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Messages - Rapid Roger

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: amazing yet funny
« on: June 18, 2010, 04:46:59 pm »
Well, my excuse is....I'm old and forgot what the orignal post was about.
That is my story and I'm sticking to it!  :D :D :D :D


Pattern Requests. / Re: Desperate need of help
« on: June 18, 2010, 04:40:40 pm »
I have never made one but, I know others have. I have been thinking of making an urn for myself.
I would start with going to the sorce, a funreal home, and looking at what they have to offer. I know that the interior volume is important. You need enough cubic inches for the ashes. Volume does change according to the physical size of the person and it is not nessaraly just all ashes. There can be some bone to account for.
It can be any shape (round or square) and must be designed so once closed can not be re-opened.
There are some laws governing what can and can not be done according to where you live.There are so meny different laws and rules and alot of hearsay about what you can do and not do.
I have "heard" you can't scatter ashes above ground, you must bury the urn or put it into a colemberrium, you can not keep the urn in a home etc. I think most of that hearsay is false but, I haven't checked any of it out with my local laws.
I'm sure that your local mortition can and be willing to help you out. But rember, he is in business and may feel threatened by some of your questions.


The Coffee Shop / shissta
« on: June 18, 2010, 02:06:14 pm »
I just noticed your post in the "Introduce Yourself" section.
I see you are from Garden City! You are the first person on the fourm that I've seen from Kansas! 
I am Roger Sullivan and live in Hutchinson. Would love to meet you sometime. I seldom get out west beyond Dodge City but, if you ever get this way, please let me know and maybe we can make arrangements to meet some place.
Do you ever come to Hutchinson for the State Fair or anything?


Thank goodness this is the last one! I was afaid you would show a picture of me on my riding lawnmower and my wife with the rake and edger cleaning up the mess I make.  ;)


The Coffee Shop / Re: Some thing
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:28:09 am »
It all depends on you market. Are you showing to people with an intrest in art and have the money for it or are you showing to people looking for a candy dish?
It is very fustrating fo all of us to be creative and do good work and not find anyone else who even cares beyound  saying "Nice work".
I live in an area with few people (compaired to a big city) and altho some around here have money there doesn't seem to be any intrest in local artists.
I go to a church with the richer end of the population and often donate scroll work to the youth group to sell for their projects and they don't have much luck getting $5.00 for a beautiful cross that I have cut. People will however pay $50.00 for a glass cross imported from South America. Go figure?


The Coffee Shop / Re: The Anniversary Present....
« on: June 17, 2010, 01:33:50 pm »
I married my wife March 10, 1969 and we are still together. In all that time we've only had one fight, it started December 8. 1969.


The Coffee Shop / Re: The Anniversary Present....
« on: June 17, 2010, 01:22:48 pm »
My wife told me that she lost 10 pounds. I said "Turn around, I think I've found it!"

Then the fight started.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Some thing
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:50:01 am »
I think you turned it with all four fins up and when you were done you cut one fin off on a band saw and re-glued it in the down position. A little sanding and filling and Bobs your uncle.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Poly finish...HELP!
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:24:18 pm »
Frankly, I never had good luck with lemon oil either. Even if I didn't put any finish on top of it, it never seemed to compleatly dry.
I would dunk it completely in the oil, wipe it off and set it aside to dry. After  3 days I had a small damp spot of oil on my table. It did pop the grain and look good as it ozzed out though.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scroll Sanders in DW788
« on: June 16, 2010, 09:18:07 pm »
Your best bet is to cut regular sand paper of the grit you want to 1/2" strips about 6" long. Fold the sand paper in half the long way so you have a 1/4" x 6" with sanding grit on both sides  and install in the regular pinless clamps just like you would a blade and sand away.
Learned that from Steve a year or two ago.  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Interesting website....
« on: June 16, 2010, 08:56:45 pm »
Disaster, whos going to pay for that??

The American public in one way or another.


Now, this is getting funny.  :D  We used to own a Pinto also!!  ;D Frankly, my wife or I either one can rember what year it was. Wife drove it to work for a year or two then we got her a different car and I drove the pinto for two or three years. My daughter learned to drive it  in '82 (it was a 4 speed) and used it for a school car. Then our son learned to drive using the same car in '86. We must have put 3 or 4 clutches in it. When the son went off to college (we got both kids a Rangers with floor shifts for college cars) I got the Pinto back as run-around transportation for another two years and we finally sold it in about '93 or so for $300.00. It had been in two heavy hail storms, 3 minor wrecks, a ditch and a flood. Still ran great when we said good bye to it.  :D :D :D


Mine has some "wiggle" to it but, not 1/32" when it it is free of tention.
It must have something to do with self alignment with the lower clamp and the blade. Under tention it doesn't move at all of course.
I would think that if it was too tight that it might cause excessive wear.
Just my 2 cents worth.


Pattern Requests. / Re: Filling pattern requests...
« on: June 15, 2010, 09:29:24 pm »
There is just too much grey area here and we all know you can not enforce your morals on anyone else. You know in your mind what is right and what is wrong. I know what I think is right and what is wrong. So we are just bumping heads here.
Case in point.....
Russ[C] posted on the "brag forum" under "CCA Red Fish" that he used Steves pattern of "Kiss My Bass" to make gifts, only he changed it to "Join CCA". Now if I use the same pattern and change it to "Rogers Trophy", whos pattern is it???
As the orginal designer it is Steves pattern but, since Russ changed it, does that make it Russ' pattern and if I change it yet again, can I claim it? Or are we talking about three different patterns?
This can go on for ever. I understand what Charlie is saying and why, but we can't make this a legal issue (we'll leave that to govenment and lawyers) and we can't make it a moral issue (we'll leave that to the clergy and the man up stairs) So lets just try to use that good old second commandment  and do unto others as you.........well, you know the rest...
At that, I will rest my case.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Names
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:42:43 am »
Well, OK. I call myself "Rapid Roger" because my name is Roger and I used to race enduro Go Karts and got the nick name from the people that I used to beat on the track.  ;)  Besides, when I first got started on the scroll saw, I was turning things out so fast that the family was overwelmed with all my "gifts" and told me to slow down because it was affecting the forrests in Kansas!!  ::)

PS we don't have any forrests in Kansas.  :D :D

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