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Messages - TripleB

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Brag Forum / Re: Latest projects I have completed
« on: May 18, 2012, 06:20:18 pm »
WOW! Man DW, do you ever sleep? As usual more quality work, and the shell is really cool too!

Brag Forum / Re: Latest project
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:41:45 pm »
Nicely done Pete! Extremely clean cutting Bravo!

Brag Forum / Re: Gayle's end of trail
« on: May 16, 2012, 11:20:05 pm »
That is really nice Richard, Think it's time to drop the "thumbs" from your name!
BTW, I love the quote in your true!


Brag Forum / Re: Another Clock
« on: May 16, 2012, 11:16:33 pm »
Awesome work Gene, can't wait to see those colors pop once it's finished! You've been busy lately!

Brag Forum / Re: Tree boxes for jewelry 2
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:31:06 pm »
I love the concept simple yet usefull.

Brag Forum / Re: One Happy customer
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:28:44 pm »
Cheri, That really is a beautiful piece of work, I've always been partial to Oriental styles, you did an outstanding job on this.

Brag Forum / One More Portrait
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:44:51 pm »
Just finished cutting this one today. The couple just got engaged and they love their wine tasting weekends together. Cut this one out of Baltic Birch Ply 1/8" and used FDUR 1 blades. This one was fun to cut, but found myself drinking more than the usual amount of beer while doing it?? Showing original pic, my pattern and the finished cutting. It is 10"x 14" and still need to frame it. Thanks for looking.

Brag Forum / Latest Portrait
« on: May 12, 2012, 11:04:58 pm »
Just finished this one up, thought it came out pretty good, but by far not my best portrait. The Grandma who received it loved it, guess that's all that matters. Cut out of 1/8"BB, using FDUR 1's and 3's. Showing original pic, my pattern, finished piece.


The Coffee Shop / I need to Thank, DGman, Marmoh, RussC and Steve.
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:16:41 pm »
Some of you already know that I was invited to be a vendor at this years Lakeland Fl. Airshow starting Mach 27th, to show and sell my scroll saw work. This is an annual show that Features The US Air Forces Thunderbirds acrobatic air team. The show typically brings in an attendance of 200,000 to 300,00 people every year and last for six days. Preparing for a show like this can be overwhelming to a guy that just makes stuff in his garage.

This is where the Thank You's come in. I have had an enormous amount of help to prepare from Marion (Marmoh) and Dan (DGman), without their help I probably would have backed out of this event for the simple reason I would not have enough items to show and sell at the event.

Marion has made and shipped me over 170 items of jewelry, bowls and other things which is simply amazing, especially from some one I have yet to meet face to face. Dan has cut many projects for me as well and has also supplied items that he had previously made, that I will take to the show, again never having personally met.

Neither one of them are very good at tooting their own horn, so I'm going to do it for them! Not only have they supplied me with lots of stuff, the quality is amazing, stuff I am extremely proud to have at my tables. I have pictures on my face book page and I also list some of their items on my website So if you would like to see some of the awesome work they do please check the links in my signature below.

RussC (Our Moderator) has also joined the efforts to help supply items for the airshow, it's a lot easier since he lives a mile or two away from me, Russ will also join me at the show to help out. It will be very nice to have another scrollers experience at the show and I'm looking forward to having him there. Thanks Russ for the perfect 45's!

As for Steve, None of this would have happened had it not been for his selflessness in being willing to share his Hobby, his Knowledge and his time to allow others like myself to reap the benefits. Through Steve, I have made new friendships, started a fledgling business and even have a new "Mom" which is solely due to Steve and this forum. I simply can't express my gratitude to him enough with mere word's.

I apologize for this post being so long, but to me, it was necessary.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Down
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:45:43 pm »
I'm with Dan on the hot bath and stiff drink, well at least the stiff drink anyway!

I know what your going through, it's no fun, but it will go away!

The Coffee Shop / Congrats to Marmoh, On the birth of her new Son!!
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:41:09 pm »
Sometime in the recent past, Marmoh (Marion) gave birth to  a bouncing baby boy. At 6' long and weighing 215 pounds, I imagine it was quite a struggle for her. Though the name she came up with is a bit odd, she named him TripleB.

Her new son, amazingly, could already talk and type post on the internet at birth, so she didn't have to spend much money educating him. However, just like any mom, she constantly shares her knowledge, guides him and comforts him in those times of need, and even performs the occasional rescue.

TripleB could have never asked for a better mother and friend, and will try his best to remain the loving son she brought into this world.

Thanks for being my new "Mom", Mom!

The Coffee Shop / Re: Another 1st Place My Grandson Gage's Float
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:29:31 pm »
Great Job on the float Russ, Gage looks like a natural! Congrats on another 1st Place!

Brag Forum / Re: Bass oar
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:23:22 pm »
Beautiful work Gene!

I have a lil different take on the Garage sale thing. I held a garage sale last Sept. and threw my items on a table as an after thought. To make this short, I didn't sell any of my scroll saw projects, garage sale people aren't looking for new and unique, they are looking for old and cheap. With that said, It was the best thing I could have done!

One guy was so impressed with the work I made that he has become a regular customer, I have been making scroll saw crosses for him since then. The easy way to put my advice to you is, the more people that see your abilities, the better your chances are of meeting that unexpected someone that will want your talents. No I didn't make a dime selling my items at the Garage sale, but you never know who you are going to meet.

Also at the same garage sale, someone that I don't even remember, mentioned that there was a lil crafts show going on in November at an Storage company. I went, same result, sold one item, but I met another vendor there, she happens to be the director of the annual airshow, the one where the Thunderbird's or Blue Angels appear every year. The show is 6 days long, after seeing my items she invited me to be a vendor at the show, the Airshow starts on March 27th this year. So the bottom line is, it's not always about selling stuff, it's about the potential to show off what you can do to people you don't know! I would recommend that everyone has a garage sale and shows off their stuff, just don't reduce your cost to make a sale, some times you just get lucky! I got lucky enough to turn a garage sale into a business!

Good Luck to you.

Brag Forum / Re: Humming Bird
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:04:07 am »
Great job on the wood choices, really made it POP!

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