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Messages - Rapid Roger

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Pattern Requests. / Re: Filling pattern requests...
« on: June 14, 2010, 06:57:30 pm »
I respectfuly disagree.
If something is given out or published for "FREE" on the internet, it becomes public domain and you can do anything with it.
Now if you pay for a pattern or even buy a book with a pattern in that someone else wants you to "GIVE" them that is wrong.
I understand that the orignal pattern designer (if he is trying to make money at it) charges any amount for it then you should honor that fact and not let anyone else have it without paying the orginal designer.
If I draw a pattern of the statue of liberty and give it to someone for free to use, I should expect to loose all rights to that pattern afterward. If, on the other hand, I sell it for $2.00 to some one and his friend wants to use it, then he should send the friend to me with $2.00 in his hand.
If you give or sell a pattern to someone, is there a limit on how meny times he can copy it or cut it? I don't think so. If I found a really "hot" pattern (free or purchased) and could sell alot of them I would assume that the sky is the limit and if I could make $2.00 per item and sold 200 of them, is that wrong?
Reguardless if I bought the pattern or it was downloaded off the internet for free, I would be making money off of some one elses design.
Just my two cents worth.


The Coffee Shop / Re: A toast
« on: June 14, 2010, 09:15:34 am »
Hahhh,,, So I had a beer four hours before you. We need to split the difference in time  so we can have one together one day. WE can do it,,,,,
 :)  :) :)
So you would have to have one at 7:00 pm  and me 3:00 pm.

 ???  ???  ???

Hey guys!!! I'm in Kansas and our "beerthirty" is taken at 4:30 PM! Fits right in so come on down,I'm buying!!


The Coffee Shop / Re: I'm Shocked
« on: June 12, 2010, 08:22:42 pm »
Man, yo gonna need a new step ladder and nother case o chalk if yo gonna do that all over agin!!! :o
My wannano is WHY??   ::) They jus gonna change de rules agin anyway!  >:(

 ;D ;D ;D ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: BillBoard.....
« on: June 12, 2010, 03:13:55 pm »
How about...
"Seeing eye dogs only."

????? Who is that for????


The Coffee Shop / Re: C'mon Folks!!!
« on: June 11, 2010, 04:54:00 pm »
A woman walks into a bar with a duck under her arm and sat down ner a drunk nursing his beer. Nothing was said for awhile until the drunk finaly spoke up. "Hey, where did you get that pig?"he said. "That is NOT a PIG!" replied the woman. Then the drunk said "I was talking to the duck!"


Brag Forum / Re: Victorian Cross
« on: June 11, 2010, 12:25:18 pm »
Nice job! I may cut that one myself some time.
I did notice that you cut things exactly backward of the way I do it! I always cut the smaller inter cuts first, then the larger ones as I go, and then the outer part last. I find that things (especially on the outer edges) don't get broken off as easy and makes the whole project alot stronger for a longer time while you are cutting.
Just my two cents worth.
Good job anyway and I really do like that cross.


The Coffee Shop / Re: C'mon Folks!!!
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:22:51 am »
Two Irishmen walked out of a bar.
Hey!! It could happen!!!!!!!!


The Coffee Shop / Re: Test
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:19:11 am »
Be careful!  ;) There is probably a "Good Husbands Guide" out there some place!  :D

As I have told my children, "Be careful of what you wish for, you might get it!"  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Cherie
« on: June 10, 2010, 10:09:44 am »
Tool companys, no matter brand name or tool, choose the price range that they want to sell in and can have tools made in any country of the world. If they have as good design and want a highter end tool they can choose the materials and manufacturer to aquire a very good tool or they can go for the low end and choose accordingly.
The location of the company or manufacturer has very little to do with quality in todays world.
Obviously, the more expensive tools have a greater mark-up and lower volume  while the cheaper brands go for quanity and a lower quality. It is all the choice of the parent company and where they want their market to be. Alot of companys will have two or three varaitons of the same tool with different prices and features as well as quality. We have all seen that everyday.
Some will change horses in mid stream and end up with a different reputation in a very short time as we all know.
Just my two cents worth.


The Coffee Shop / Re: I think I'm done
« on: June 08, 2010, 05:33:58 pm »
I used to sell the second most expensive tools in the world. (Mac tools, Snap-on are the most expensive) When people would try to get me to lower the price, I would just say "NO"! Explaning that I was in business to make a living, not friends.
If you lower the price, people think that your product must not be worth what you are asking and deside that they can get the same thing cheaper elswhere. They need to see the value in a good wrench (or hand made item) and that in the long run it is  worth spending the extra money for what you are selling.
If they press you on price a bit, just say "Money talks and BS walks, lets see what color your money is." If they don't buy the item right there and then forget about it. They won't be back, they just want to see how far they can push you.
I'm sorry to hear about your fustration but, I understand the problem and you must just keep knocking on doors and trying to get the sale.
Lets face it, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. It takes a special person to sell special items and you have the tallent to make the special items you just need to work on the sales end a little harder. It is there in you, you just havent found it yet. Keep trying, you can make it work.


Ask Steve a question. / Disposal
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:34:42 pm »
Getting rid of sawdust and scrap wood is not a problem...Just put it in the dumpster, land fill, or incenerator. (even the fire place if you have one ;)) But, what do you do with the bent, broken and burned-up blades? They can be sharp and dangerous to some unsuspecting person, and hurt them.  :( >:(
I have even "stabbed" my self just disposing of them.  >:(
So what is the safest way of getting rid of old blades (even razor blades) that you use?


The Coffee Shop / Re: Women who KNOW their Place!
« on: June 06, 2010, 02:04:27 pm »
Reminds me of the "Godfather" in New Jersy who ask his wife to start his car for him every morning.  ;) ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: I better get off here!
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:57:09 pm »
Hit in the head, Dave?

And tell me, do you know a firefighter or rescue team member that has NOT been clobbered a time or three?
Heck, I was a volunteer and got knocked off a 16' garage roof and fell right on my noggin.
Thank God for helmets...including the ones I wore in football playing an offensive lineman. Talk about getting hit in the head!!! My senior year playing varsity we finally got the new Plastic helmets and most of us interior linemen cracked at least two during the season.


That explains alot!!


Ask Steve a question. / Re: category for supplies?
« on: June 06, 2010, 01:52:09 pm »
How about...."Parts and Places"..... for the tools and wood and paterns we all need.   ?


The Coffee Shop / Re: What do you do to make a living
« on: June 03, 2010, 04:44:18 pm »
I started working when I was 13.
Most recently....USAF 4 years (1962-1967), Draftsman for 4 years, Sheetmetal lay-out man for 15 years, Mac Tools distrubitor for 20 years and retired in 2006. Now I sit on my tail, drink beer, and do some wood working when the mood strikes me.....It was easier and less busy when I was working but, I aint going back....WORK is a 4 letter word!


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