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Messages - Rapid Roger

Pages: 1 ... 68 69 [70] 71 72 ... 98
Brag Forum / Re: Arsenic
« on: May 23, 2011, 06:49:15 pm »
A little at a time over a long period should do it.  ;)
But, I didn't know that they had cook books for it!!!  :o
Now I'm worried......Think I'll order delivery for supper.


Sounds like a BAD day all around for everyone!  ;D ;D


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: Finishing Question...
« on: May 19, 2011, 10:33:48 am »
Do you wear both a belt AND suspenders?

Just a joke son, just a joke.  ;D


Toy Makers / Re: The Little Church (Lighting) HELP !!!
« on: May 18, 2011, 09:50:17 pm »
Just buy a standard 6 foot indoor extention cord and cut the female end off.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Amazing kinetic structure
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:22:58 am »
That is KOOL!!!
Just don't strike a match near it!!
I wonder what glue he used?  ;D


The Coffee Shop / Re: Any router people out there??
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:28:19 pm »
Don't throw out the baby with the bath water! You can get a 1/2 collet for the router more than likely (you didn't say what router you have) and Bob's your uncle.
Your real problem is yet to come....Learning to use the dove tail jig....I finally gave mine to my brother...never liked either one of them much.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Will I live to be 80???
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:21:57 pm »
Couldn't agree more! If you can't enjoy life while you are living it, who cares how old you are when you die?


Brag Forum / Re: Mother's Day gift
« on: May 09, 2011, 09:35:22 am »
I like the cutting and the thought behind it as well as the thought that you cut into it.
I just have one suggestion. Have you thought about using fabric as a backer? My thought was covering the backer board with a plaid cloth or maybe using some squares from on of her quilting jobs. It would just add something to the whole theme of the cutting.


General Scroll Saw Talk / Re: iwood the new Science
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:07:01 pm »
Reminds me of the "Pet Rock" days.

ATFAB....Any Thing For A Buck.


The Coffee Shop / Re: Your Have Got To Be Kidding Me !!!
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:21:48 pm »
No way.....That guy wasn't born, he was hatched.


Toy Makers / Re: Take Tombo
« on: April 27, 2011, 10:47:14 pm »
I suppose that this is a stupid queston but, does yours work?I tryed to make one using gears and it is a dud. Too much mechanical drag I think. I may try one more along the lines of yours.....If it really works.


The Coffee Shop / Pre School
« on: April 26, 2011, 08:03:07 pm »
I just saw on the national news that some people are concerned about states and federal government may cut back on funding pre schools. They project that children will fall behind by twelve months on their education with out the proper funding????????
The pre school that they used as an example tought one half day in Spanish and one half day using English?????
My questions refer to "Fall behind who or what by twelve months?" Learning is a life time thing as far as i'm concerned.
The second question is "Why are we teaching pre schoolers Spanish along with English? Why not French or Russian or Japanese or why should they be taught anything besides the most common language of this country?"
And my last question is "Why should the American tax payer have to pay for "PRE SCHOOL"? isn't the standard Kindergarten through High School enough? It always has been in the past.


The Coffee Shop / Re: "Political Correctness" run amuk!
« on: April 25, 2011, 06:19:37 pm »
IT is NOT going to END, Julie!

IT is going to have to be STOPPED!

<end of politicizing!>


It casn't be stopped either....It just goes on and on, never ending, if someone is offended or MIGHT be offended it gets changed.
You might rember not long ago it was suggested that cows in feed lots should be stopped from having fatulance because of the methane gas! GET REAL PEOPLE!!
GETTING MADDER THAN HECK but we still have to put up with all the foolishness.


I understand about the silicone being bad for wood finishes but, he did not say automotive wax, he said PASTE wax.
I can't help but think that the salesman was just doing his job, trying to make another sale to a new customer.
I used to be a salesman but, I never used false information to get a sale.
Moreover he should have given a reason for telling a customer something that may or may not be true.


The Coffee Shop / Re: A quickie...
« on: April 22, 2011, 09:29:02 pm »
A woman walks into a bar with a duck under her arm. A drunk at the bar looks over and says "Where did you get that pig?" The woman says, "That's not a pig, that is a duck!" Then the drunk responds with "I was talking to the duck!"


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