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Messages - Danny

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 112
Computer questions / Question Concerning BING....
« on: August 07, 2012, 11:39:04 am »
Howdy to ALL....  :+}
     Just had to buy a NEW PC....  H/P with Bukoos of Power n Memory.  It came set up with the BING toolbar.  I use Yahoo as my Home Page and always rely on Google which I keep in my favorites for searching.  Is keeping the BING toolbar good or not?  Never used it in the past.  Thanks for some info.  Danny  :+)

The Coffee Shop / Re: My favorite bird
« on: August 07, 2012, 11:17:04 am »
Yea you really Look Happy and Proud in that Pic.  Lucky you.  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: School gift
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:29:01 pm »
Now that is Cool....  Different way to make Jigsaw puzzles.  I Love It....Danny :+}

The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy Birthday Russ
« on: August 04, 2012, 07:12:23 pm »
Well Cry.cry....BUT....  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                                     HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
                                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ....RUSS....
                                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO....................YOU........
Danny   :+)

The Coffee Shop / Re: Happy Birthday Danny
« on: August 04, 2012, 07:09:33 pm »
Golly Gee Whiz I just feel so Fortunate to be a part of this Scrollsaw Family.
Thank you my Very Good Friend Marcel for starting this topic.  After reading
all of your replys I almost got a lil tear.  You all are so Great.  Thank You....:+)

Like Marcel said ....YES....  We had Computer problems.  Might of been one of them Viruis (sp) things, but the old PC was 5 years old and not a Quality one.

I am very, very Happy to say I am so, so Happy to be back....  Danny  :+)

Pattern Requests. / Re: Portrait Pattern of My Mother Please.... :+}
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:07:54 pm »
Thank you Judy for your Kind Feelings.  Didn't mention it, but this year she would of been 85 years young.  Still drove herself in her car.  Yes she was
an Amazing Woman.  Always gave to others even if it hurt her.  Anyway....:+}

Pattern Requests. / Portrait Pattern of My Mother Please.... :+}
« on: July 29, 2012, 12:49:52 pm »
I feel most of my Scrolling Family has read my posts concerning the death of my Mother....  Thank Everyone for their posts. 

I have not ever thought of scrolling a pattern of someone thats part of my family, but I have a Great Desire to do this now. 

I have went thru Many Pictures and these two are my favorites.
I would HOPE that our Great Designers could help me with the pattern.

My Sincerest Thanks sent in Advance....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Dragon Flys for Keefie
« on: July 28, 2012, 08:03:35 pm »
HI....Judy....  :+}  How did you know I really like Dragon Flys?  Along with the bigger version....Dragons....  You did a Wonderful job of cutting these....Danny

Brag Forum / Re: Latest projects
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:58:54 pm »
Boy....Only Wow!  On some of them cuts.  I just LOVE all.  And I especially would Love to cut the Jaguar.  You are Very Good at our Hobby....  Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: Another Project Cut
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:53:30 pm »
Hey Keith....  This project looks GREAT.  I would just LOVE to cut this myself.  Looking at the way you cut this is beyond compare.  Just Perfect....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: ZOTS
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:49:20 pm »
Judy....Seriously....  Zots just are not the way to go.  Like mentioned above they are not 100% dependable....  GLUE IS ....  Just give what ever your cutting a little more outside area and just put a few dots of glue in that area.  Clamp and wait maybe 5 minutes and start cutting.  I Swear by Ayleens....(SP)
                           Just my 2 cents, but I swear by it....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / God really Does Have His Ways.... :+}
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:03:32 pm »
Thanks go out to each and everyone for your kindness and warm thoughts.  I just had to post another thing concerning my Mothers Death Yesterday.  We are a BIG family.  Counting the kids there were 37 people around Moms bed for around 10 hours yesterday.  The Doctors told us when we authorized them to remove her life support that she would pass from 5 minutes to a day.  Slowly thru-out the day different families and friends went home.  At around 4:00 pm our immediate family talked it over and ALL of us decided to go home.  We did pay our LAST love to Mom before we left.
We barely arrived at home when we got a telephone call from the Adult ICU unit saying that Mom had taken her last breath and was pronounced dead.  The Nurse that called made this statement.
She had been with us all day and noticed most everything that went on.  Said she noticed her monitors acting differently from when we were all there.  She said and I DO BELIEVE that Mom was such a Proud, Loving Woman that she didn't want any of her family to see her die.  She waited them approx. 10 hours for all of us to leave before....  God is Good....  Danny  :+}

The Coffee Shop / Need You.... :+(
« on: July 17, 2012, 08:12:13 pm »
Hello to All my Scrolling Family....  Today was so, so sad for me and all my family.  Our Mother decided she was ready to start her new life in Heaven with all her Loved ones.  She has been fighting heart problems along with others for the past six months.  My Mother was 84 years old and we all feel she lived a life worthy of offering her an award for being always there to care for any and all people and situations.  She was a Care Giver for 10 years.  She lived with
5 different people during this time.  They are all gone now, but I just know each and everyone of them are just awaiting Moms entry thru them golden gates of Heaven with Jesus holding her had and leading her in.  Such a Wonderful feeling knowing she is in such a Beautiful place. 

Thank you all for being my friend.  I and all of my family will get over this and I will always believe....Life Will Go On....  Friends Forever    Danny  :+}

Brag Forum / Re: I WOOD personalized
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:40:01 pm »
Hey Frank....I really LIKE what you constructed very much.  I have seen Steves.
Just a note.  Is there anything wrong with not being excited about building a project like this?  I have never had or been excited about even owning a Cell.
                                                        Just lil ole me....  Danny  :+}

General Scroll Saw Talk / Have you seen Steves latest?
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:35:23 pm »
Wow!  Sue Mae has outdone herself on these designs.  All of them are simply Beautiful don't you think?  I will for sure be cutting I say ALL OF THEM.   Just a off the wall remark....I have really tried to be a designer, but fell short of achieving anything that I could say "I am Proud of", so just gave it up.  Just imagining how Sue does it is beyond my imagination.  Anyway....  Danny  :+}

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