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Messages - jerry1939

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 38
The Coffee Shop / November weather in the U.S. of A.
« on: November 09, 2014, 10:26:38 pm »

General Scroll Saw Talk / Question for all you Nice Puzzle Makers
« on: November 05, 2014, 09:28:24 pm »
Hi All, 
Our garage isn't heated, so I do carving all winter, but thinking ahead to next year.  Have NEVER done a puzzle.  Looking for any & all help/advice.  i.e.
Picture - Do you use glossy paper?  Laminate it?
Thickness of wood?
Blades - What would you recommend?  I now use FD SR 2/0, UR 3 & UR 5.  Never got the hang of, or liked, spiral.
Do you remove pieces as you cut them?

Anything at all would be appreciated.  Now I only do fretwork.  To see samples, click the "Gallery" button on this site.  Look for postings by "jerry1939".  On the first (& maybe 2nd page.)

jerry in Iowa

The Coffee Shop / NutriSystem
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:26:07 am »
I've decided to go on the NutriSystem diet.  According to the TV commercial, if I do that, I will see a beautiful woman staring back at me in the mirror.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Free online Hearing Test
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:22:02 am »
Hi Dan26,

Well Friend, your Mother never told you that life would be easy.  So what if you are losing hair, eyesight is failing and you sure as heck can't type.  Whatever happens next depends.......

 :(   :(   :(


The Coffee Shop / Free online Hearing Test
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:03:11 pm » 

FYI.  This shows that I am 8 years older than my actual age.  Apparently dirt wasn't invented yet at that time.


Hi All,

Does anyone have a "Go To" site for drawing gears with ____  number of teeth & a diameter of ____? 


jerry in Iowa (It's getting colder here)

The Coffee Shop / Re: Ageing new wood to old
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:56:42 pm »
I am of no help with staining, but if you want a new board to have the texture of years of weathering, use a wire brush on an electric grinder.

A different effect is used a lot in Mexico.  Buy boards with as many small knots as you can find.  Take a gas torch and (start lightly) on a knot and feather out on the grain, while lifting the torch.  Set the piece where it can't start a fire, although I NEVER had a problem.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Your next automobile
« on: November 01, 2014, 12:04:30 pm »
It's high tech people!!  What could POSSIBLY go wrong?  (You own a computer & printer, don't you?)

In the last week, 2 rockets blew up in the U.S.A.  One 6 seconds after liftoff and the other 2 minutes.

The Coffee Shop / Your next automobile
« on: October 31, 2014, 05:20:08 pm »

Brag Forum / For my Brother & Wife
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:56:43 pm »
My older brother and his wife just lost a daughter, Jane.  She developed a brain tumor and after about a year of treatments, suffering & mental anguish, she passed away just after her 50th birthday.  Left behind a husband and 2 children.

The angel is a Sue May pattern with some modifications.  The base sides & back are a part of one of Steve's patterns.
Delivered it today.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Dust Problem
« on: October 26, 2014, 12:39:04 pm »
Two things.
1.   I do all my work with this saw.  Love it, except that it comes with a horrible attachment for the dust blower nozzle.  I threw the bracket away & taped the nozzle to the flexible light.  Works perfectly as it shines the spotlight and points the blower on the line.  No dust problem on the line.  Click on the 1st page of the "Gallery" tab on this site to see some of my pieces.  All Listed as "jerry1939."  Maybe they don't do it anymore, but in the past, this saw was often on sale for $69.99.

2.  For any of you that might be thinking of starting scrolling, keep in mind the old saying, "Fancy tools alone don't make you a good carpenter."  You can turn out nice pieces with inexpensive tools.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: A Glueing Clamp I made - 90 degrees
« on: October 25, 2014, 11:40:09 am »
I posted the original.  Jim, you are right on.  As we all learned, when you put glue on something and start clamping, the glue acts as a lubricant.  The pieces being glued "slide" in relation to each other.  My intent was to start by gluing something that was already a solid 90 degrees.

FYI.  By sheer luck, when I picked up the 1st 90 degree moulding at Lowes, I carried it over the to isle with the carpenter squares.  IT WAS "OFF" A HAIR!  Carried the square with me over to the mouldings to check another one.  2nd one was OK.

After cutting off the top decorative part, I glued on the 2 parts (marked "B"), the "90 degrees" closed up slightly, to -90 degrees.  I laid a board across the open end & ran a clamp from that board to the point of the triangle and squeezed it to 90.  Achieved perfection.

You guys are right.  IF you could clamp the boards to anything that was surfaced to a perfect 90, "A" would not have been needed.  I don't have the tools for that and am too D____  old to buy anymore.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Baltic Birch Plywood
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:23:15 pm »
I'm with Dan.  I ALWAYS buy from    I only order, "Good on both sides."  Worth the little extra money, plus now you have 2 sides to choose from.

jerry in Iowa

General Scroll Saw Talk / A Glueing Clamp I made - 90 degrees
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:45:27 pm »
Here is a neat gluing jig I built for 90 degree corners.  Should have made it a year ago.

"A" is a 90 degree piece of moulding I bought from Lowes.  Sawed of & discarded the top decorative part, glued & screwed the bottom 3 1/2" to the base.
"Bs" are 1 X 4s glued to "A".  Glued & screwed to the base.  Note that they are 3/4" back from the inside corner, to allow excess glue to drip.  There is also a hole in the base for drippings.  I put wax paper under the hole.
"Cs" are the pieces to be glued together.  45ed or butt joint.
"Ds" are scrap 1 X 4s for the treaded rods to scuff up.
"Es" are glued & screwed to the base.  Threaded nuts are hammered in on the inside.
        Short threaded rods purchased  from Lowes & sawed in half.  Knobs are threaded on the inside.  Locking nuts up against them.

It is so much darn fun to use that sometimes I get up in the night, go out to the garage in my pajamas, and glue together "stuff'


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