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Messages - daveo

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General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 27, 2014, 01:29:17 pm »
the only replacement boards would reach me at around $600
and no good any way as they are 120v and I need the 230V of which are obselete


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 27, 2014, 12:05:40 pm »
sorry for the confusion, but I did point out that the picture of the motor is not my motor and is a stock photo of the 120v version, my motor is the 230v version, sorry about that.
I will try and strip the machine down again tomorrow and get as many shots of the board as I can.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:35:39 am »

on checking the net it appears that the green cylinder is in fact a reed relay, I did question this at the shop as it appeared to be some what melted at one end, and was told it was OK, and after seeing pictures of the same component it seems to be how they are (PIC1)
As for the wiring (PIC2)
the Blue and Brown are the incoming supply
The Blacks (top centre) come off the board through a glass fuse holder, up to the on/off switch and back to the board.
The other connections (PIC3) the bottom plug in goes to the speed control dial
and the top brown one goes to the back of the motor to the gizmo that counts the revs (what ever thats called)

As for the motor I do not have a clue if its permanent magnet or not, I have included a picture of one (PIC4) Note this is not my motor it is a stock picture of the 120v version but the spec is the same otherwise, if that helps at all

still trying to trace a schematic, I have sent a request to Delta but not holding my breath on that one

The ironic thing is that this problem has been getting worse as time goes on But I have to say that since the machine has been put back together (4 days now) and has had approx 25-30 hours running time the problem has only occurred three or four times, as if something has had a jolt and is behaving better (AT THE MOMENT)

hope some of that garble helps some.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Scrollsaw in Germany
« on: September 27, 2014, 10:08:14 am »
Spirit horde
yes the power supplies are freely available in europe for Us appliances, and quite cheaply as well around ?35 GBP, but if you were to buy one you need to ensure that it is not only 120v but also 60hz, as I am told a 50hz transformer would affect the speed of the machine amongst other things.
I did not know about the Hawk but have considered importing a Dewalt from the US of which would arrive on the door step for a little less than ?400GBP
the only thing to bear in mind is that as soon as they leave the parent country the warranty is void, that said both machines are of good build quality so unlikely to fail within the warranty period any way.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:59:45 am »
Hi Ray
thanks for coming in on this one
firstly "momentary" is like a tenth of a second,
on switch on if this happens then the arm twitchs and then nothing happens, so I switch off the machine and then back on and it usually runs.
Now since my last post I can confirm that there is no other electronic parts on the machine (no capacitor on or in the motor), so the motor is fully reliant on the PCB. That said we know that on switch the built in time delay(approx 2 seconds) delays the start of the motor, thats how its supposed to work.
Therefore when at switch on and I get this momentary twitch of the arm, it suggests to me that the motor is getting a supply at the time it should not,
of which of course means that the supply has to be coming from the board itself, as you say a charge from a cap. But trying to convince the man in the shop this, is like trying to push rope.
the variable speed is important I use it all the time
I am trying to track down a shcematic of the board but delta seem to hold these things close to the chest, I will keep trying but in the mean time here is a picture of the board if that helps at all


The Coffee Shop / Re: Scrollsaw in Germany
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:33:35 am »
Hi Friends, I am at apoint where i want to upgrade my scrollsaw. Perfect would be a dewalt 788, but i cant get it in Germany where i live.

Someone wrote that the Excalibur in Europe is not as good as in the U.S.A. can anyone give me a hint of what to buy !It Seems the only decent saw is the Hegener 26 or se .
with relation to the excalibur, I think it was me that raised the quality issue some time ago. Since then have had a reply from there customer services dept and they assured me that all models of the saw where made in the same factory, and to the same specification, and the only difference between the US model and the UK model is simply the motor voltage. The only thing that stopped me buying one was just the fact that at 1400 spm its to slow for any production cutting
And no you cant get the dewalt anywhere in Europw as they do not any longer produce the 230v version

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:16:10 pm »
I know what he is talking about and it is possible. Sometimes the insulation between the commutator bars will smear on the copper if the bars are worn. We used to cut it back with a hack saw blade and it ran for a long time after. Also if it is a capacitor start motor the cap my be getting weak and acting up

Wow thanks for that, the commutator bit I am lost with, the capacitor bit I half understand, but yet I still cant see how the motor would receive momentary power instantly when there is a time delay on the circuit??
there is no capacitor on the motor itself unless there is any chance that there is something electronic inside the motor and infact the motor gets power on start up and the timer delay is inside the motor


General Scroll Saw Talk / Electrical/electronic advise needed
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:39:23 pm »
Hi All
I need your thoughts
I have been using a Delta 650 Q3 now for some time, when I first got it I fast found out (from our members) that when you switch it on there is a time delay of about 2 seconds before the motor starts running, and this is the norm.
Now recently I have been experiencing a fault, in that some times when you flick the switch the motor attempts to run instantly, but only momentary and then stops, thus meaning that I then have to switch it off and then back on and usually it works fine. This problem has got worse over the past couple of weeks, so I stripped the machine and took the circuit board (and motor) to the local repair shop for him to investigate, his initial findings were that there was no failing components on the board. We then switch the motor on and off several times (in his workshop) until the fault showed itself. The conclusion was that he believed the fault was with the motor, in that one or more of the segments were failing or failed and when the motor stopped or came to rest on the segment, that this is when the problem would happen, so I thanked him brought it home.
Later as I thought that really logic does not prevail here ( and I may well be totally wrong) but
If there should be a time delay of 2 seconds before the board starts to feed the motor with power, and if on occasions the motor tries to start instantly, then this means that at times the motor is getting power to it at a time when it should not (if that makes sense) and if this being so how can it be the motor that is at fault.
I have asked the question to Delta, but still no reply, so if anyone has half an idea I would be grateful, xmas is not getting any further away and really need to get this sorted as orders are already increasing



Pattern Requests. / Re: need some help
« on: September 24, 2014, 12:58:15 pm »
hi heres one go at it, not sure about the beard bit there isn't one in the photo


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Scrolling MDF
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:50:15 am »
I cut MDF every day and in large quantities, and yes it is very messy, I combat this by having a large dust extractor running full bore (twin motor) from the under side of the table drawing the dust out of the shop to an ajoining building, and also have a fine air filter running just above and behind the machine, between the two of them they create around 40 air changes an hour within the shop but still I have to vacuum at the end of every day, so yes a good mask is a must.
That said I cant quite understand why you would be to far out on price, yes birch ply is twice the price of MDF, but unit for unit its only really pennies
so my thinking is two things, firstly are you sure you aren't up against one of the production cutters (like me) who can throw this stuff out at a great rate of knots. Or even if the MDF is quite thin say 1/2" downwards you could be trying to compete against one of the laser cutters, and if its the latter then you have little to no chance of competing unless you can convince your customer that your product is much easier to paint as it has no burnt edges.
Just a thought

Pattern Requests. / Re: My first attempt Mein erster Versuch
« on: August 29, 2014, 01:10:16 pm »

something like this maybe


Pattern Requests. / Re: Triumph 75
« on: August 29, 2014, 11:38:35 am »
Hi Roger
An excellent cut, and thanks for the thanks
however when I took a close look at the cut, somrething did not seem right, so I have just run a trace on the cut and set it at the side of the original patter, and there are quite a few distinct differences, but I cant work out how you did it ???
what did you do, a complete re run or some other form of trickery, just curious :) :) :)


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Personal messages
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:41:39 am »
thats not what I meant
When someone sends me a PM through the forum I also automatically get an alert sent to my E mail address telling me I have that message
but I suppose if the member does not have an E mail address registered on the forum then it wont happen


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Personal messages
« on: August 26, 2014, 10:30:47 am »

Julie when i get a message it auto sends me an E mail alert


Pattern Requests. / Re: Help me with a pattern on the bellman.
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:28:37 pm »

hi Roger
is this any good


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