling their thumbs criticising both main parties but never have a solution. they have a positive side though, they do create a few jobs trying to keep the party going and act as a buffer for whichever is in power with a slim majority.
    The best job for a Politician is EURO MP. Massive salary, even bigger expenses and plenty of bushes to hide in when it all goes wrong. Iggy.

The Coffee Shop / Re: How to keep a woman happy
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:37:19 pm »
    My wise old dad said all you need to do is keep them over sexed and under shod, needless to say, he ended up divorced.   Iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: Gabby's MGA
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:30:55 pm »
   Had to be <BRITISH>  Iggy

The Coffee Shop / Re: Where's Iggy?
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:26:11 pm »
Sorry everyone, I have been wrapped up in my own agenda lately as I have been waiting for a year for an Ankle Joint. As Marg will tell you, I was limping well when she was here with Roy last year. Since then, I have been keeping up my usual work rate and as the Ankle gets progressively worse, it gets harder and harder to cope. I now have trouble making 100 yards without extreme pain, apparently there is no cartilage left in the first joint thus the pain. The delay is not due to the system failure but all mine as they would not take me in with high blood pressure. That problem is now resolved and today I have been for a pre op survey and passed with flying colours so am staring down the barrel of my first bit of titanium implant within the next Month. The downside is that I am not allowed to put my foot to the ground for at lest 6 weeks after the op, that will kill me!!!
    On the positive side, I have a long standing desire to learn Google's sketchup, Her in doors will have to wait on me hand and foot (YEH), there are some books I need to catch up on, pester Gabby to distraction, and recall some of the favours I have done for others as I never charge for my work, only the materials. I will shut up now as you must be getting PEED off by now IGGY  8) 8) 8) 8)

The Coffee Shop / Re: Iggy Giles
« on: February 18, 2013, 03:11:59 pm »
Thank you all for your very kind comments, it seems I am the one skulking in a corner while some of you have had far more trials and tribulations than me. Gabby particularly had more than his fair share of the darker side of things last year, and yet he has been a consistent friend to me in my absence, sending me messages of encouragement even when I did not bother to reply. So thanks for that Bill and also thanks to Marg and Keefie for their support.
Anyway back to the plot, the weather is improving slowly and I am back in the workshop/Garage again and am considering taking the S/S out of the kitchen and back to the garage again (That will make management very happy). I am beginning to feel the need to show off some of my stuff and need some serious tuition on uploading picks. Iggy   ;D ;D ;D ;D

The Coffee Shop / Re: Iggy Giles
« on: February 13, 2013, 05:07:27 am »
Hi all. Thanks for your concern, iggy is alive, and I am sorry for the lack of communication, but last year was my ANNUS HORIBALOUS as our Queen described hers when Diana died. 4 Deaths, (Three of them Family) and my best friend and best man at our wedding, lying in bed like a cabbage having had a massive stroke in August. Another friend has had both knees replaced, and I have been diagnosed as having no Cartilage in the first joint of my Right Ankle and have to go in for a new joint sometime soon.  I don?t mind the op but the specialist told me I had to give up smoking for 6 weeks before and 6 weeks after the op, ?Nightmare?.  There were a couple of positives about the year, namely; Bill (Gabby) recovered his ordeal and we had a welcome visit from Marg and Trevor. I tried to absorb myself in work to offset the depression and ended up wearing out my new EX 21, fortunately it was still under warranty so Axminster tools replaced it with an EX30 at no extra cost.
I am feeling a bit more positive now and have decided that it is no good hiding the depressive state under a bush as there are people out there who do care so thanks again for your support and concern especially to Bill, Keefie, Marg and Rob. 

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