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Messages - Hawkdave

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Brag Forum / Re: Transit Police
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:57:48 pm »
You've been busy. That looks great, well done!!


Brag Forum / Re: Artisan and Talent Festival
« on: January 28, 2016, 03:54:18 pm »
Woody and Jake can be seen here;

Thanks for the link Donald. I loved every minute of it. You should have got first place with Grandpa Jake. :)


Intarsia / Re: Quick Corian Puffin Keyrack
« on: January 27, 2016, 08:53:13 pm »
Very nice, well done!!


Brag Forum / Re: Artisan and Talent Festival
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:29:25 am »
Wow, what a day......

I participated in the Hillsborough County (FL) 2016 Artisan and Talent Festival. Submitted several of my scrollsaw art works in the Crafts show and signed up for the Talent Show.

Came away a winner in both categories. Grandpa Jake and I, won 2nd place in the Talent Show (trophy), and my Scrollsaw Mini Grandfather won 2nd Place (ribbon, certificate and CASH) in the Craft Show.

By the way, you wouldn't have a Youtube video of you and Grandpa Jake for us to watch?

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Blade clarification please
« on: January 27, 2016, 02:24:46 am »
Yep Jim, I built my wife her own workbench in my shop. She turns up her radio and just has a blast! I put the sander and router table at her end of the shop, along with the various stains and let her do her thing!LOL I already figured out that the ladies; not men, buy more at craft and art shows, so, let her decide what would be more likely to sell! LOL I just stay at my end and run the saws! Of course, I am still the boss! ???


So, your still the boss hey!!!

I tried to find the right smiley above, but none fit the bill, so I had to find my own small smiley. LOL

Intarsia / Re: Harvest moon
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:18:48 pm »
Very nice piece Brian. Continue to Shine On (Harvest Moon) ::)


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Blade clarification please
« on: January 25, 2016, 01:31:57 am »
I have a question regarding blades, I'd really like to hear from those who have used the different one's I am describing and their opinions concerning which is better or better for this kind of scrolling or whatever you think needs mentioning to help a newbie.

Flying Dutchman
Scroll reverse - two up teeth at the bottom
Double reverse - two sets of up teeth at the bottom
Ultra reverse - two down teeth one up tooth, repeating
2-way cut - appears to be the same as Ultra reverse to me, yet it is cheaper but tpi does change some


Hi Jim....Thanks for bringing this subject up. I have picked up a lot from the replies. I was also wondering about blades and your query got some great replies.


Intarsia / Re: Red Kite Intarsia
« on: January 25, 2016, 01:27:51 am »
Hi Brian....What a fantastic piece. I love intarsia and you have made a great job of depicting a Kite. Well done!!


Brag Forum / Re: Artisan and Talent Festival
« on: January 25, 2016, 01:25:29 am »
Well done Donald. It is always great when quality craftsmanship is recognized.

Keep up the great work.


Brag Forum / Re: Analog clock with digital glitch
« on: January 23, 2016, 04:28:34 pm »
Hi robroy...Well done mate. I love quirky things like this and you have made an excellent job of this one.



Brag Forum / Re: First project made into a book!
« on: January 22, 2016, 05:15:34 pm »
Very nice robroy. I think the finished product looks great.


Introduce Yourself. / Re: Another Newbie
« on: January 22, 2016, 02:03:32 am »
Hi Terry and welcome to the forum.


Intarsia / Re: Sailboat door topper
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:10:34 pm »
Hi Crusty59....What a great intarsia and I really like the nautical design of this one. Well done mate!!


The Coffee Shop / Re: High temp of -2
« on: January 19, 2016, 02:11:07 am »
Wow!!! some pretty cool temperatures where you are.

In Aussie, we are in the middle of a record breaking heatwave. I live in Adelaide and the temperature over the last few weeks has been pretty high. It is not unusual to have day after day of temperatures around 40?celsius (104?f) When I am in my workshop, I can only do 30 minutes at a time because the thermometer shows it is another 10? hotter than outside. If I wait until night when it gets cooler, I have to be aware that my noise may upset the neighbours.
So, woodworking takes a back seat until the season changes and deals up some cooler weather. But on the bright side, I still have my garden to keep me busy.


Tutorials, Techniques and Tips / Re: Cleaning cast iron
« on: January 19, 2016, 01:59:14 am »
Dave, is this what you suggested?  If so, it contains phosphoric acid (10 to 30%) as does Rustkill (20%) so I suspect they would be similar products.

How did you get the Rustkill off the table after you treated it?  Water is suggested for Naval Jelly but it would be hard to take a hose to a large cast iron table saw top - it's in the basement.   :)

Thanks for the comment.

Sorry Jim...I missed the second part where you asked how to remove it. I used a rag and wiped off the excess, then cleaned with another rag and used mineral turps. After drying the rags completely, i disposed of them with the rubbish.
I then sanded the table after which, I put a coat of wax on.

Hope this helps


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