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Messages - Danny

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The Coffee Shop / Re: Generation "Y"
« on: July 04, 2011, 01:56:04 pm »
Well without ever realizing it I always thot I was in the Baby Boomer group.  Live n Learn.  I be z Silent lil guy by 4 months.  LOL  Danny  :+}

Thanks Torsten....  Changing the BOTTOM blade clamp is what I have ALWAYS wanted to do.  I will be looking forward to your help of locating a US company.  Later....  Danny  :+}

I thanks yas all for your advice n comments.  I did use a FD#7 blade and I am positive the tension was set correctly.  After experimenting afterwards it all boiled down to not a high enough speed and feeding probably to fast.  The outcome was a GOOD jigsaw piece that came out both ways.  Yea!  This was my very first project using this thinkness of wood.  Glad I wasn't using a HARD WOOD.  Anyway....  Danny  :+}

Has anyone cut 1.5 inch pine into a JIGSAW type of design?  I made sure my table and blade were a Perfect 90 degree angle cutting on 3/4" wood.  Well after the FIRST piece I found out that the jigsaw piece would only come out from the bottom of the blank. Cry.cry....:+(  This is not Correct.  I rechecked the table/blade on another 3/4" and it was perfect.  Can anyone direct me as to what is happening?  Thanks in Advance....  Danny  :+}

Now I have really, really enjoyed this post.  I also have issues with my Hegner and like Mrsn I really do not like the bottom blade clamp that someone from Hegner decided was the best to produce.  Wud like to know there reasonings.  Like Chuck said I have gotten used to going thru the procedures of changing blades, but I am very much interested in Torstens modification with the new type of clamp.  Where might I obtain it?  The top assembly for attaching the blade is about as good as it comes.  My opinion, but again Torsten I wud love hear more about how you attach the new holders.

While I'm yacking bout Hegners.  Has anyone experienced the breakage of the Flying Dutchman blades right at the point where they put that little crimp in the top?  I have had lots of blade breaking at that point.  Used another brand of blade for a long period of time and no breaks.  Guess I'm trying to eliminate my problem being my Hegner.  Anyway....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Generation "Y"
« on: July 03, 2011, 11:32:34 am »
People born before 1946 were called The Silent generation..
People born between 1946 and 1964 are called The Baby Boomers.
People born between 1965 and 1979 are called Generation X, .
And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called Generation Y ,

Why do we call the last group Generation Y?
Y should I get a job?
Y should I leave home and find my own place?
Y should I get a car when I can borrow yours?
Y should I clean my room?
Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?
Y should I buy any food?
But a cartoonist explained it very eloquently below...

  Sorry the cartoon didn't arrive, but it shows a teenager boy from his backside with his jeans sagging low showing the Y OF U KNOW WAT.LOL

The Coffee Shop / An Old Mans Tomato Garden.... :+}
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:58:54 pm »
A Good ol? Italian way of getting things done!

   An old  Italian lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant his annual
   tomato garden,  but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.
   His only son,  Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
   wrote a letter to his  son and described his predicament:
   Dear  Vincent,    I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be
   able to  plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be
   digging up a  garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would
   be over. I know you would  be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the
   old  days.       Love, Papa
   A few days later he  received a letter from his son.       
   Dear  Papa,     Don't dig  up that garden. That's where the bodies
   are  buried.       Love, Vinnie
   At 4 a.m. the  next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and
   dug up the entire area  without finding any bodies. They apologized
   to the old man and left. That  same day the old man received another
   letter from his  son.
   Dear  Papa,    Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the
   best I could do under  the  circumstances.
   Love  you,      Vinnie

The Coffee Shop / Re: In Loving Memory
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:22:46 am »
Loosing a Loved one is a truely sad happening, but I will always believe
We Must Go On.  Russ my Prayers will be for you and your family.  Danny

The Coffee Shop / Words that have True Meanings.... :+}
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:19:58 am »
When you see someone who is struggling, a co-worker who is discouraged, a friend who is not up to par, how do you respond? Our words can be what keeps a person going; our compliments can put a spring back into their step. Now more than ever, we need to automatically let the encouragement flow. We need to tell others how much we love them, how we value them, and tell them that they are talented and creative. Always remember, with your words you carry life-giving water. You carry hope, healing, encouragement and new beginnings, and you can pour it out everywhere you go.

Today, choose to speak encouragement. Choose to speak victory and faith. Instead of telling people what they?re doing wrong, instead of pointing out all their faults, find what they are doing right. Focus on the good. There are already enough critical, judgmental people in the world. Let?s be people who lift up others and restore them. Let?s be the light of Jesus in the world.

Brag Forum / Re: Potpourri Boxes
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:55:17 pm »
I think your take on the Potpourri Box is Outstanding.  Of course you have already left the impression on me that your in the ranks of Professionalism.
Just a question.  You use different cool looking Hardwoods in most of your projects.  Do you spend a arm and a leg in purchasing these woods?  To me from ordering Plywood from Sloans and their prices are fair I spend sometimes more than I can afford just to do things like portraits etc.  Nothing compared to your projects.  Anyway I am still new to attempting projects that require GOOD.  Loved looking at your box Dan....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Some more examples of my work
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:14:54 am »
I really ENJOYED looking at all your different crafts.  You are a very gifted person and this Forum is so lucky to have you as part of our family.  Danny:+}

Brag Forum / Pattern named....Pollenation.... :+}
« on: June 30, 2011, 10:10:41 am »
Good Thursday morning to ALL....
     A friend of mine on another Forum offered this pattern for cutting.  Didn't feel I wanted to get involved in it, but then something told me to GET IT STARTED and now here is my final cutting of it.  I cut it stack of two.  Top was 1/4 maple with bottom 1/8 BB.  Used a FD-UR #1 BLADE.  Started out with the #3, but it just wouldn't let me turn sharp enough to stay on the line.
The #1 CUT ALMOST PERFECTLY.  Yea!  This pic is with no oil/stain etc.  I do plan on finishing it and putting it into a frame.  Hey I welcome pros n cons.
                                    Later....  Danny  :+}

P.S.  I love that lil ole bumble bee.  LOL  Love the close up of him.  LOL

Brag Forum / Re: Steve's IPad Stand
« on: June 29, 2011, 10:12:26 am »
Hi Dan....I have been using your way of using a crumbled up brown paper bag for sanding between top coats and also buffing afterwards.  Great idea.  Is this YOUR original idea?  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Steve's IPad Stand
« on: June 28, 2011, 04:00:29 pm »
Hey Dan....Now your choice of wood and your Professional ability to finish a project on this one is Perfect.  I would Love to make one if I only had a Ipad or is it Ipod?  Anyway Great job Dan....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Finished my Lil Sis's Turtle.... :+}
« on: June 28, 2011, 09:56:18 am »
Again I want to Thank all that offered me a turtle pattern.  This is the one I thought sis would LOVE.  Was Fun cutting.  Danny  :+}

Forgot the person that offered me this pattern of Elvis, but THANKS. 
I just think this pose really looks like THE KING.... 

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