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Messages - Rapid Roger

Pages: 1 ... 89 90 [91] 92 93 ... 98
The Coffee Shop / Re: Go Paperless ???
« on: July 27, 2010, 09:35:01 pm »
When I was in the Air Force (in the '60s) we got a "Pass-On" requesting ideas for saving paper work. We were suppose to submit our ideas in six copys.......???????? ::) :P :-\ :o ;D :D ;)


Brag Forum / Re: Christmas gifts
« on: July 26, 2010, 02:07:45 pm »
Wow!! That's a lot of the same thing.  What a great job you did!

AND, alot of boredom, alot of blades, alot of sanding and alot of finishing too!  :D  3/4" oak is hard on blades.
I don't think I will ever get my saw table back to 90 degrees. It has been set on 2 degrees so long, I think it grew solid! Ha  Ha Ha Ha 
Orginally, I was going to make 36 of the trays for gifts but, after 18 of them, think I'll wait for a month or so before I take on the next 18.  ;)


The Coffee Shop / Re: Electrical ???
« on: July 26, 2010, 01:52:09 pm »
I agree with BilltheDiver. I have done the 'power strip' thing on several projects.
I have built a 'charging station' for my cordless tool batterys, a charging station for my cell phones and camera batterys and installed two power strips on my mobil work bench for sanders, router, jig saw, etc.
It works like a charm and you only plug into one outlet to do it!


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Broken pieces of work
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:53:21 pm »
I glue alot of "broken" pieces with "Titebond" and clean it up without a problem. If it has a gap, I mix sawdust with shellac or pollyurethane or water based wood filler and fill the hole.
Trust me, YOU are the only person to notice it!! Especially if it is a fret type item, no one will see it. And if they do, SO WHAT!?
The true test of a good woodworker is the ability of corecting OOPPSSEEESS which happen to all of us at one time or another.


Brag Forum / Re: Christmas gifts
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:32:34 pm »
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone.
I dont drink A&W ROOT BEER, I just drink the last word.  ;D  But. that was the only thing other than Bush Light left in my beer box.  ;D
The pattern was posted last month I think. (Cant rember for sure but, it wasn't long ago)
I left out the cutout part because I didn't want food build up and make them hard to clean. I really like the grain match in wood and, I wanted to make the food part of the tray larger and the drink part so that it could be used for any type of drink. (Even coffee)  ;D
Our kids are alot more into the "social seen" and entertain alot more than we do, so I'm sure the trays will get alot of good use.
Ya-all keep thinking "Out Side The Lines". You dont HAVE to copy someone elses pattern, just their idea!  ;D


PS. I do have another sorce for wood but, it is 25 miles away and, I didn't want to spend the time on the planer and all that goes with getting it ready for cutting. I usually get 40 or 50 BF of wood when I go to the real lumber yard and I sure don't buy Red Oak there. I get hard maple or walnut or zebra or other harder to find woods.

Rog again  ;D

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Sooooooooooo Slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:02:59 pm »
When it is this hot, I'm kinda slow too!! Themometer shows 101 degrees and the humidity is all most the same. I think my 'puter is breaking a sweat just sitting here.


Brag Forum / Christmas gifts
« on: July 24, 2010, 04:50:37 pm »
As usual, I used one of Steves patterns, "Party Trays", and modified it a bit. These will be Christmas gifts for our daughter and son and my brother. (set of 6 each).
They are oak with mineral oil to pop the grain and 3 coats of shellac for a bit of shine and easy cleaning. Both the mineral oil and shellac are very food safe.
I used 3/4" red oak from the big box store. I got 9 trays out of each 1" x 8" x 8'-0" board and two boards cost about $75.00. Sounds expensive but at $25.00 each for gifts, I don't think it is too bad.

Open for comments...


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: African teak pole
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:26:43 pm »
A man at work is going to cut it for me.  I still can't decide whether to do it longways or circles.

Do both..... Cut 6"- 12" of circles from the post, and then with the remaining 2'-0" cut into slabs for other work sizes.  ;D
Nothing like the best of two worlds!   ;D
 Who knows what might enter your mind three days from now? I like the options and ideas that enter into things.  8)


Brag Forum / Re: Burnt bowl
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:36:43 pm »
I burn alot of stuff....Some with a saw blade and some in the fireplace.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Who
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:28:16 pm »
Three fingers Jack Daniels, one finger water and two ice cubes.

Breakfast of champions!


The Coffee Shop / Re: Denver
« on: July 15, 2010, 08:21:33 pm »
They wont let me leave by myself!!!  :o  Heck, I get lost in Yoder Kansas!! :-[

If you dont know where Yoder is, look on a Kansas map....See Wichita near the center?   ::)  Now follow up northwest....See Hutchinson?   ;) well, right in between (closer to Hutch) is Yoder!! Population 340....  ::)  Gateway to the city!!! (Hutch pop 43,000)  :P

I'll be OK just watching the grandkids spending their parents money.  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Denver
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:24:37 pm »
We are leaving for Colorado Springs on Saturday for a vacation. (it was 104 degrees in Kansas yesterday) So, I have the same question about Colorado Springs.  ;D
Unfortunatly, the WHOLE FAM DAMILY is going too, so I may not have much FREE time to look around but, will try.


The Coffee Shop / Re: A letter from Scout Camp....
« on: July 14, 2010, 12:39:08 pm »
OK, Ya got me laughing out loud with that one!! I can hardly see the screen because of the tears in my eyes!  :D :D :D :D


The Coffee Shop / Re: PROPOSAL.....
« on: July 12, 2010, 06:44:35 pm »
I want to host the "Tonight Show" for one week. I want to pick the guest's and have some controll over the questions I ask and the music played. I doubt that Jay Leno is going to let that happen soon.  ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Pine vs Polar
« on: July 12, 2010, 01:16:06 pm »
Shellac has a fairly short shelf life. Most people who do alot of wood working mix their own using 'shellac flakes' and mix only as much as is needed. I just bought a quart today...$9.98 at Lowes.
If you look up how shellac is made and what it is made from, you will understand why the prices are what they are. It has beetle dropings from South America as a base, yet when cured it is food safe (?) and elimnates any odors that might be in the wood. It can be tinted (in fact there are three  colors on the shelf at Lowes) I like the clear for most things but, you can use amber or blonde also. There is some called "Seal coat" also.
It looks fine as a finish or it can be painted over or even just as a sealer for polyurethane.
Clean up can be done with house hold ammonia and water or denatured alcohol and it dries to touch in 30 minutets and can be recoated in an hour or so.
More mis-information from the guesser.


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