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Messages - jerry1939

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 38
The Coffee Shop / Hi Wombatie
« on: December 23, 2014, 08:57:22 pm »

Were these roos a few of the pets that you keep in your yard to take down drones that are spying on you??   :-\     :-\

Have a Blessed, Merry Christmas.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: spraying clear finish
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:22:02 am »
I have been using Rustoleum Clear Enamal on basswood carvings for years and also on scrolling that I started 3 years ago.  One thing to remember:  Prop your piece up from whatever it is sitting on to allow the propellant to also escape underneath.  Otherwise it doesn't want to spray into a corner.

Have never been a fan of the Krylon brand.  It seems more "watery" to me.


Ask Steve a question. / Your free pattern - Anchors Aweigh
« on: December 23, 2014, 11:09:53 am »
A huge Thank You for everything you do for the scrollers.  You certainly have no need to apologize for a spelling error.  English is a difficult (at times stupid) language. 

Example:  Why do we have a "ph" and "f" sound?

I spent much of my life on a farm.  Operated a COMbine.  When my sweet wife cooks, she comBINES ingredients.  Go figure.

A Merry & Blessed Christmas to you and all your family.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Words of Wisdom for today
« on: December 19, 2014, 10:19:35 pm »
Hi GranpaJim,

Nope, but give yourself a high five.  Good One!!


The Coffee Shop / Words of Wisdom for today
« on: December 15, 2014, 10:14:36 pm »
Those who fail to learn History are doomed to repeat it.

Those who fail to Clear History are doomed to explain it.


The Coffee Shop / The Grand Canyon - U.S.A
« on: December 13, 2014, 04:55:18 pm »

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Hello from a newbie with a question or two
« on: December 10, 2014, 04:26:44 pm »
Years ago, I had surgery on 1 eye.  Ended up with double vision, which is corrected by prisms in my regular eyeglasses.  However, double vision doesn't allow me to use the magnifier that you have.  I use this & like it much better.  It is never in the way for changing the blade or threading the blade into the wood.


The Coffee Shop / Lightening Map
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:36:07 am »

The Coffee Shop / Re: Remember my post concerning ....Hornet Nest.... ?
« on: December 06, 2014, 05:36:11 pm »

Sure would make a nice conversation on a fireplace mantle.  I'm sure the Lovely Mrs. would agree.   ;D   :D


The Coffee Shop / Baking Christmas Cookies
« on: December 06, 2014, 11:26:30 am »
Grandma & Grandson decided to bake some cookies.  Grandma said, "Sweetie, would you please read the directions and the list of ingredients to me, and double everything."

The Grandson started, "Preheat the oven to 700 degrees.............."

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Anyone interested in this?
« on: December 05, 2014, 11:17:08 am »
Hi Spirithorse,

I agree with you 100%.  I chose poorly for an example to show.  MY BAD!!  I have not personally done that pattern.

For pictures of what I was talking about, click on "Gallery."  On pages 1 & 2, look at LAMB OF GOD & CROWN OF THORNS, posted by jerry1939.

These types of patterns are what I meant.


Another way to get it "pretty good", if you have the equipment, is to saw the board into narrower strips.  Wide of strips depending on the amount of cupping.  Sand, route or jointer the sawed edges, turn every other piece over and glue it back together.  Be sure draw an arrow on the end of each piece before sawing, so that you don't end up gluing 2 pieces same side up.

None of your darn business how I learned that!   ;D   >:( 


General Scroll Saw Talk / Anyone interested in this?
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:09:57 pm »
I realize that a lot of you do stack cutting for craft shows  I am not interested in that.  I make a lot of Religious Crosses/Angels as individual gifts to the elderly.  A lot of patterns call for a separate Backer Board.  i.e.   I do it differently.  Make all the interior cuts first.  Next, glue it to the backer AND THAN CUT THE PERIMETER.  I think this looks more professional.


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