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Messages - Rapid Roger

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I've had alot of complements in the past but, this a first for my rack.  :o  :-[
Thank's anyway. It's not much to look at  :-[  but, it serves the purpose  ;) (what ever that might be  ::) ) and I like it.  ;D


Here is one I built several years ago.

It has 15 compartments and measures 20"x 30" (about 34" tall) and is on wheels so I can move it around the shop if nessary.


Pattern Requests. / Re: iPad Case
« on: August 24, 2010, 10:09:58 am »
Could this be a subtle hint?

Ron Sr.

That is NOT a hint. That is "Hey, Dad make this for me."  ;D
I get that all the time. My daughter-in-law called me a few weeks ago and said "Dad, I want a sitting bench for our bedroom for Christmas."  ::)  Well, we are going to deliver it next Sunday! A bit early true but, it is taking up too much room in the shop.  ;)
You are gettin by cheap and easy on this one.  ;D  I have also made a head board for the daughter and son-in-law and I can't count all the picture frames and what-not shelves and even a medicion cabnet over the last few years. Not to mention that I usually scroll something for everyone in the family every year to give on Christmas morning.  :D


Pattern Requests. / Re: Teacher Pattern Needed
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:32:32 am »
VERY GOOD Sam! You are on top of it!
My apple was a little larger (Red Delicious) and it needs to be a 'positive' like the letters but, you defnatly have the idea.
Be sure to post pictures when you get it cut. In the meantime, I'll try to get my daughter to find hers (she no longer teaches) and take a picture to post.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Scrollsaw Bowl Demo
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:13:29 am »
I made a 'Super Bowl'......

Yes, it is plywood. It measures 11" across and 6-1/2" tall.


Pattern Requests. / Re: Teacher Pattern Needed
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:20:27 pm »
I made two of them years ago for our daughter-in-law and daughter. (both teachers)
I cut out a shape of an apple and cut the names in them at the base.
The name started on the left and went through the apple and ended on the right. The outer letters were positives and the letters in the apple were negitives. Does that make any sence?
I would post a picture but, I can't seem to find it any more.


That just goes to show.........Always ask, the worst thing that can happen is they will say no!!!
Too many people 'wonder' but, never think to ask, about alot of things.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: cutting hard 2" oak
« on: August 21, 2010, 10:05:12 am »
Oak of any thickness is harder to cut than most other woods. I just cut some pieces of hard maple 1-7/8" thick for a project, and had an easier time of it than 3/4" oak!  I used an 'FD-XL No 7' (15 t.p.i.) to do the job. I'm sure ther may be a better blade to use for something that thick but, I got fairly smooth cuts and no burning.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Bottom Feeding
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:55:03 pm »
Now you know why I'm a 'bottom feeder' myself.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Breaking NEWS!
« on: August 19, 2010, 03:51:26 pm »
Maybe he will get the same judge/jury and punishment that Bill Clinton got.


The Coffee Shop / Re: The GIRLFRIENDS.....
« on: August 19, 2010, 09:46:52 am »
I still eat at the Dairy Queen.

Jimmy Johnson.

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Mini Square for Blade
« on: August 17, 2010, 10:25:35 pm »
I wemt to "Target" in school supplys and got a whole set of clear plastic squares etc.
It has a protractor that works great for finding 90 degrees. I place the flat side on the table behind the blade and adjust until it lines up. It is also great for adjusting to any angle (either right tilt or left tilt).
Besides the protractor, it has an 8" ruler, a 45/45/90 triangle, and  a 30/60/90 triangle. They all come in handy for drawing patterns and other shop uses.
I think it costs less than $5.00 but, it has been awhile since I bought it and cant rember.


Ask Steve a question. / Re: Newbie question about blades
« on: August 17, 2010, 07:40:38 pm »
There is nothing WRONG with pin style blades! If you are doing mostly outside cuts and/or larger inside cuts, pin style work quite well. You just have to drill larger starter holes for them on 'inside' cuts.
It is when you get into smaller inside cuts that the 'pin-less style come into importance because they require alot smaller starter holes.
As far as brand, 'Different strokes for differn't folks", everyone has their favorite brand for various reasons.
As far a breakage, you could be trying to push too hard, let the blade do the cutting. All you really need to do is guide the material into the blade. At some point, depending on the wood and thickness, you will find that the blade wants to cut faster than you can keep up with!! It happens when you least expect it!
The tooth count, the speed of the saw, your experiance, and the thickness and kind of wood is up to you and your trial and error. No one can tell you what is best! We more experianced scrollers know what works for us and can advise  you on how to overcome some problems but the truth is, "Only the Shadow knows".
It is up to you and practice and experiance to find the answers. Sorry to burst your bubble, and DON'T go buy every blade on the market or expect someone to solve your problems becuse we can't.
I would advise you to buy about 3 or 4 differen't sizes of blades (probably a dozen or so of each) and make some saw dust.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Sawstop
« on: August 17, 2010, 10:27:01 am »
There are alot of demos posted on the internet. In most of them a 'hotdog' is used instead of a real finger but, there is one (I saw it on TV) of the inventor that did use his own finger!
It IS impressive to watch but, as was said before, it WONT prevent 'kick-back'. I have had a few kick-backs on my Jet table saw (it does not have the saw stop feature) and in one case, my right thumb did hit the blade. I got the end of my thumb 'chewed-up' a bit but did not loose anything more than a bit of 'meat'.
It may have helped in this case but, the board that kicked-back still hit me in the belly hard enough that I still have a scar after 18 months.
Nothing prevents accidents but, knowing how to use a table saw and smart planning before the use of it sure helps.


Intarsia / Re: Hummingbird
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:49:44 pm »
That is simply beautiful!
I'm not into intarsia at all but, I know great work when I see it and that is great work!
I'm sure your wife will love and charish that for ever.


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