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Topics - knottywoodcrafts

Pages: [1]
Pattern Requests. / Need Help
« on: May 09, 2013, 03:46:52 pm »
I am looking for a two wheeled buggy that is being pulled by two horses and driven by a woman.  Thank you in advance

Pattern Requests. / Hoverwing design
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:40:59 am »
Hello everyone, I am looking for a design for a RC hoverwing.  I have a great idea that I have on paper but I do not understand the dynamics of remote controlled hovercraft that can fly.  If anyone would like to assist me in tackling this project I am open for suggestions.  Many thanks in advance.  This would need to be a working model.

Tracy Ranson

Pattern Requests. / I am here to help if I can
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:35:55 am »
Hello everyone, I have been going through a bitter divorce and during part of that process my wife took all of my computers wiped the drives and I lost a couple thousand designs as well as other designs that I was working on for folks in the group.  My sincere apologies to anyone who I was not able to help in time.  I just got my computers back a couple days ago and I am ready to help if I can.  My email address is  I try to finish designs within a week or two and I will only post the design with your permission.  Feel free to contact me if you need assistance.  I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and celebrated the true meaning of Christmas and I also wish everyone will have a Happy New year full of joy and success.

Tracy Ranson

Introduce Yourself. / I'm just the new guy
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:04:57 pm »
Hello everyone,

To start this post off I must say that working with wood has been a long time hobby of mine and I wish that I had kept a portfolio of all the stuff that I have made over the years including the things that turned into firewood. 

I just lost my job today so I am a little upset.  It really could be a blessing in disguise.  I have been wanting to launch a small wood craft business and work has always been something of an interference, not any more.  I can make patterns, convert files to DXF and a few other odds and ends that I won't get into at the moment.  I really take pride in the work that I do, because I know that people work hard for their money, so I keep that in mind each and every time I produce a product or design for someone.

I also enjoy helping people...I learned through some good friends that if you help those in need and have a kind and glad heart in doing so, you are repaid ten fold.

Just as it says on the subject line, I'm just the new guy.  My brain is always thinking of new ideas but sometimes I don't always spell out in detail what I am looking for.

We have but one life to live and the best way to life it is making new friends, sharing our dreams and our ideas and making this world a better place to live.  I hope that I have not taken up too much of your time.  I wrote a three hour speech but decided to write from the heart.  Cheers!


Pattern Requests. / Just a heads ups
« on: September 09, 2011, 07:46:39 pm »
Hello Folks,

I am posting my intro in the pattern request section for good reason. I am disabled due to surgery that I had on my neck because I was losing the use of my arms.  The doctor placed me on a lot of restrictions, the company accepted those restrictions and now two months down the road they decide to let me go because I am a safety risk and cannot perform the task that I was hired to perform.  If you need a pattern done I would like to help. If you can afford a donation of a couple bucks for the pattern that would be great as well but not required.  I am not asking for a handout and will never ask for a handout but I am always willing to help in any way that I can because that's what Jesus would do.  Thank you for your time.


Pattern Requests. / Pattern request or perhaps a future idea
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:14:10 pm »
There is one thing that I have not found and that is patterns for heater vent covers.  I had a friend who made a bunch of them for her house years ago but she passed away a few years back and I never got any patterns from her.  The ideas that she had were amazing.   I have been kicking the same idea around for a few weeks now and might post my designs designs if there is an interest. 

Pattern Requests. / I need some help again
« on: August 28, 2011, 01:50:46 pm »
Hi Y'all my name is Tracy and my daughter is getting married this Friday and her married name will be Dart.  I have been looking all over for a clock pattern that resembles a regulation dart board but not as large.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  Thanks in advance.

Pattern Requests. / Cancer Awareness Ribbon
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:44:53 am »
Hello folks,

I am working on a projects and I am in desperate need of a cancer awareness ribbon in CorelDraw.  I have to be able to personalize each ribbons that I make that is the reason why I need the CorelDraw file. 

I am conducting a fund raiser for a friend of mine who has Large B-cell Non-Hodgkin?s lymphoma and his family is struggling financially.  I am new to CorelDraw myself so if any of you kind folks could help that would be awesome.

Thank you

Pattern Requests. / Newbie requesting pattern
« on: June 28, 2011, 02:40:49 am »
Hi Everyone,

I am building a small covered wagon and need patterns for front wheel and rear wheels.  The diameter of the rear wheel must be at least 4inches and the front wheels 3 inches.  Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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